Whats your opinion on people who work everyday?

The truth is if you’re working a full load all 7 days you don’t have time to read a forum where someone asks “what’s your opinion…”
These answers are biased. Including mine.
What if when you retire your body is so worn out you're not able to enjoy life?

I retired at age 60. I have multiple serious health problems and I really can't do anything I want anymore. You should also know that by age 65, fully 1/4 of your American male peers are dead. The average life expectancy for American men is stunningly, 73 years old. Not 94, not 87, or any other of those nonsense statistics. 73.
The truth is if you’re working a full load all 7 days you don’t have time to read a forum where someone asks “what’s your opinion…”
These answers are biased. Including mine.
Sure you do. While doing dataloads on the G600 Gulfstream is a great example. One cannot walk away from the plane and leave it unattended, one must manage the files loaded, and watch it carefully. But there are plenty of small blocks of time where one can post on BITOG or talk on the phone.

The job can take hours.
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I don't get it. I guess i had a big wakeup call at an early age when several family members including both my parents starting passing away at a young age. I used to go to work for 10 days in a row without a day off. Then I realized, hey it could all end tomorrow. Let's worry less about making money and set some time aside to enjoy life some. Even if it's just a relaxing day watching TV on the couch.

Anyways, with that being said, I see so many people just go to work day in and day out with no day off. I get you have to make a living, but still. There's always more work to be done tomorrow.

You do what you got to do without whining about it. It's called work ethic.
I retired at age 60. I have multiple serious health problems and I really can't do anything I want anymore. You should also know that by age 65, fully 1/4 of your American male peers are dead. The average life expectancy for American men is stunningly, 73 years old. Not 94, not 87, or any other of those nonsense statistics. 73.
Retire for 6 years and bite the dust
I don't get it. I guess i had a big wakeup call at an early age when several family members including both my parents starting passing away at a young age. I used to go to work for 10 days in a row without a day off. Then I realized, hey it could all end tomorrow. Let's worry less about making money and set some time aside to enjoy life some. Even if it's just a relaxing day watching TV on the couch.

Anyways, with that being said, I see so many people just go to work day in and day out with no day off. I get you have to make a living, but still. There's always more work to be done tomorrow.


Whats your opinion on people who work everyday?​

Pretty sure I use more than that to judge people.

Do you really mean to ask - do we think it's OK to relax all day sitting on the couch?

Oh heck no, that will kill you.
living below your financial means,still be productive on your job and enjoy it ,not look for brown nosing on the job, and be positive to your co-workers and neighbors plus be happy wherever possible and importantly have a good family life, weather single or married and believe in your surroundings.
There was a time when I worked months at a time, without a day off. Sometimes it was the majority of the year. Missed birthdays, holidays, etc. Those are the sacrifices you might have to make to try and make your business a success. I can't just print money, or continually rack up more debt, so I had to work harder than any boss could ever legally require of me, to try and support my family. Even then there were no guarantees.

Without going into a long-winded autobiography, I'll just say that eventually that struggle paid off.
The OP's description is me. I've been on call, 24/7/365 since fall 1996. Going back to beepers. It dawned on me, there is no way, no how, I can ever get that time back. So I accept it.

It's why I have a hard-** for this work from home stuff. I'm on a team of 7, 5 of whom work from home. They do nothing every day, and are brazen in our group chat. "I'll be in after noon, my kid is graduating kindergarten."

I told the other guy who works in the office with me, guess what, I miss those events because I'm here.

Then I got to Costco on my lunch hour, and just watch the world of leisurely shopping, and I say, am I sour grapes because I'm in a hurry to get back, or do I think think what I see is just a bunch of lazy people who are using the system and their employers. These folks are likely very insensitive towards people who have to show up each and every day. Such as during the pandemic.

The time vs. money is really kicking in, however. How much, is, "enough" money for retirement.

Again just from this forum. Someone once said, "nobody needs a one hundred thousand dollar car."

And I think, I'm just talking about a Chevy Tahoe High Country being almost that with tax. I don't see why my family can't get one, and it's really neither here nor there with respect to retirement funds. Somehow I've accepted the high pricetag as being the price today.

I've never been fired nor laid off in my career, imho I'm simply not the person you want to get rid of as I'm a hard worker and have integrity. So in the end, for nobody else, I know the above to be true. But believe me, imagine if I had put this effort into self employment instead of making tons and tons of money for my employers. Queue the Sam Cooke. What a wonderful world it would be.
Imo, if people want to constantly work does extended period of time with no off days then that's fine with me. If they also want to work the car minimum, as long as they pay their own bills then that's fine with me. I however, do not subscribe to the hustle every day mentality; as there's no point of working all the time and not enjoying life and having experiences when I can.
I once had a pretty good job except it was set up as a 7 days a week - no days off job and all the folks who worked there were fine with that set up. I certainly was not as I was still rather young. I did not last long and ended up quiting after about 6mos. I was young then and wanted some days off to spend with girl friend running the streets and staying out all night.
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I’m 57 and working because we need health insurance. We dont have any debt other than our monthly untilities but we can’t retire because of health insurance. Maybe we should move to a third world country with universal insurance.
Trust me you don’t want to go to government hospitals in 3rd world countries like Say the Philippines. You’re safer just not going. But your money can allow you to live like a king in every other way there. Private health care is unattainable because of price there also.
You could do like the illegal migrants and some others do here and just go to the hospital ER every time you have any medical “issues ranging from a cold to something serious to just an effort to try and get them to give you a fix for the homeless drug addicts. And never pay a cent.
Everyone gets a trophy ya know….
I say kudos to those that work everyday. If you love your job, I understand it. If you need to, then I hope you can improve your situation.

Nowadays there are many who feel entitled and don't want to work. What if nobody worked at all?
I admire a strong work ethic. I also have a number of friends who worked labor type jobs and worked through pain to support their families but are paying a horrible price in back pain, etc. Some paid the ultimate price in work place accidents.

I spent so many years in low paying labor jobs and being homeless. In desperation, I took a low paying job in shipping and receiving at a tech company (companies would hire anyone on the spot due to demand) and went to Community College after work. Did this for many years, made plenty of mistakes. I would take a Saturday or Sunday off here and there. Ultimately the work ethic I developed in labor coupled with education paid off. And not too many bad back in computer programming.

My advice is to invest in yourself.
Oh yeah I’ve been saving for retirement since I started. I’ve got over $6,000 in my retirement account right now.
I put money in an IRA when I was about 24 years old and started to contribute to my company's 401k. The company was bought and sold a few times and I changed jobs and I never thought about the few thousand in my 401k account for a few years until I got a letter in the mail telling that I had to transfer the money out. I researched and learned that I had to transfer it to an IRA to avoid taxes. There was $43,000 in my 401k. I was shocked.