Ever consider trying the M1 0W-40?? It looks like a pretty good balance for a normal oci in a non-turbo.quote:
Originally posted by ekpolk:
Interesting. I was considering doing exactly this myself. From my experimentation over the last year, I have tentatively concluded that my Toyota V-6 seems to be the "happiest" with a thick-ish 30 wt oil (although my present experience with GC 0w-30 has been puzzlingly inconsistent with prior indications). M-1 in both 5w-30 and 10w-30 seems, by subjective performance and Mobil's own data, to be a relatively thin 30. Not bad, but esp in 5w form, it seems to result in a slightly louder engine than the Amsoil 5w-30 which is thicker. I was thinking that using 4 qts of M-1 5w-30 and one qt of 15w-50 might just make the M-1 thick enough and raise its HT/HS enough to achieve the effect Amsoil does naturally.
An older thread on BITOG stated that mixing vis grades results in an indeterminate grade soup. Apparently, you can't just do the math and determine what you've got by the averages. Experts, what do you think?
I'd thought abuout trying it, possibly. On the other hand, if (and that's a substantial "if") the viscosities average out arithmetically, then the soup I was considering would only go up to a "34 wt", not all the way to 40. Although I don't think it would do any damage, I'm wondering if other performance penalties will begin to show themselves when I get to 40 wt thickness.quote:
Originally posted by haley10:
Ever consider trying the M1 0W-40?? It looks like a pretty good balance for a normal oci in a non-turbo.
M1's 10W-30 and 5W-30 are very similar and still kinda light on the 30 side.quote:
Why not just run 10W-30 or 5W-40 if you want something one or two steps thicker than 5W-30?
ekpolk: Their 0w-40 is a thin 40 weight. I prefer it over the 20 and 30 weights I've tried in my DOHC Taurus; this is based on sound and feel only no UOAs.quote:
I'm wondering if other performance penalties will begin to show themselves when I get to 40 wt thickness.