Do similar personalities mesh the best when married?

I’ve noticed that many commercials now show mixed raced couples. I think to myself marketing isn’t based on nothing. This must sell…
It doesn't sell anything. It's all based on fear of being accused of being "racist". It's the reason when you turn on a television today you would think blacks were 85 percent of the current population, not 13 percent.

For God's sake they went as far as renaming Aunt Jemima pancake mix. The woke insanity continues.
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I think it comes down to the fact that women in some degree need to be lead. Women with men that are weak or won’t take the reins when necessary will loose respect for that man and maybe even harbor resentment.
Truth. Leading your household doesn't mean you are a domineering dictator, it means you seek to love, protect, and serve as head of the house. Unfortunately there are too many boys masquerading as men.
Being married for a long time doesn’t automatically mean the marriage is happy or healthy. There are plenty of miserable couples out there who will never divorce one another. That is stubbornness not happiness.

I think couples work better when there is the balance of different personalities and perspectives. But the morals and values have to be aligned. Opposite attraction is not binary. It is supposed to be complimentary. If you are too opposed then you end up pulling against each other vs balancing each other out.

That is my opinion/observation anyways.
Being married for a long time doesn’t automatically mean the marriage is happy or healthy. There are plenty of miserable couples out there who will never divorce one another. That is stubbornness not happiness.
Some couples stay together out of spite and because they enjoy making each other m🤯
I think couples work better when there is the balance of different personalities and perspectives. But the morals and values have to be aligned. Opposite attraction is not binary. It is supposed to be complimentary. If you are too opposed then you end up pulling against each other vs balancing each other out.
Everything is about balance. Without balance energy gets wasted in a neverending effort to keep things together.
Some couples stay together out of spite and because they enjoy making each other m🤯

Everything is about balance. Without balance energy gets wasted in a neverending effort to keep things together.
My mom said my aunt (her sister) and uncle don’t speak. They are the most well off of all our relatives, but live like it’s 1978. Very little luxury for themselves. Boston suburbs with investment properties. They live for grandchildren which imho is normal…

One thing that Bitog would appreciate, still has a 1970’s Ariens that got used through about 2015….
Being married for a long time doesn’t automatically mean the marriage is happy or healthy. There are plenty of miserable couples out there who will never divorce one another. That is stubbornness not happiness.
I agree but I’d be willing to wager that in a forum and discussion like this anyone posting their years of marriage feels their marriage is a success.
My mom said my aunt (her sister) and uncle don’t speak. They are the most well off of all our relatives, but live like it’s 1978. Very little luxury for themselves. Boston suburbs with investment properties. They live for grandchildren which imho is normal…

One thing that Bitog would appreciate, still has a 1970’s Ariens that got used through about 2015….
They may have progressed to nonverbal communication. 😶😶
Eh, my wife and I have very different personalities (I'm an introvert that LARP's at being an extrovert out of necessity at times, she's genuinely outgoing and social) but have common values and aspirations for our children, how we want to live for the most part, where we want to live and a passion for each other that has been unwavering for 26 years, long before we were married.

There is a LOT we differ on in terms of hobbies, people (I dislike people, generally), personality (I'm obsessive and logical to a fault, she's emotionally-driven but always willing to re-evaluate her position based on evidence, even though she tells you she isn't), organization (ADHD brain, I have "organized clutter", which drives her nuts), money (I manage it, she doesn't want to think about it), entertainment (we watch very different things), music (we listen to completely different genres)...etc.

But, we both enjoy each other's company, be it just snuggling on the couch, fishing or ATV'ing. I also have a tremendous amount of respect for her brutal honesty and fierce loyalty, always knowing where you stand with somebody who will never play games or not tell you exactly how they feel, for somebody with my personality, I can't express how much of a stress avoidance that is.

People are complex chemistry. Trying to distill it down to two possibilities (opposites attract or only like personalities will persist) isn't possible.
Let's get married; make your 401k our 401k :ROFLMAO:
Omg I don’t even want to investigate or fact check, but a retired friend told me he cannot withdraw from his own 401 without wife’s authorization? He worked for Vanguard. I said that’s nuts. He withdrew like $400.
I agree but I’d be willing to wager that in a forum and discussion like this anyone posting their years of marriage feels their marriage is a success.
Successful and functional are easily confused. If both parties feel it is a good marriage then so be it. I cannot decide that for others.

I have been in a miserable yet functional marriage and a happy and healthy one. Which is my current marriage obviously. Both functioned but only one truly made me happy.

Some people are just going through the motions and calling it thriving when in reality it is just surviving. My 2 cents anyways.
Successful and functional are easily confused. If both parties feel it is a good marriage then so be it. I cannot decide that for others.

I have been in a miserable yet functional marriage and a happy and healthy one. Which is my current marriage obviously. Both functioned but only one truly made me happy.

Some people are just going through the motions and calling it thriving when in reality it is just surviving. My 2 cents anyways.
When people say that "a relationship requires, work and sacrifice" it sounds tedious to me and makes me think they haven't found a good match. I'm not talking about small stuff where compromises are necessary but big stuff that ends up tearing relationships apart. A few years ago I knew an overly lovely lady but she would have been a terrible match for me because of some fundamentally different views. She found happiness with a district attorney, I hear.

I have met couples that always present as one front and refer to themselves only as "we." Not as in "We would like to invite you for dinner" but as in "We don't go boating. We like to go wine tasting." "We like to think positive." "We this and we that." Wee-wee people without their own voice. I don't enjoy sitting in an echo chamber, whether that's my office or my living room.

I realize that I have said more than anybody asked to know. How ironic. :ROFLMAO:
Here is an interesting quick video of an engine rebuilder in Utah and his Wife. Dave is likely going to be a reality TV star on the Discovery Channel on how he runs his machine shop/ automotive repair business.

It was good to see the dynamics between his Wife and himself. I also caught Dave's self-awareness- he likes "the smell of diesel" as opposed to being in a meeting all day.
