Whats your opinion on people who work everyday?

Wifey's Uncle turned 100 last month; we went to So Cal to celebrate. He told me he is interested in "A1" (he meant AI) and that he plans on living to 105.
I suppose it's a blessing if you can still function at that age. My grandpa was fine until he fell one day and hit his head. He died a week later. His body was too old to heal from that.
I retired at 55 years of age. The wife and I travel frequently. Life is too short to work-IF YOU DON'T HAVE TO.

Of course I worked pretty hard up to that point......
I wish I could do that.
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Work yields the income we need to support our families and to help our children.
It also provides one a sense of purpose and belonging.
There have been many occasions when I've regretted taking a position involving supervising staff but also many when I really enjoyed it, with all of the mentoring and coaching and training of them.
No way would I want to work every day or an eighty hour week, but I know those who do for various reasons.
I'm also older now and will retire this year, wife having retired in 2021. Our pile is now made and we will be able to live comfortably with what we've accumulated over the years.
It will be nice to plan travel with no regard to work and scheduling around it.
A good piece of advice I received as a younger man was to always live below your means. A lot of people are slaves to their stuff. Most of us increase in our earning potential yet so many are still living paycheck to paycheck because their lifestyle increase always matches their earnings increase. Then when something comes up like a layoff or emergency expense etc they are panicking scrambling to make ends meet because their is insufficient savings and little financial wiggle room.
And yes, what's the point if ya can't enjoy your life a little.
i work 6 days a week 1/2 of the year
Great posts everyone. No doubt we all need good full-time jobs to support a family and save for retirement.

And things get more difficult every year.

I talk to quite a few people about retirement and many don’t take planning for it seriously.
I really have no opinion on people who work more than 40 hour weeks of their own accord. Everyone has their reasons for why they wish or must work the hours they do.
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I totally get there are so many means of avoiding work today. My wife works in an elementary school and many kids want to be YouTubers. In my time it was fire and police, astronaut, scientist. Since top YouTubers make almost $70 mil/yr and mediocre ones buy 1 mil homes at 21, is it wrong for them to aspire to it?

Imho the paradigm has shifted. Hard work was admired and unavoidable at one point in time. Today, the avoidance of work and creating passive income or the so called money for nothing is to be admired.

Again I’ve never been laid off nor fired and I’ve been on call 24/7/365 since 1996, and called out sick maybe 6-7 days since I started working. This means nothing to anybody but me. I get it. But it means something to me when I look back. And actually it does lead to about the maximum possible SS benefit. Again, not much. I’m just glad this was never me other than in hs and working summers while in college

I would say in my limited time on this earth, that you need a purpose and you need to earn a living or having enough saved up that you no longer have to work for it with your Back, Brain or your hands. In my case I'm still working though I'm limping along, Had elbow surgery for Torn tendon, looking at another for Ulnar nerve entrapment, and looking at another for Herniated disc(s) pain that wont go away. All before leaving my 30's. If you find a job you love doing, stay at it.