Amsoil SSO 18,200 miles 1 year 08 Acura TL 3.2

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Originally Posted By: dkryan

What makes you believe he was permanently banned? He was back on Thursday (September 2nd).

What did he step in this time?

We're friends he emailed me to let me know. Helen's house, Helen's rules. We lost a good member IMO, but we must follow rules.

Anyone who would like to contact him check his profile for his email address.
Wow, I can't believe I actually took the time to read this thread!! Couple of MY OPINIONS.. LOL

1. I am looking for longer OCI due to having 4 children and a busy life. I change the oil on 4 vehicles, 2 scooters and a bunch of lawn equipment. I just dropped off 14 gallons of used oil. If I half or quarter the amount of oil changes, thats a lot of time spent elsewhere.

2. I'm also looking at it from an environmental perspective. If everyone changed their oil half as much, that would be a huge environmental savings. Plus all the dumping, waste of resources, wasted energy in transporting, packaging, etc... It might not matter to you.. but it does to me. I want to leave a better world to my children and hopefully grandchildren one day.

3. FZ1s comments about warranty issues is baseless. I worked at Chevy, then Ford and finally at Lexus as a tech and as parts mgr. Unless you brought a seized engine with no or little oil, no one questioned your intervals. It was only a concern financially. The more service we get you to do, the more $$$$ we made!! Period. Most issues of OCI don't come up till well past a warranty is over.

4. FZ1s comment about building a relationship with a dealership.. LOL yeah, they will help you.. with sucking out as much $$$ from you as possible. As someone who worked "in the back", I'll tell you, there is a reason I despise dealerships and will NOT take my vehicles for anything except warranty work. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure there are good shops and techs out there, but the average person will get roped into spending more then they should. They make little on sales and need to make it up in service.

5. Lastly, FZ1 stated he'd rather take UOA money and spend it on shorter OCI. However, the UOA can clue you in to much more then just how long to push your OCI. I like having my engines "health report".

BTW, I run Mobil 1 and am trying to get as much out of my oil.

Also FZ1, I'm not bashing you or your logic. I'm no expert. If one day my extended OCI cause a problem, I will be on your bandwagon faster then a "fly on a ......"

Just my 3 cents worth(had to adjust for inflation)!! LOL
It's a free country,Hoss. I don't care if you "bash" me,or not. Just don't bash me:Then tell me you're not bashing me. Lol.
Okay, For a UOA section of the board I think this thread has gone REALLY FAR away from the original subject.

Looks like everyone has said what needed to be said and most said more.

If you guys want to discuss long OCIs I'm sure there are other threads that have already hashed it out or start a civil new one in the proper section.

Of course, any comments PM me...

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