attention cheap oil users

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Originally Posted By: 93cruiser
Do as you wish, as will I.

Pretty much what we've been doing all along.
The curious thing about this thread is that it appears that, without any actual facts and even opinions proven to be inverse to the facts, it all just seems like an attempt to validate your own opinions and choices, since the objective data is lacking. Just admit it, you're high on marketing.
Originally Posted By: 93cruiser

For an average user, or any user really, without doing analysis, which 99% of drivers do not perform, the user is better off buying mobil1 over supertech for 10k oci's. This is based on cost, base stock, additive amounts, tbn, virgin oil analysis reports, used oil analysis reports, etc. The pennies you save equates to penny wise and pound foolish. Do as you wish, as will I.

I SHOWED you the PQIA data, and you come back with that ?

Did you get your qualifications on the subject at MSU ?
Originally Posted By: 93cruiser
Originally Posted By: bchannell
I would just like to say one more thing, then I'm leaving this alone.
Anyone who thinks that a UOA can be the final word o.... ...


For an average user, or any user really, without doing analysis, which 99% of drivers do not perform, the user is better off buying mobil1 over supertech for 10k oci's. This is based on cost, base stock, additive amounts, tbn, virgin oil analysis reports, used oil analysis reports, etc. The pennies you save equates to penny wise and pound foolish. Do as you wish, as will I.

Yet you offer no proof or evidence, only words.
You can not prove, other then words that Mobil is superior to lets say an oil like Supertech.

The API says they are equal. Mobil and you say they are not, both of you offer no proof what so ever, that your engine will wear less with Mobil, then with Supertech.
Only words and marketing materials.

Oils have become as generic as Televisions, nothing more then a commodity.
Some oils will look better on paper and possibly come from a higher grade stock but what does it mean, other then words and no proof?
Its the same old thing, snake oil marketing unless there is proof.

Engines will outlast the vehicles if you follow the OCI and use the proper API, if the engine does fail, its the fault of the manufacturer and design of the engine, not the oil brand used.
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Originally Posted By: 93cruiser
For an average user, or any user really, without doing analysis, which 99% of drivers do not perform, the user is better off buying mobil1 over supertech for 10k oci's.

The "average user" (we'll go with the '99% of drivers' since you mentioned them) is never going to run a 10k OCI. 3k maybe, 5k probably, some perhaps as much as 7.5k.. but not 10k.

For a 3k, 5k, and even 7.5k, Supertech will work great. For a 3k or 5k OCI, Mobil 1 is a waste of money. Even for 7.5k, the added expense of Mobil1 is questionable.
Originally Posted By: PeterPolyol
Originally Posted By: 93cruiser
Do as you wish, as will I.

Pretty much what we've been doing all along.
The curious thing about this thread is that it appears that, without any actual facts and even opinions proven to be inverse to the facts, it all just seems like an attempt to validate your own opinions and choices, since the objective data is lacking. Just admit it, you're high on marketing.

totally incorrect, I care less about marketing. Plus, I have stated facts. It is about the minuscule savings, and it not being worth it to run an oil that has less when compared to an oil formulated by an oil company. And no, I dont work or have stock in exxon mobil.

Seems you and a lot of others are high on walmart or cheap stuff advertising, believing it is just as good. if supertech was 1/4 cost of mobil 1, I'd consider it. Its not, it is closer to the price of mobil 1 than further from it. So no reason to skimp and buy supertech after doing simple math.

The problem is no one understands the original post, its a money vs product received, and when looked at it from that perspective, I don't find it wise to go cheaper. Who cares if supertech will work, for the savings it's pointless.

The big oil companies are the ones putting the R & D into new oils, doing the testing, making better products. For the pennies, I will go that route and pass on the walmart special.

The majority here say I am wrong and foolish for my thinking, or that this is an argument or something. which is fine, but it's not, it's a discussion. Explain how you or others who run supertech are not foolish by running it and saving pennies?
Originally Posted By: 93cruiser
totally incorrect, I care less about marketing. Plus, I have stated facts.

Where did you hide the "facts"...I can't find know, the evidence that backs your conjecture.

You haven't addressed the FACT that Walmart has decent basestock (very good NOACK), and has about the same additive levels as the name do you reconcile that ?

It's just not expensive enough ?
Originally Posted By: 93cruiser
The majority here say I am wrong and foolish for my thinking, or that this is an argument or something. which is fine, but it's not, it's a discussion. Explain how you or others who run supertech are not foolish by running it and saving pennies?

It looks quite good on paper, with appropriate additive levels, and a good NOACK.
It meets current API specs.

They aren't afraid to give more then the majors on their spec sheet (admittedly a 2014 thread)

the 0W20 and 5W30 are approved for Dexos1 Gen 2, which which is considerably tougher than SAE and ILSAc specs, and means that GM beleive it's good to use, and use for the change intervals per the Oil Life Monitor.

Now, what are your facts about it ?

(other than being too cheap).
I don't know what's more frustrating?

The fact that this thread is still going on with a lot of bias and assumptions or the fact that I'm trying to process a lot of illegitimate facts on this thread while deployed in Afghanistan? I say we just let it be and let people use whatever they choose. If you save money on cheaper while getting some decent protection then that's awesome. If you like to spend extra money on big name brand oil and feel good about then more power to you. I'm no expert by any means but let's all try and help make this forum better without cutting each other's throats.
Moral of the story, charge it way above the competitors, make it as scarce as possible and make some outrageous claims, the perceived value and performance will be higher.

Walmart: if you are reading this and you want to gain another loyal customer from Mobil 1, jack up the price of your SuperTech and put your name with some racing team.
Originally Posted By: 93cruiser
Originally Posted By: PeterPolyol
Originally Posted By: 93cruiser
Do as you wish, as will I.

Pretty much what we've been doing all along.
The curious thing about this thread is that it appears that, without any actual facts and even opinions proven to be inverse to the facts, it all just seems like an attempt to validate your own opinions and choices, since the objective data is lacking. Just admit it, you're high on marketing.

totally incorrect, I care less about marketing. Plus, I have stated facts. It is about the minuscule savings, and it not being worth it to run an oil that has less when compared to an oil formulated by an oil company. And no, I dont work or have stock in exxon mobil.

Seems you and a lot of others are high on walmart or cheap stuff advertising, believing it is just as good. if supertech was 1/4 cost of mobil 1, I'd consider it. Its not, it is closer to the price of mobil 1 than further from it. So no reason to skimp and buy supertech after doing simple math.

The problem is no one understands the original post, its a money vs product received, and when looked at it from that perspective, I don't find it wise to go cheaper. Who cares if supertech will work, for the savings it's pointless.

The big oil companies are the ones putting the R & D into new oils, doing the testing, making better products. For the pennies, I will go that route and pass on the walmart special.

The majority here say I am wrong and foolish for my thinking, or that this is an argument or something. which is fine, but it's not, it's a discussion. Explain how you or others who run supertech are not foolish by running it and saving pennies?

There are two major additve suppliers for PCMO'S. Basestocks have to meet the same performance requirements to become certified. PCMO'S are nearly identical. This has been studied, recorded, and is factual.
Originally Posted By: Shannow
Originally Posted By: 93cruiser
totally incorrect, I care less about marketing. Plus, I have stated facts.

Where did you hide the "facts"...I can't find know, the evidence that backs your conjecture.

You haven't addressed the FACT that Walmart has decent basestock (very good NOACK), and has about the same additive levels as the name do you reconcile that ?

It's just not expensive enough ?

my facts are within my posts regarding pricing, data sheets, analysis, base stocks, money saved/spent over 100k miles, and more.

see, you, as most have, miss the point. When did I EVER say supertech was a terrible oil? Or say it's not using a decent(your word) base stock? I said it is a less robust oil compared to a name brand such as mobil 1, and for the cost savings which is basically nothing, I don't understand why anyone would choose to run an oil such as supertech. Should I re-type that last sentence since no one, or most can not understand the topic? I will, because it obviously can't get through to some.

I said it is a less robust oil compared to a name brand such as mobil 1, and for the cost savings which is basically nothing, I don't understand why anyone would choose to run an oil such as supertech. Read and repeat this sentence if not understood.

Let's also get the notion out of the majoritys head here that I think expensive equals better. or that new and the latest offering is the best or must have. 100% wrong, not me at all. I research, compare, and formulate a decision. I look for sales. I use coupons. I drive my 11 year old truck I purchased new. My smart phone is a note 4, have had it for years. I ride an older 2002 yz250f, that I purchased new for 5500, sticker was 6900. KTMs were almost 10000 at the time, didn't see me buying that under the must be better if costs more premise. I don't buy a lexus over a toyota. But I do buy Mobil 1 over supertech due to basically no savings. The savings achieved are not worth it to me, so I go Mobil 1.
No, but I buy Wal*Mart milk instead of the name brand milk.


Same dairy/packing plant code.

Why would I pay 1.5x to 2x as much for the same milk just because it has the name of the dairy instead of Great Value.

I'm running the Rural King 0W20 in my Mazda3 for the factory recommended OCI of 7500 miles. I don't seem to be having issues.

I have no data that indicates that it's not up to the task as it meet the oil requirements specified for the car.

Originally Posted By: 93cruiser
Originally Posted By: Linctex

Let me blow your "logic" out of the water.

Let's say you are making your arguments to a bunch of housewives,
or bartenders, or what ever group you choose...
NOT guys who frequent oil forums.

Your argument: "Expensive oil is better oil"

Read the data on the Supertech 0W-20 oil Shannow posted (which you seem to despise)...
It actually looks like pretty good stuff.
Why all the hate?

Now read the data on a comparable (and far more expensive) product, Royal Purple 0W-20 full synthetic:


I guess it's time to drop the microphone and walk away,
because you've got nothing to counter with at this point.

I would never run royal purple. Run your supertech for the minimal savings, I won't. Do you buy walmart cola to save .10 cents or coke/pepsi? Purchase off brand soap? Cheap gas over top tier to save .60-.80 cents per fill? I won't change my stance, per cost it is not worth it.

Plus, I have seen no one here state they run supertech for 10k oci's, do you? Probably spending more in the long run anyway.
Originally Posted By: PeterPolyol
Would you pay a $2.17 tax at the checkout to have a door greeter give you a
on the way out of the store?

I have no idea what this means.
Originally Posted By: 93cruiser
I said it is a less robust oil compared to a name brand such as mobil 1, and for the cost savings which is basically nothing, I don't understand why anyone would choose to run an oil such as supertech. Read and repeat this sentence if not understood.

also.. you said:
Originally Posted By: 93cruiser
and for the cost savings which is basically nothing

Let's go back to your initial post in this thread, where you said:

Example, walmart supertech synthetic 5qt, 15.68.
Mobil 1 sythetic 5qt, 23.97
Price difference =8.29, or 1.65 a quart

For someone who drives a lot, has multiple cars, etc.. that $8.29 savings adds up. Let's also consider that the $8.29 difference is actually OVER 1/3 of the full price of the Mobil 1 (34.585%.. and over 50% of the Supertech synthetic. That's not an insignificant savings.

That's like going to buy gasoline at a station that charges $2.89 per gallon, and just tossing away an extra $1 for each gallon you pump... same percentage - 34.585%. I don't know about you, but nobody I know would do that.

In my case, I drive roughly 30,000 miles per year in my Fusion, which equates to 4x OCI @ 7,500 miles per OCI. That same $8.29 savings you list, times 4, works out to $33.16... Maybe not much, but also not insignificant. With that, I could buy:

- 2 more jugs of Supertech
- Three tickets to a movie (I'm going to see Avengers:Infinity War soon, and that would cover it)
- Lunch at work for a week
- A case of cheap beer
- 12 bottles of good beer
- 2 bottles of good wine
- 4 nice big ribeye steaks

etc.. you get the picture. Do you honestly consider that $33.16 "basically nothing"? If so, let me give you my post office box address, and you can send me a check for that.

.. and the bottom line is, my car will run just as well all year, and still be in as good shape, after that 30,000 miles on Supertech, as it would have been on Mobil 1. I defy you to prove otherwise.

Proselytize all you want.. the point you're trying to make has been flawed from the get-go. If all you really wanted to say was:

"Hey everyone, I think that, for me, there's no value in buying anything less than a top-end oil like Mobil-1, and I would never go with a cheaper oil just to save money because I think it's not worth it. Who here is with me?"

... then that's fine. But you haven't been... you've been trying to tell us that we're all wrong for believing otherwise, and we're not buying it.

Now, so far, I've made multiple posts in this thread providing counter-arguments to things you've said, but despite the fact that you've responded to others, you haven't responded to me...

- You haven't responded to my post debunking your "Name brand is better because" higher TBN, etc.. argument: POST
- You haven't responded to my post debunking your "The average user is better off with Mobil1" argument: POST I don't expect you to respond to this post either. Perhaps you just can't counter these points.. But honestly, I'd like to see you try to counter them using logical argument and quantifiable facts, if you can.
Originally Posted By: 93cruiser

I have no idea what this means.

Sums up every post you've made in this thread.
Originally Posted By: 93cruiser
I said it is a less robust oil compared to a name brand such as mobil 1, and for the cost savings which is basically nothing, I don't understand why anyone would choose to run an oil such as supertech. Read and repeat this sentence if not understood.

I think we are all waiting for your proof of this "fact."

I've seen a lot of your opinions, but not much else. Repeating the same thing over and over doesn't make it so. I see a lot of "I believe by the numbers name brand is better" and "I think anyone its nuts to run supertech" and my favorite "I don't know for sure."

The thing is - I can agree with your basic premise that often "name brands" are not much more if any more expensive than Supertech or other store brands. But you fail to prove that the "name brands" are better. Show us a link to a web site or point us to an VOA. Shannow gave you some good links, but you ignore them. SirTanon did a pretty good synopsis as well.

Here's one more for you. You brought up Supertech synthetic. What about using Supertech synthetic instead of say Pennzoil "conventional." Many people on this forum have taken cars many hundreds of thousands of miles on conventional oil. I had a family car in the 80's that went over 300K on Valvoline "conventional" oil getting changed about once a year (or whenever someone brought it to me) and about 15K - 20K a year, sometimes more. This car was bought new by my parents and had 320,000 miles on it when they sold it. It needed new valve seals (smoked a little) but it still ran well.

But I guess Dnewton3 summed it up the best.

Originally Posted By: dnewton3
Typical BITOG conversation; focusing on inputs and not outputs. Ohhhhhh "Brand X" costs this much $$$, and has that much Moly! It just HAS to be better ...

Get some UOAs; analyze the data. Then we'll talk.

93cruiser; you can start by reading this:
I think Supertech synthetic is MUCH better than Mobil 1 and offers far superior protection. Since we don't have to prove anything with facts here I'm standing by MY belief. And if you show me any UOAs or attempted studies to dispell my beliefs, I'll just call it FAKE DATA.
Originally Posted By: SirTanon
Originally Posted By: 93cruiser
I said it is a less robust oil compared to a name brand such as mobil 1, and for the cost savings which is basically nothing, I don't understand why anyone would choose to run an oil such as supertech. Read and repeat this sentence if not understood.

also.. you said:
Originally Posted By: 93cruiser
and for the cost savings which is basically nothing

Let's go back to your initial post in this thread, where you said:

Example, walmart supertech synthetic 5qt, 15.68.
Mobil 1 sythetic 5qt, 23.97
Price difference =8.29, or 1.65 a quart

For someone who drives a lot, has multiple cars, etc.. that $8.29 savings adds up. Let's also consider that the $8.29 difference is actually OVER 1/3 of the full price of the Mobil 1 (34.585%.. and over 50% of the Supertech synthetic. That's not an insignificant savings.

That's like going to buy gasoline at a station that charges $2.89 per gallon, and just tossing away an extra $1 for each gallon you pump... same percentage - 34.585%. I don't know about you, but nobody I know would do that.

In my case, I drive roughly 30,000 miles per year in my Fusion, which equates to 4x OCI @ 7,500 miles per OCI. That same $8.29 savings you list, times 4, works out to $33.16... Maybe not much, but also not insignificant. With that, I could buy:

- 2 more jugs of Supertech
- Three tickets to a movie (I'm going to see Avengers:Infinity War soon, and that would cover it)
- Lunch at work for a week
- A case of cheap beer
- 12 bottles of good beer
- 2 bottles of good wine
- 4 nice big ribeye steaks

etc.. you get the picture. Do you honestly consider that $33.16 "basically nothing"? If so, let me give you my post office box address, and you can send me a check for that.

.. and the bottom line is, my car will run just as well all year, and still be in as good shape, after that 30,000 miles on Supertech, as it would have been on Mobil 1. I defy you to prove otherwise.

Proselytize all you want.. the point you're trying to make has been flawed from the get-go. If all you really wanted to say was:

"Hey everyone, I think that, for me, there's no value in buying anything less than a top-end oil like Mobil-1, and I would never go with a cheaper oil just to save money because I think it's not worth it. Who here is with me?"

... then that's fine. But you haven't been... you've been trying to tell us that we're all wrong for believing otherwise, and we're not buying it.

Now, so far, I've made multiple posts in this thread providing counter-arguments to things you've said, but despite the fact that you've responded to others, you haven't responded to me...

- You haven't responded to my post debunking your "Name brand is better because" higher TBN, etc.. argument: POST
- You haven't responded to my post debunking your "The average user is better off with Mobil1" argument: POST I don't expect you to respond to this post either. Perhaps you just can't counter these points.. But honestly, I'd like to see you try to counter them using logical argument and quantifiable facts, if you can.

I certainly did not mean to not reply, but will now. I will try to address in order.

So 33.16 saved in one year. Or roughly .09 a day, nine cents. Now be honest here, do you really think you are going to see/notice the difference at the end of the year in your bank account? I doubt it, and this is why I don't see an advantage to running supertech. I think the advantage goes towards SPENDING the extra 33.16 per year on your vehicle. Both will work, but for 33.16 a year more in your case you could have the best offered vs the good offering. Vehicles are expensive, thousands of dollars. Why not just flip the dime per day and get a better product.

Yes, a better product. Walmart is not doing research and analysis on oil, but Mobil is. I can't prove it, but if we had numbers on test results I think you would see Mobil performs better in testing than supertech. Meeting a spec is one thing, exceeding the spec is another. Why not exceed for .09 a day? Just asking.

In my original post I thought I asked for a discussion as to why run a cheaper oil when the savings are not significant. I don't think I have ever said anyone was wrong to run it, just that it seems crazy to me.

Also, me sending you 33 bucks vs spending an extra 33 bucks a year on my car is not the same. I gain nothing by sending you 33, but I do not buying supertech.

I defy you to prove your car is in just as good as shape running supertech, you can't. Why can you make that statement if I can't say logically mobil 1 protects better, or in better shape? You can't talk out of both sides of your mouth.

I will go read the other posts later.

Enjoy the night everyone
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