Do similar personalities mesh the best when married?

Eh, my wife and I have very different personalities (I'm an introvert that LARP's at being an extrovert out of necessity at times, she's genuinely outgoing and social) but

There is a LOT we differ on in terms of hobbies, people (I dislike people, generally), personality (I'm obsessive and logical to a fault, she's emotionally-driven but always willing to re-evaluate her position based on evidence, even though she tells you she isn't), organization (ADHD brain, I have "organized clutter", which drives her nuts), money (I manage it, she doesn't want to think about it), entertainment (we watch very different things), music (we listen to completely different genres)...etc.

I also have a tremendous amount of respect for her brutal honesty and fierce loyalty, always knowing where you stand with somebody who will never play games or not tell you exactly how they feel, for somebody with my personality, I can't express how much of a stress avoidance that is.

People are complex chemistry. Trying to distill it down to two possibilities (opposites attract or only like personalities will persist) isn't possible.
I am wondering if our Wife's are identical twins separated at birth.....
My parents were opposites personality wise.
So were mine; my Mom full throttle, my Dad coasting. Both were college graduates, which was rare for that era (born in '24 and '26). They were married 59 years until my Mom died from an unnecessary surgery. Even with them surviving 59 years together they had a lifelong contempt for each other. I felt like a referee in a boxing match.

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I agree about values and a lot of the other stuff being said, but I heard something not long ago now that I'm in a place where I may be dating again after my wife passed away. Compatibility is the result of love, not it's precondition. I think sometimes when seeking a partner, we're mistakenly looking for the perfect match whether we realize it or not. That's impossible. For me, she just has to be the right match and have the willingness to work together to work out the details and grow together.