Why Do People Vape ?

Nicotine is addictive. Once you start (agreed, it is silly to start but many still do) it is a tough addiction to break. I know, I finally broke the addiction 15 years ago.
Originally Posted By: Wolf359
Originally Posted By: ZeeOSix
Might as well, we all die in the end anyway.

Yeah, but what's the rush?

Suicide is considered a mental illness.

It was sarcasm ... of course I don't want to die in agony from abusing my body with chemical. But some people do.
Originally Posted By: Warstud
Are the people that Vape....ex-smokers? Or is it the cool thing to do nowadays.

I do it to quit smoking. Have not had a cigarette in 3 months now.
I try to zip my lip when it comes to my opinions of other folks habits that I view as disgusting. But I will also minimize my contact with them as much as possible. Occasionally, I have to make brief allowances for a few family/friends that I care about, but usually that is not a huge problem.
I barely see anyone vaping nicotine anymore. In many parts of the country it is Marijuana concentrate. Some strains are for recreational use but many have strong health benefits.
Lots of fake , counterfeit vape juices / flavors causing people to get very sick and end up with lung damage.

Be careful what you buy.
Because big tobacco was finally seeing declining sales after a couple of decades of putting out commercials telling their product will give you lung cancer that will either kill your or require you to get mutilated by doctors to save what is left of you. Smoking wasn't cool any more forced outside in huts etc. Enter the vape. Initially accepted everywhere and the smoke disappears magicly in the air when exhaled. nice and clean. :)

Just a new way to package the same additive product in a now socially accepted manner. Not saying they are the only one. Coke and McDonalds are just as addictive to some people. Put them on water and a salad diet and they shrivel down to nothingness with a bad attitude. :)
Because big tobacco was finally seeing declining sales after a couple of decades of putting out commercials telling their product will give you lung cancer that will either kill your or require you to get mutilated by doctors to save what is left of you. Smoking wasn't cool any more forced outside in huts etc. Enter the vape. Initially accepted everywhere and the smoke disappears magicly in the air when exhaled. nice and clean. :)

Just a new way to package the same additive product in a now socially accepted manner. Not saying they are the only one. Coke and McDonalds are just as addictive to some people. Put them on water and a salad diet and they shrivel down to nothingness with a bad attitude. :)
I talked to a few medical field friends. They tell me people that vale have more throat problems and other problems. I’d love for my pops (real dad) to stop chewing SKOAL but time will tell. He hasn’t saw a dentist in a LONG TIME EITHER
The base reason is that they want nicotine. The secondary reason is that they were fooled into believing that it is a healthier version of tobacco smoking, so in the name of health, they now vape. The joke is on them. RIP to the ones who died from the complications it caused.
Maybe it’s just me, but it seems to be less of a thing now than when this thread was made.

Used to see people all the time right outside store entrances... vaping. Very agonizing.
Laws recently changed whereas as a consumer, you can not get vape juice or vape products mailed to your house, i.e., no more online sales. You have to go to an actual vape shop. I can see how that vehicle could be abused by teens, but really sucked for me, now paying twice the price for vape juice as I did when I could order it on line. There will be a way eventually. Just like roll your own tobacco. When I use to actually smoke, I'd buy cigarette tobacco and the tubes on line and make my own. Then, they passed a law, and the price of cigarette tobacco quadrupled. Well, screw that. But, they didn't pass that cost on to pipe tobacco, which is the the exact same thing but cut differently. Made no sense. That's when I switched to vaping and have not had a cigarette in over 11 years and can still "get after it."