How did you meet your wife/husband/partner/significant other?

We met in 1977 through mutual friends though we had only spoken on occasion. One day I did ask her out on a lunch date and then to a summer picnic where we both could be around lots of friends. Then we started hanging out more & more, meeting each other’s family and each other’s more close friends. Ultimately we married in 1980.
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We've worked together for the last 10-ish years. but she was dating a real schlub most of that time...
about a year ago he dumped her out of the blue, either just before her birthday, or a trip they had planned to take... I forget.
we've been slowly circling each other for a while, actually started dating back in Nov. (she's my first GF in nearly 20 yrs, 7 yrs younger than me)

now how did we first meet... she was working at the Local KFC, and I came in on my lunch Break. I kinda stumbled over my order, but she knew exactly what I meant, they she sparked up the small talk, asking about my job, as she had just applied for the same position. ( We work at a Grocery store) I could tell right away there was...something there, it only took me 10 years to work up the courage to say anything... oh yeah, she was dating someone else for most of that time....

so far, no complaints on my end, and she seems happy with me.

going away for a few days mid week next week for a "weekend away" ( there are no real weekends off in retail), this will be our first couples trip, and first time we get to spend the night together....(we're both Adults, but both live with parents.... "sleepovers" get a bit awkward in your parents house in your 30's/40's.)

I didn't intend for the trip to be on Valentines day, that's just where it ended up falling...
memories, before my wife or I had cell phones (of course kids didn't really have them in the early 2000s), we would text message on AIM (AOL Instant Messenger) all the time. I think AIM is now shut down?
Good golly... my freinds an I went through ICQ, AiM, and MSN Messenger. for a while I even had a program that would let you run all 3 messengers in one Dock on your desktop. (Trillian maybe?) ahh the days of yore....

is it strange that I find this sound Oddly soothing?...
We met at a party at one of my buddy's house. About 25 of us cops from the same shift and we invited lots of other folks. I brought a date who was on our shift that I was seeing for awhile, but we were kinda on the outs. One of the other guys met a woman at a football game and invited her over. She ended up bringing a whole bunch of her friends and I left with one of them. It'll be 22 years of wedded bliss in April.
We both worked at the same newspaper when that’s how people got their news. She was interested in another guy who flew in and out of her life. I didn’t have a lot of time to pursue her since I always seemed to be busy with one thing or another when not working but when she got got to know the real me, the relationship took off. It’s been super everyday since.
Good golly... my freinds an I went through ICQ, AiM, and MSN Messenger. for a while I even had a program that would let you run all 3 messengers in one Dock on your desktop. (Trillian maybe?) ahh the days of yore....

is it strange that I find this sound Oddly soothing?...

It's the sound of a simpler time.
Met in a Yahoo chatroom about 20 years ago. Married for the last 18. Lots of challenges met together in that time. The early years were pretty good but the way she has treated me lately makes me think that maybe this marriage has run it's course.
We met pre-internet.
I was engaged to someone else.
Engagement exploded in a rather ugly fashion in the midst of making wedding plans.
Family and friends did the usual "You gotta get out and get back on the wagon " speech.
There used to be a monthly local magazine called "Single Scene" that was sold at the local newsstands.
It was like a buck a issue to purchase, and it was printed on newsprint.
It was full of personal ads, that one could answer in letter form, by sending the response to the publication in a stamped envelope, that was forwarded to the person placing the ad.
I ended up placing the ad. She answered it. We hit it off, despite an almost six year age difference.
She really gambled on me, because there was a whole lot of drama post breakup that she had to wade through. She did so like a champ.
However, we dated for two years, and have been married 28.
Technically, she should have been my rebound girl.
So sometimes, the rebound girl is the one that sticks. All is good.
I frequented the local water hole. One of my friends brought in a girl. She caught my eye instantly. I didn't talk with her then. They came over to my place after the bar closed that night. I remember a conversation about relationships coming up between her & I. I remember her saying "Well, I hope you find your special somebody". I ended up asking her if she was pregnant in a flirty joking way. Little did I know she had Scoliosis that made her pooch stick out a bit... woops! :oops:

The drinks kept going down & I let her know that I believe we had a lot in common. She went on home that night to talk all about me to her close friend. She messaged me on facebook to try & meet up again. I think it was a local July 4th fireworks show. Got to know each other well & we've been married for 11 years now. We were going to get married on 11-11-11 BUT it was Veterans day that day so we settled on 11-10-11.

I ended up adopting her son. One of the greatest moments of my life. We spend 24/7 together & have hardly any issues. The greatest perks of my life are my marriage & son.

Here's a 26yr old me & the fam. You can also pick out the 98' Eldorado I rolled in at the time.


Cake in each other's face. :p

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Met at work. Office environment.

We hid the relationship for a few months, then told a couple of trusted, common friends that were co-workers. After a while, a few people started figuring it out. They were front-desk admin assistants.

Sooner or later, everyone knew. We were never "talked to" about it from company officers/HR/etc. Probably because of how we conducted ourselves while in the office before anyone could ever imagine/guess and after the cat was out of the bag. We also didn't work in the same department nor did our departments interact with each other. I left the company about 18 months after it started, we married about a year after that and are still married today. May will be 14 years.
I was at a brothel in Bangkock and there, in the red light glow behind a diaphanous curtain .... whoops, wrong story ...

I was teaching Photoshop and Photography at the local senior center, and on the days I taught I'd have lunch in the cafeteria. I noticed a woman who was actively engaging many of the people in the room, and she spoke with a most fascinating and hard-to-determine accent. And when she spoke, she moved her hands for emphasis, like Bernstein conducting the Philharmonic. I was attracted to her immediately, and quite curious about her.

To my surprise, she walked into my class several days later. She'd signed up to take the Photoshop class. She painted watercolors and wanted to learn how to make greeting cards from her artwork. Over time we'd eat lunch together, and meet in the center's lobby just to talk. The more I knew about her, the more interested I became. She was of European background and grew up in Argentina after spending her earliest years on her grandfather's tea plantation in the jungle of Paraguay. That explained her unique accent. And that's how we met and how our relationship started.

There was more, of course, but from our first "official" date on Memorial Day weekend in 2010 when we hiked up to Coit Tower from Washington Square Park in SF, we were together almost every day. We were together for twelve years.


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My wife was previously married with a small son who my sister in law babysat for. At the time I shared a house with my brother and SIL. I worked construction and on rain days I'd often see her when she came by to pick up Jeremy. My SIL and a friend of ours cooked up a scheme and said I should ask her out. I did, we went on one date and that was it until I asked her out about a year later. This time we dated about a year, married and spent over 32 years together before she passed away with cancer in Aug. '22. Meeting and marrying her is definitely one of the best things that's happened to me in my lifetime. My biggest regret is we didn't get more time together. I used to be bad when someone asked how long we'd been married of saying something like "too long" or "a lifetime", I can now honestly say it wasn't long enough.