So for those who are uncomfortable with my posts, here are my responses and I'll only say this once.
I file because of some very unacceptable behaviors of my ex. We basically got kicked out of counseling on the first visit because of her behavior and trait, and the counselor basically suggested divorce almost immediately. My psychologist told me she is doing a minor mental abuse on me. We get along well and don't fight in front of kids, we don't bad mouth each other. The kids don't know what she did because I know kids' image of self is based on their perception of their parents until they grow up. So I will let them know eventually when they are grown up (maybe 18, maybe 20, but definitely when they are finally adult at the earliest).
I honestly don't know if I want to waste time on another woman at the moment. I have enough on my plate so I don't want to deal with screen out the crazy ones, worrying if I favor her over my kids, whether I have to deal with her kids, and whether this will be another financial and emotional drain. Hence the questions. I am not divorcing because I want to meet other women (on the contrary I am relieved I don't have to deal with ANY woman romantically).
I am just worried that I would gradually turn into the equivalent of a crazy cat dude, and that would impact my relationship with my kids later on in life (i.e. them feeling like dad is too clingy because he is all alone). Career, travel, hobbies, workout in the gym, tutoring kids, etc are enough on my plates.