The Deep Clean Scam

My first post listed all of that.
I don't want to be overly repetitive 😊
And did they see any cracks in the root of the bad tooth? You never said one way or the other if any crack(s) were detected. I'm assuming not, but sometimes and X-ray won't find a crack if it's slight.
And did they see any cracks in the root of the bad tooth? You never said one way or the other if any crack(s) were detected. I'm assuming not, but sometimes and X-ray won't find a crack if it's slight.
No I seen them all myself and no cracks or nothing just infected. They did note no cracks. It seems retreats and extractions are very common.

At this point I think the real Endo might find it...hope not..
Monday, I woke up with an abscessed tooth. It was a 20-year-old root canal that
decided to go full bore with pain. Only root canal I have ever had, and I still have all my teeth.
My dentist is no longer in business, and I have to go in network with my new provider.
I called around and was offered from 30-90 days just to be seen. Yes really.

I found a local dentist that I called, and they said we can see you mid-September.
With this kind of pain, I would be dead. lol

I got educated pretty quick as I only go when I have an issue.
The local dentist started off the conversation with how clean are your teeth?
When was the last time you were at a dentist and all of that.
I told her thanks, but I need to resolve this sooner than later.

Thirty minutes later she called back and said If I could get there in one hour, they have an opening.
Bear in mind she was told my exact situation in detail. So, I get there and fill out 20 minutes of forms which is normal.
Do I see the dentist... nope. I get 18 x-rays and my teeth cataloged with pictures.

They start trying to sell the "deep cleaning" nonsense and are contacting my insurance.
I said I am not here for that. The #19 tooth is the issue.
I see the dentist for 5 minutes and she says we don't do the retreatment here . You have to go to an Endodontist for

So, they hook me up 60 miles away and I have to wait until 8/22 for that.
This whole visit was nothing but a scam and after this I read up on the deep cleaning and it
simply is a deep wallet flush.

This is not an attack on dentist as my old one was great and never tried stuff like this ever.
After more reading this seems to be the new scam, and many say the deep cleaning at nearly $2000 was
simply a regular cleaning and nothing more. Live and learn.

I try not to go to doctors as personally I never get any resolution.
My general doctor has had his staff weekly call me that I have to get in there quickly.
I finally agreed and she said we can see you October 16th.
I told her I am starting a new insurance in October, and you are not in my network.

Further calls for my tooth issue resulted in either we are not accepting new patients or several months out.
got similar treatment here form Drs, Zee. Get yourself some tooth trays and start treatment with Colloidal Silver ASAP, bro. that will cure the infection as long as you keep the tooth saturated in CS every couple of hours or so. the teeth whiteneing trays will keep the CS solution on the tooth, as well as get some forced in between your teeth with a hook nose syringe from a dentist or chemist / pahrmacy. Best thing is to have that root canal tooth removed totally. they are store houses for bad bacteria, even if they are not painful. teeth are so close to your brain, any infection must be treated asap. Those dentists are disgusting reprobates for not treating your toothache as an emergency. utter morons. You can also try packing clay around the tooth to help remove the pain and heat of the infection. eave about an hour between the CS and the clay treatments.
this is a great worthwhile read - Allan-K-Sutton-Colloidal-Silver-My-Story-Book-4thEdition.pdf
I got educated pretty quick as I only go when I have an issue.
Do you only do your brakes when they start metal on metal grinding? Only change your tires when they wear off all the tread and then through the core? Only change the oil when it's sludge so thick the engine refuses to turn? Just curious if you and your vehicle get equal treatment. Might want to rethink some stuff. No offense, just typing out loud.
Do you only do your brakes when they start metal on metal grinding? Only change your tires when they wear off all the tread and then through the core? Only change the oil when it's sludge so thick the engine refuses to turn? Just curious if you and your vehicle get equal treatment. Might want to rethink some stuff. No offense, just typing out loud.
Actually I am the exact opposite and trying not to overly sweat the details as much as before. I'm not a member here because I am a maintenance slacker.

Right now I have doctor fatigue from a very serious illness I just went through.
Actually I am the exact opposite and trying not to overly sweat the details as much as before. I'm not a member here because I am a maintenance slacker.

Right now I have doctor fatigue from a very serious illness I just went through.
That can definitely color one's viewpoint. I'm sorry you had to deal with that. I'm just big on do stuff regularly before issues arise whether automotive, physical or dental health. Good luck resolving it.
I actually agree with PWMDWD’s comment about mouth health being a forward indicator of body health. There’s plenty of data that even I agree with there. What I was saying is a scam are all the layers of insurance bureaucracy and caveats in policies to trip people up into owing more money.

Like how my 22 minute knee arthroscopy and half-hr recovery was billed to insurance at nearly $34k all-in; after my insurance “adjusted” things I owed about $3k, which was all to meet my deductible so I paid 100%, on top of the nearly $400/mo I’ve been paying Anthem while never using coverage over 15 years. Yet someone on a “public” government-subsidized health exchange plan pays $10/mo for “insurance” and would likely get a bill for no more than $300 after all was said and done, maybe even zero.

Lawyers and politicians have ruined our country. /rant 😂
Someday you will have no deductible assuming you live long enough, its called medicare, hopefully you do after you have been paying for that your entire working life and its a great system.

Without question take care of your mouth, (I'm still looking for PWMDWDs comment in here... it's evading me but I am sure that is what he preaches. A mouthful of bad bacteria travels through your body, not good for the heart area regarding heart disease and could not agree more.
Maybe they are, and deep cleanings are not covered, even in network. ...
Not correct, you are ruling out all insurance based on your experience. Deep cleanings are covered by many, including Medicare supplement plans. It it wasnt legit it would not be covered.

"Preventive and diagnostic coverage includes: Dental exams. X-rays. Routine cleanings. Fluoride. Fillings. Deep cleanings. Crowns and bridges. Extractions. Root canals. Dentures. Anesthesia. Dental implants."

The above was a quote from UHC Supplemental Medicare Dental coverage ( I didnt bold type it, that was them) They do have restrictions on how many quadrants can be done to 1 every two years.

Also if it wasnt legit the largest dental insurance company would not say this (unrelated to UHC medicare)

I assume your comments weren't in regard to any posts he made in this thread or call me crazy I cant find any @PWMDWD
I went our dentist for a molar when the filling fell out. Was told I needed a root canal or extraction. I tried the extraction Idea but was told it would be 6 weeks later and they sent me an estimate of $3600 to pull my molar. Anesthesia was included in that. I think I will go back for the root canal after all.
Not correct, you are ruling out all insurance based on your experience. Deep cleanings are covered by many, including Medicare supplement plans. It it wasnt legit it would not be covered.

"Preventive and diagnostic coverage includes: Dental exams. X-rays. Routine cleanings. Fluoride. Fillings. Deep cleanings. Crowns and bridges. Extractions. Root canals. Dentures. Anesthesia. Dental implants."

The above was a quote from UHC Supplemental Medicare Dental coverage ( I didnt bold type it, that was them) They do have restrictions on how many quadrants can be done to 1 every two years.

Also if it wasnt legit the largest dental insurance company would not say this (unrelated to UHC medicare)

I assume your comments weren't in regard to any posts he made in this thread or call me crazy I cant find any @PWMDWD
Being covered or legit doesn't mean it's required.
No issues with the other comments.
The issue from the start was do you ask a prospective patient over the phone how clean are their teeth... and totally ignore everything else?
If I called about teeth cleaning or the lucrative deep cleaning I could understand. I didn't.

That right there stinks no matter how others here try to spin it.... When I arrived the agenda was clear before I even sat in the chair...

I'm sure some need the service and it's beneficial but you don't make it your primary business unless it's just a money making opportunity.
Nothing done to this date
The other thing that stinks is the recommended Endo has my insurance but when asked if they accept it they ignored that question. So I am calling to check up on that now...
I was told they would contact me about it but haven't and so that was the delay.

Scammers usually recommend other scammers... Yeah I feel a new reaming coming but it's not about the dental industry but a specific dentist I will never go back to.
I just found this review on my dentist. Yes you have to take all reviews with a grain of salt.. certainly not sugar..
That said this pretty much sums up my exact visit to the T.

Anything medical / dental / veterinary related is almost always only about how much money they can get out of you first. If the treatment was necessary or works is secondary to them. They will also do everything that they can to pad your bill.
Do you have an office full of assistants, payments on sophiscated medical equipment, phones, malpractice insurance, utilities? How much schooling and and what costs? The word "rip-off" is thrown around a lot on this forum form guys who brag a DIY oil change costs them $20.00.
I applaud those who can do a DIY oil change for $20 (assuming they are scoring a "Supertech or better," oil and a filter. Not exactly sure how this relates to a dental cleaning charge of $2,000 and the price of dental equipment. That price seems high to me, based on my experience. $20 for DIY LOF seems a little low. I am sure it costs a fortune to equip, staff and insure a dental office. So what?