Whats your opinion on people who work everyday?

Nov 29, 2009
I don't get it. I guess i had a big wakeup call at an early age when several family members including both my parents starting passing away at a young age. I used to go to work for 10 days in a row without a day off. Then I realized, hey it could all end tomorrow. Let's worry less about making money and set some time aside to enjoy life some. Even if it's just a relaxing day watching TV on the couch.

Anyways, with that being said, I see so many people just go to work day in and day out with no day off. I get you have to make a living, but still. There's always more work to be done tomorrow.

For me it's not about money, it's about a sense of purpose, plus I love what I do, so it doesn't feel like work most days. Furthermore, I don't abuse the system, so I take a day off only when I'm actually sick; I can count them on one hand each year.
If you only have yourself to worry about, live it up! I would.

If you choose to marry, have children and ALL the things that come along with that, you have to come to terms with the fact it's not about you anymore.

I work as much as I can out of necessity first, sense of purpose and the fact I like what I do are secondary.
Depends on what you call "work". Sure, the guy that gets up every morning at 6 am and then commutes 30 miles each way every day is work and that would be brutal after 10 straight days. But there are many people that work at home and are self employed who enjoy what they are doing, so it's not really work.
If you want, you have to work and the more you want, the more you have to work at it and on and on. And by want, not just a lifestyle and the necessary $'s to support it, and those are certainly major motivators, but want to accomplish, want to prove what you are capable of, want to get the next level and the one after that, want to learn, want to lead...
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There are lots of people that don't have anybody but their "work family". Not everybody has a ton of friends. Not everybody has hobbies to keep them busy. It's not just about money.
Guy at the dollar store works both shifts and all holidays because he doesn’t have any family , never had an SA, no kids, few friends

Whats your opinion on people who work everyday?​

Aesop answered this question a long long time ago in his fable 'The Ant and the Grasshopper'


I work everyday except weekends and it’s already rough because I have to work overtime to be able to make enough money. I couldn’t imagine going that long without a day off. It already makes me loose my mind enough. I work 7:30-5:30 sometimes 6 or later. When you’re in my line of work it makes it seem way worse because of the strain on your body. I’d do anything for a 4 day work week or shorter working hours but I just can’t because i won’t make enough money. But the advantage is I rack up so much PTO that it pays off when I take time off.
I don't get it. I guess i had a big wakeup call at an early age when several family members including both my parents starting passing away at a young age. I used to go to work for 10 days in a row without a day off. Then I realized, hey it could all end tomorrow. Let's worry less about making money and set some time aside to enjoy life some. Even if it's just a relaxing day watching TV on the couch.

Anyways, with that being said, I see so many people just go to work day in and day out with no day off. I get you have to make a living, but still. There's always more work to be done tomorrow.

Do you have kids?

Will you pay for their college?

What if 4 of them are in school the same year?

What are you willing to do to fulfill your parental responsibilities?
I've never thought about it either way but my wife is a big believer in a day of rest each week. She busts her a** six days/week and needs a day to recharge.

I do enjoy giving myself permission to take a day occasionally and not feel guilty about it.

One of my former employers was a small business owner and never took days off. You were expected to do some Saturdays if you wanted to move up (this was a sheetmetal shop, not a law firm, mind you) and he would have loved for us to come in on Sundays.

As my own small business owner now I see that, but remember your employees have lives outside of your business. They should give you 100% during work days but it's not their name on the door and they're likely not as invested as you (the owner).
I don't get it. I guess i had a big wakeup call at an early age when several family members including both my parents starting passing away at a young age. I used to go to work for 10 days in a row without a day off. Then I realized, hey it could all end tomorrow. Let's worry less about making money and set some time aside to enjoy life some. Even if it's just a relaxing day watching TV on the couch.

Anyways, with that being said, I see so many people just go to work day in and day out with no day off. I get you have to make a living, but still. There's always more work to be done tomorrow.

Work now, save for retirement so you can enjoy life. Or not work now, and end up working until you die with no way to retire and enjoy life.
I have about 12 months left until retirement. It scares me. I can see why people have a tough time retiring. It's a big change. I work from home and squeeze in a round of golf each week. Been delegating a lot of my responsibilities to my subordinates and probably hiring and training my replacement in a few months.