Amsoil SSO 18,200 miles 1 year 08 Acura TL 3.2

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Originally Posted By: Pablo
Seb - good post. It's the AHS (Amsoil Hate Syndrome) with some people. I see it all the time. I try to post a lot less lately in rebuttal to these guys, because they just run to Helen or the mods. As Gary said - we wear our bias for all to see, these guys claim zero bias, but.....well it's there.

Anyway - to really know how much the oil oxidized, you will need to have the virgin oil run to compare.

Thanks Pablo, I will look into doing that. I dont have any from the batch I used in the report, but I do have a new batch of SSO I can get tested. It will be interesting.
Originally Posted By: StevieC
I just looked up the first few I could find... I'm not saying he isn't the only one fibbing...

I have used it in 5 engines total of mine own 3 of which are considered "Easy" on oil and the other 2 normal and none would be able to achieve that mileage.

SSO is a fine product but I don't believe it went this far in this engine with those numbers is all I'm saying.

You are entitled to your opinion and I mine... I will look up more UOA's for 20K but on an oil site such as this I'm sure there are people posting just to brag and the mileage is false.

If you can show me a UOA that you, Gary, Molekule, Patman or someone that we know is trust worthy and a long time member I will believe it but not from members like this one that just started here and the add pack looks liks its barely touched.

Sorry just can't buy that especially with a TBN showing what it is when others are at 3-4 with half the miles...

I have no reason to lie about my mileage in the report. You can even say my copper metals are not in line with other TL's.
But mine is low. And trending down.
TBN is not linear. You should know this. It can bounce up or down as the oil ages.I don't know what else to say to prove I did the mileage I stated but I can assure you it is accurate. I can post my odometer as of today if you want .

Originally Posted By: INDYMAC
When I first looked at this report, I thought to myself that I wouldn't have run this oil that long because of that oxidation number, with a corresponding elevated nitration number. Since there isn't a VOA of this batch of SSO (or any for that matter), and there is no TAN on this report, I decided to look elsewhere for some VOA info of various oils for starting oxidation numbers. I won't try to guess what the chemistry of this oil is (SSO), but if it has group V oils included, then it's possible that this formula starts out with a much higher oxidation number than conventional or synthetic blend engine oils. AS an example of this would be Redline and RLI, Inc. virgin oils starting in the 150-170 range. Virgin conventional and syn blends usually start at
I can't really follow StevieC's argument about credibility for the OP or the lab. Everything about this UOA tells me the oil was run for a long time, and I haven't seen a lab yet that was accurate enough to show additive consumption during an OCI. Sorry I can't contribute to that discussion.

I agree, there's always a margin of error in every report done. I believe multiple reports and trends give you a better picture on whats going on.
I think your report is as you received it. You have a very nice car and are running a very good oil. I err on the side of caution. Cut it back to,at least,12k. Your car is an asset and your oil is a disposable. That's way it's supposed to be. That's jmo,of course.
Originally Posted By: FZ1
I err on the side of caution. Cut it back to,at least,12k.

Why in the world should he do that? He just showed that he can manage 18k quite well.

You might as well have said, "Don't learn a darn thing. Don't find your limits. Just throw even more money than the UOA down the drain and stay totally ignorant ..and tell others to be just as ignorant as I STAY about the matter. I've got the right perspective on it. Just ask me.".

Just having some fun in an internet anonymous way!
Originally Posted By: Gary Allan
Originally Posted By: FZ1
I err on the side of caution. Cut it back to,at least,12k.

Why in the world should he do that? He just showed that he can manage 18k quite well.

You might as well have said, "Don't learn a darn thing. Don't find your limits. Just throw even more money than the UOA down the drain and stay totally ignorant ..and tell others to be just as ignorant as I STAY about the matter. I've got the right perspective on it. Just ask me.".

Just having some fun in an internet anonymous way!
Lol. He could have run three 6,000 mile ocis with M1 EP and an M1 filter for the same money he spent on his 18,000 mile single run with only 1 filter. Really,which approach,do you,and others,think would be better for the engine? Let's take a vote for fun.
Originally Posted By: FZ1
Lol. He could have run three 6,000 mile ocis with M1 EP and an M1 filter for the same money he spent on his 18,000 mile single run with only 1 filter. Really,which approach,do you,and others,think would be better for the engine? Let's take a vote for fun.

Please elaborate on your numbers? Your point has no validity especially when you skew the data. Please stick with the facts not your uninformed opinion.

Here are the FACTS:

Signature Series 0W-30 is 92.25 per case/12Qts=7.69 per quart.
7.69*5.6QTS=43.05+15.00 filter=$58.05

M1 EP is $21/5QT *3 OC=63+36(3 M1 Filters)=$99.00

"Figures Don’t Lie, But LIARS Figure"
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Button- Don't forget shipping on the Amsoil and tax on both.

I'd rather do the 3 OCI's or even two for that matter. But then again I'm still kind of old school.
Lol. He could have run three 6,000 mile ocis with M1 EP and an M1 filter for the same money he spent on his 18,000 mile single run with only 1 filter. Really,which approach,do you,and others,think would be better for the engine? Let's take a vote for fun.

Let's see ..
SSO @ (roughly) $10/quart = $10 sump -quart for 18k
M1EP@ 3x$7.xx = $21 = $21/ sump quart for 18k

I seriously question your math skills. I have no question in your sensible frequency of servicing the engine and how you really enjoy wasting oil.

You are in the oil business, aren't you FZ1? No one without vested interest would go out of his way to share his desire to keep that pipeline full.

Kinda sounds odd stated that way, doesn't it? It is.
Originally Posted By: tig1
Why would anyone only do 6K OCIs with M1 EP? Should be good for 12-15K OCI in this engine.

You're right, under the above conditions, I'd consider changing the oil twice during the year. I'd feel a lot better, and I'm certain I'd be doing better for my engine as well.
Lol. You are killin' me,man. Lol. You forgot that the poster spent $35,or so,on a UOA and if you want to use the preferential price you used,you need to also add a $10-20 fee,don't you? So that's about $100,isn't it? For only 1 oci,right? So the question still stands. Which is better for the engine; 1 $100,18k oil and filter change,.....or.....3,6k oil and filter changes for $100. It's an easy question,.......really.
Which is better for the engine; 1 $100,18k oil and filter change,.....or.....3,6k oil and filter changes for $100. It's an easy question,.......really.

I say NO. There's no evidence that there's anything wrong with this OCI.

..and I'm still waiting for an answer FZ1. Just what makes you "desire" for others to do short OCI's. Why do you repeatedly and invariably always advise people DOWNWARD ..even without one bit of evidence to provide a reason.

"5k .think of your warranty" ..and other spew from you is getting just a bit obvious, don't you think? Come clean ..or forever be marked a shill
(retinking, perhaps "undisclosed" shill - if he does come clean, he's still a shill )

So, what is your vested interest?

Why do you do this? It's an easy question......... really.

Edit: Oh, and don't try and pull the "I'm just a simple man trying to make my way through the universe" line. Jango Fett already used that on Obi-wan.
I will give you my opinion and tell it like it is, it seems like the members on here selling Amsoil will tell everyone that all is fine, they are entitled to there opinion.

I do not see any oil, whether it is Pennzoil, Mobil 1 , or Amsoil being able to really go more than 10,000 miles.

I am not trying to knock down Pablo or Gary, my point is not that Amsoil is junk, it is just as good as Mobil 1, but lets be realistic under certain driving conditions as to how many miles Amsoil or any other oil can really go.

We do not need to call members liars, lets all try and stay on topic.
People posting these extended drains aren't commuting in NYC or on Long Island. That makes a big difference. Under "normal conditions" stretch the OCI by all means!

I'd say 95% of the people who live on the Island fall under severe service, and probably 98% who live in NYC fall under severe service. I would not want any oil in my engine under those conditions for more than 6 months or 7,500 miles. In fact my OCD would have me draining it before 7,500 miles most likely. The UOA reports aren't convincing enough for me, BuickGN proved that a long time ago. Opinions vary!
Originally Posted By: c3po
I will give you my opinion and tell it like it is, it seems like the members on here selling Amsoil will tell everyone that all is fine, they are entitled to there opinion.

I do not see any oil, whether it is Pennzoil, Mobil 1 , or Amsoil being able to really go more than 10,000 miles.

I am not trying to knock down Pablo or Gary, my point is not that Amsoil is junk, it is just as good as Mobil 1, but lets be realistic under certain driving conditions as to how many miles Amsoil or any other oil can really go.

We do not need to call members liars, lets all try and stay on topic.

As far as I know Amsoil is a full synthetic PAO oil where Mobil 1 EP is mostly group III with a hint of PAO. That being said there is a place for extended drains and in this case it looks like the oil held up fine. If this were a blackstone report there would be no questioning anything as the only flags are the oxidation and nitration which are lacking on a blackstone report.

There are plenty of scenarios where extended drains make sense and plenty of cases where they don't. I just think its funny that everyone considers themselves a tribologist/chemist until they see something that disagrees with their own private world view then they dig in their heels, just because they said so.
O.K. You got that one wrong. Additional oil and filter changes at 6k and 12k are superior to 1 long 18k run. Not everyone in Texas is in the oil business,and,no,I am not in the oil business. I run my synthetic oil 6.5 months and 5.5 months 2x per year and about 4500 and 4000 miles,respectively. My oil seems done at about those time periods and I want fresh oil in my car beginning in the winter. I believe each car and driver combo is unique and don't believe in blanket statements re the miles an oil can be run,regardless of variables. I don't want to mess with a UOA. I'm sure there are some wear metals in the oil,so? Really,I think I am pretty middle of the road on my ideas vs. most drivers. I understand that my car is much more valuable than my oil.
Originally Posted By: demarpaint
People posting these extended drains aren't commuting in NYC or on Long Island. That makes a big difference. Under "normal conditions" stretch the OCI by all means!

I'd say 95% of the people who live on the Island fall under severe service, and probably 98% who live in NYC fall under severe service. I would not want any oil in my engine under those conditions for more than 6 months or 7,500 miles. In fact my OCD would have me draining it before 7,500 miles most likely. Opinions vary!

95% of the people could probably use average fuel economy and come up with a sensible OCI that wasn't a blind in mileage. There's nothing brutal about stop and go traffic for an engine ..or are taxi's pretending to get 400k? Again, keep in mind that an odometer is pretty numb in those situations.

Just trying to keep that misnomer in perspective. You're told to use the severe service if you engage in that kinda driving. The driving itself isn't severe.

The UOA reports aren't convincing enough for me, BuickGN proved that a long time ago.

With the UOA's he never posted and just recited from memory? That's the one's. Now if you pushed him on it, he said "well, the lead was up a tick, but not enough to show ..." or words to that effect. He was hammering an over tweaked engine, not running a stock piece.

Hey, man! I ran across the nation twice ..and lived to tell about bare feet.

Proof enough?

..but we're really not here to talk about wear, are we? Other than the fact that there's nothing sticking out. Now if it WAS showing something, then we'd have someone saying "Look at all the metal".

People are pretty predictable when it comes to this sorta thing.

The oil held up fine.

Oh, and I called no one a liar. I said he had an undisclosed interest. Notice no answer about his interest or industry employment. He doesn't want to lie. Silence will be the course of choice.
Gary, I have to call ya out on this one, sorry, but ya kind of stepped into this one.

Are you actually doing one year OCI's with Amsoil Motor Oil.

Would you run your oil for 20,000 miles.

Ya got the Amsoil Logo, are you actually using there oil in all of your cars.

When I read what you write, I am wondering if you really mean what you are writing or if you are just touting the Amsoil message.

I am just calling it like I see it, I mean no disrespect.
Are you actually doing one year OCI's with Amsoil Motor Oil.

Yep. The wife is about due for her annual oil change. This is the first for HDD. I put it in last summer at 150k. She's at 165k.

Would you run your oil for 20,000 miles.

I'd run it for one year. If that happened to be 20k .., YES.

I ran Bruce's experimental oil for over a year, and that was to get 10k on it for 5k-10k UOA's.

What's the problem?

Ya got the Amsoil Logo, are you actually using there oil in all of your cars.

No. I've got two vehicle that I've had from new and a rotating number of beaters that my daughters have used. If I'm going to experiment, it kinda knocks one of my jeeps out of using Amsoil in the engine. They both have the drive train lubes.

..but there's even some people who I won't sell Amsoil to. If I can't bring someone value, I really don't want to profit from them. That doesn't mean that I won't sell Amsoil to someone who can get away with a cheaper product. It means that that person must realize savings over their current maintenance habits. There are some people who won't give up their 3k/3m prison without a product like mine. If I can get them to go to 6months, where that was otherwise impossible, fine. They're gaining and I'm gaining. Sounds equitable to me.

When I read what you write, I am wondering if you really mean what you are writing or if you are just touting the Amsoil message.

I definitely mean what I say (unless I'm being a wise guy or you see gremlins
). If anything, I'm as anti-religious about oil/brands/fanboydom as you can get. This is specifically the reason why I get DARN curious when someone evidences zealous or otherwise agenda driven posting. People do stuff for a reason. For some it's just comedy and their a clown. Fine. Nothing wrong with that. When you see people attempting to "herd" people in a given direction ..passively..repeatedly..redundantly ..for no apparent or disclosed reason, I really need to find out the motivation for it.

One would be hard pressed to say that they do such things without just cause ..given the serious direction with which they conduct their posting.

This is different than those who may hate or like a product. Like what you want. Hate what you want. Fine and dandy. Some may see and share you disposition ..some may not.

..but when someone wants to recruit or direct people in a given direction, without some disclosed motive, then the Twilight Zone music starts playing in the background ...your spider sense tingles ..or The Force is disturbed.
This is not a love hate kind of thing, I see your statement as a smoking mirror kind of thing, like you are trying to divert us from Amsoil's limitations, that's just the way I see it.
Gary, NY soccer Moms don't start their engines and run them 8 or more hours a day w/o turning them off. So while a soccer mom might complain that she's her kids cabby, she's anything but one. :)

The best thing in the world for an engine, or any oil for that matter is leaving an engine on. Its the on off and cool downs that kill them.
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