Do people still fall for these internet scams?

If Apple and Amazon weren’t evil they would require retailers to conduct an interview before selling gift cards totaling over $25. Especially Apple because almost all their gift cards are redeemed for digital media that doesn’t require a physical address for delivery.

I think most retailers are now asking what the gift cards are for before selling them.
........."your two Boxes of Consignment Box worth $9.5M Nine Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars which I have been instructed by United Nations Compensation Commission(UNCC) to be delivered to you"........

........"the only thing that is still keeping me here is the Yellow Tag which is not placed on the boxes, one of the Airport Authority has advise that we get the yellow tag so that I can exit the airport immediately and make my delivery successful. I try to reason with them and they stated the yellow tag will cost us just $100 Dollars only to get the two tag placed on the boxes as that tag will enable deliver today"........

No problem. Take the $100 from my $9.5 million, and use it to buy the necessary tags. That will leave me with an even, $9,499,900.00. Thanks for contacting me, I will be anxiously waiting the arrival of both of my boxes today!...... And thank you again for your accurate, prompt, and honest courier services!
One thing that upsets me pretty bad is I've come to realize that many people, I mean a HUUUUGE portion of the population, does not listen intently to many people who are their friends/family and speak to them honestly face-to-face, who they see often, who they know, but instead believe every single word and remember things word-for-word from people they see on TV and hear on Radio.

My mother and MIL can't remember what I have told them an hour ago, but both can tell me WORD FOR WORD what the weather is "supposed" to be tomorrow or what some elected official did (or didn't do).