M1 mixing to commence

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Originally posted by metroplex:
Doesn't 0W-40 shear out too quickly?

Also I believe its viscosity at 40C is much higher than that of the 10W-30 and 5W-30 - no good for Michigan winters.

You're telling me you think a 0w40 is unsuitable for Michigan winters? You're kidding right? A 0w anything is going to work extremely well no matter how cold it gets. That is why it's rated 0w and not 5w or 10w. Ignore the viscosity at 40c and just look at it's cold cranking numbers. Mobil 1 0w40 obviously will have better cold weather performance over ANY 5w30 oil out there.

Originally posted by metroplex:
Also I believe its viscosity at 40C is much higher than that of the 10W-30 and 5W-30 - no good for Michigan winters.

Yeah, those 40C Michigan winters must be brutal.
I'm using the 40C as a guide to determine "generally" how thick the oil is at 0F to 30F.

40C = 104F

104F is considered "cold" in terms of engine operating temperature. My ECT and CHT (when the engine is at operating temperature) is kept around 210-220F with the stock thermostat and fan settings.

I can't find many of the cold cranking viscosities for oils, they mainly just list the 40C and 100C viscosities.

In addition, Amsoil's viscosity grades don't seem to match with many of the Mobil 1 viscosity grades. One 5W-30 is closer to the other's 10W-30, etc... when you look at the 40C and 100C cSt.

If you can determine without a doubt that the M1 0W-40 can outlast, outcrank, and outperform a home brewed M1 mix, then I'll go for it. Until then all I hear is M1 0w-40 shearing out rather quickly and how the valvetrain chatters during cold starts using the 0W-30.

I'd try 0W-30 or 5W-40 EXCEPT ITS NOT AVAILABLE ANYWHERE IN THIS AREA. We don't even have German Castrol 0W-30. There's a lot of stuff I'd like to try but they're just not sold in the stores or they're overpriced. Meijers did carry some of the more "exotic" M1 oils like 0W-40 and 0W-20 but at $5/qt it's not a bargain. Autozone, Advanced Auto, and Murrays are also overpriced.

G-Man II: Have you run out of oil brands to use as your username?

[ May 16, 2004, 02:39 PM: Message edited by: metroplex ]
Ok Patman and G-Man 2:


Info derived from Mobil's data sheets and Amsoil's website.

Why does 0W-40 and 5W-40 Truck/SUV M1 have higher 40C cSt ratings than 5W-30, 0W-30, 0W-30Racing, and 0W-20?

If they (0W-40 and 5W-40) both are thicker at 100F, they should technically be thicker at 0F as well, should they not? Unless its some kind of new formulation that thickens as it gets warm but thins out at cold??

M1 15W-50 has comparable 40C viscosity to Amsoil's 20W-50 whereas M1's 5W-40 is in a world by itself with a high 40C cSt - maybe on the light side of a 15W? or the thick side of a 10W?

[ May 16, 2004, 03:31 PM: Message edited by: metroplex ]

Until then all I hear is M1 0w-40 shearing out rather quickly

I don't have a problem with mixing weights, but lets be fair, You can't compare data sheets to lab tests. Comparing the VOA viscosity of 0w-40 to its' UOA viscosity(same lab) shows SLIGHT shearing in the first 5-6k miles then slight thickening from 6-10K miles.


I'm using the 40C as a guide to determine "generally" how thick the oil is at 0F to 30F

This doesn't work, viscosities from 40C down to X are not linear.

Originally posted by metroplex:
Doesn't 0W-40 shear out too quickly?

Also I believe its viscosity at 40C is much higher than that of the 10W-30 and 5W-30 - no good for Michigan winters.

5W-40 SUV is not available anywhere here, so that's not an option for me.

If you use equal parts 5W-30 and 15W-50 and the mix ends up the average of the 2, using the spec sheet numbers at 40C you're going to have an oil that's about 90 cSt.

At 40C -
M1 0W-40 is 80 cSt
M1 5W-40 is 102 cSt.

I thought of doing this for use in my 5.0L Mustang. I still haven't decided if I'll do this mix, M1 0W-40, GC, or Amzoil 5W-40...

[ May 16, 2004, 03:52 PM: Message edited by: jsharp ]
I am using 150 ml of 15w50 with the 10w30 in the 4-Runner and it likes it. It also gets added to the crankcase as the oil gets depleted. Good stufff!!

Daily Drives:
-2003 Toyota Tacoma PreRunner XtraCab, 2.7 Liter , Mobil1 Synthetic SS 5W-30.
ODO 8700 Miles.
-1995 Toyota 4-Runner 3.0 V6, Mobil1 Synthetic SS 10W-30.
ODO 85500 Miles.

Originally posted by 69 Riv GS:


If they (0W-40 and 5W-40) both are thicker at 100F, they should technically be thicker at 0F as well


So what if its not linear, are you telling me that the 0W-40 and 5W-40, being THICKER than the 0W-30/20 oils at 40C, is going to be thinner than the 0W-30/20 oils at 0C?

Why would the 0W-40/5W-40 be thinner at cold temperatures, very thick at 40C, and on-spec at 100C? It doesn't make sense.
I used the calculator linked by Dan (which btw spit out VI's and viscosities that coincided with the specs provided by Amsoil and M1...)


Didn't surprise me one bit:

M1 0W-40 and 5W-40 ARE thicker at 0C than the 0W-30/0W-20 and 5W-30 oils.

Seems to me M1 0W-40 is more like a 10W-40

[ May 16, 2004, 08:19 PM: Message edited by: metroplex ]

Originally posted by metroplex:

I'd try 0W-30 or 5W-40 EXCEPT ITS NOT AVAILABLE ANYWHERE IN THIS AREA. We don't even have German Castrol 0W-30.

You could very easily cross the border into Windsor and go into any Walmart and find GC 0w30.

Originally posted by G-Man II:
Sorta like a lot of your posts.

Which oil are you raving about now and why haven't you changed your username yet?


[ May 16, 2004, 08:11 PM: Message edited by: metroplex ]

Originally posted by Patman:


Originally posted by metroplex:

I'd try 0W-30 or 5W-40 EXCEPT ITS NOT AVAILABLE ANYWHERE IN THIS AREA. We don't even have German Castrol 0W-30.

You could very easily cross the border into Windsor and go into any Walmart and find GC 0w30.

If its farther than 10 miles, I'm not even bothering.
Come to think of it... looking at M1's 0W-40 and comparing it to Amsoil's 10W-xx oils... it appears its a lightweight 10w-40 and not a 0W-40.

Maybe that's why its shearing out fairly quickly compared to the others??

Originally posted by metroplex:
Come to think of it... looking at M1's 0W-40 and comparing it to Amsoil's 10W-xx oils... it appears its a lightweight 10w-40 and not a 0W-40.

Maybe that's why its shearing out fairly quickly compared to the others??

I rest my case.
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