Why would people steal a bunch of mailboxes ?

Jul 14, 2020
Freind sent me a text telling me his culdesac row of mail boxes got stolen last night . Frame and everything else is still there so it was not run over

Why would people steal mailboxes? It’s Sunday so no mail being delivered . I assume it’s for the scrap metal ?
Kids doing a "horror" nothing more. They should go back to filling paper lunch bags full of dog poo, lighting it and ringing the door bell at 11pm just to watch the guy out there stomping it it out in his slippers.
Classic! Todays kids have no fun like we did.
My guess is that Tweekers stay up days and don't know what day of the week it is. Ours have been robbed on sunday mornings too
they stole around 12 mailboxes. not sure about druggies as his area is a housing development where the housed are 1.75 to 2.5 mil $ . the frame and everything is still there except the mailboxes .
Smashing pumpkins. And not the band, which sucked IMO. And I grew up in the era when I was supposed to like them -- the band that is.

We did literally smash pumpkins once. It was decidedly stupid, even while I was doing it. I guess I thought it would be more exciting. Hopefully I'm smarter now, but SWMBO says probably not.