My nieces 2013 Optima with the troublesome 2.4 engine started making noise intermittently and had never had the recall done to check it's bearings (SC147) because of her moving and not receiving mail. I took it in a few weeks ago and they couldn't duplicate the noise and did the yellow to red dipstick change along with an oil change. A few days after the car was picked up the noise re-appeared. My s-i-l is worried about her daughter taking the car back to college in New England due to the danger of engine seizure (which is mentioned in the recall). The car has 156K and at this point has little resale value. It's disappointing when you have no faith in a well maintained vehicle and H/K is definitely losing sales over their ongoing engine issues. My daughter had great experience with her 2008 Elantra but we went with a Mazda CX-30 over a Kona or Seltos due to concerns over their engines. You would think they would have fixed the problem immediately rather than letting it fester for years.