Why Do People Vape ?

Originally Posted By: Warstud
Are the people that Vape....ex-smokers? Or is it the cool thing to do nowadays.

What I've saw is the people are ex smokers and its disgusting and NOT cool at all
Originally Posted By: rooflessVW
Because they like it?

Because a fool and his money are soon parted?
It’s all those dang kids! What with their vapor pipes, rock and/or roll music, and mobile telephones!

[shakes cane disapprovingly from rocking chair]
There was a news article just this week about a girl that vaped and the vapor irritated her lungs causing respiratory failure. They had to drain her lungs of fluid.

Then there was another one this week about a guy found on fire in a burning home, cause of death was the battery blew up in the e-cig causing shrapnel to fly into his skull.

I don't understand it, but then again I don't understand smoking either. Paying to put this garbage in your body and having all of the residual health effects (and not to mention the smelly cars, definitely a no no

Then it gets annoying at work. At every entrance the usual mobs of d-bags with their cigarettes and e-cigs blowing huge plumes that people have to walk through. Sometimes they hide in doorways and you almost bump into them, like homeless panhandlers without the panhandling. Usually they spend fifteen minutes joking around with each other or using their phone and smoking. They must do this what, six times a day? While the rest of us saps have work to do...
Helps some people quit smoking, and although there hasn't been much time and studying on health effects, it probably isn't as bad for you.

Plus people can choose from hundreds of different flavors and all that a stuff.

For me, I'd never do it though. Don't see the need.
Why do people smoke?
-grew up with smoker parents (like chimneys). Hated it
-Smoking was allowed in bars when I first started going out with friends. Hated it.

Why do people dip?
-spitting stinky lip juice into a 20 oz soda bottle is pretty gross, but doesn’t bother me

Why do people drink energy drinks over coffee or tea?
-I worked at a gas station way back when RedBull first started out. I nearly gagged when I first tried it, thinking the energy “soda” had gone bad!
-I’ve kind of acquired a taste for energy drinks, though I only have a few per year (if you don’t drink them often they WILL keep you awake on road trips...for a bit longer than coffee, at least)

Why do people eat food that is bad for them?
-I actually enjoy healthy fruits, veggies, etc., but that’s not what I crave when I want to snack. As humans, I think our 1st world brains can’t handle the surplus of readily available, bad calories. We’re still in pre-historic feast/famine, binge mode, and have to force ourselves to be good. Well, at least I do...

People do things because they like it, are pressured into doing it, or they feel they need to do it (cig quitter). Is this news to anyone regarding anything regarding the human race??
Originally Posted By: hatt
Because they want to ...

... have health problems in their old age.
Originally Posted By: Mr Nice
Vaping will give you ‘popcorn lung’ and just as bad as smoking tobacco.

Any legitimate studies on that? Just curious.