Whats your opinion on people who work everyday?

There are lots of people that don't have anybody but their "work family". Not everybody has a ton of friends. Not everybody has hobbies to keep them busy. It's not just about money.
I work alone at my job and my other job and normally on home projects too.

I took a couple days off this winter, was sick. Otherwise it's 80-100 hr weeks.
@AutoMechanic , you’re 20ish, live at home and work at a dealership. Hope you don’t have enough money because you’re saving a bunch. Or spending it on wine, women, and song. 👍🏻
I certainly ain’t saving it lol. Women on the other hand yes…I spend a lot on them and get me lots of DVDs too lol. And pay my bills because that’s responsible haha.
I don't get it. I guess i had a big wakeup call at an early age when several family members including both my parents starting passing away at a young age. I used to go to work for 10 days in a row without a day off. Then I realized, hey it could all end tomorrow. Let's worry less about making money and set some time aside to enjoy life some. Even if it's just a relaxing day watching TV on the couch.

Anyways, with that being said, I see so many people just go to work day in and day out with no day off. I get you have to make a living, but still. There's always more work to be done tomorrow.

A good piece of advice I received as a younger man was to always live below your means. A lot of people are slaves to their stuff. Most of us increase in our earning potential yet so many are still living paycheck to paycheck because their lifestyle increase always matches their earnings increase. Then when something comes up like a layoff or emergency expense etc they are panicking scrambling to make ends meet because their is insufficient savings and little financial wiggle room.
And yes, what's the point if ya can't enjoy your life a little.
I’m 57 and working because we need health insurance. We dont have any debt other than our monthly untilities but we can’t retire because of health insurance. Maybe we should move to a third world country with universal insurance.
I don't get it. I guess i had a big wakeup call at an early age when several family members including both my parents starting passing away at a young age. I used to go to work for 10 days in a row without a day off. Then I realized, hey it could all end tomorrow. Let's worry less about making money and set some time aside to enjoy life some. Even if it's just a relaxing day watching TV on the couch.

Anyways, with that being said, I see so many people just go to work day in and day out with no day off. I get you have to make a living, but still. There's always more work to be done tomorrow.

What choice do I have?
When you’re young, live like no other. So when you’re old, you can live like no other !
I go back and forth. My job is too close to my hobby I guess (electronics, PCB design). Some weeks I would be fine working on weekends, other times I'm fried by Friday morning. I'm noticing more and more how refreshed I am after a 3 day weekend. 4/10's is starting to sound more interesting, when I get it turned on, I don't mind 10+ hours. But when the brain says "no more" it is hard to do anything.

With flex time I just juggle around. If I need the afternoon off for a few hours, that's what I do, then fire it up for the evening. Not sure I'd want to work weekends as a rule though, my brain is tired usually.

Very much looking forward to when I can hang it up and every day ends in Y. Only 20 more years, wish I had started saving for retirement early--what can you do though, you're only young and dumb once.
Sense of purpose, sense of need. I started to work at the age of 12 because my parents had 6 children (me oldest) and wanted my own spending money asap which was not going to come from parents. I counted one time. I had 21 or more jobs before I was age 21. At about age 22 I landed the job that I stayed at for the next 28 years. I only left that job when they told me my physical issues made them force me into early retirement. But those 28 years had me do everything from 12 hour shift work to five eight hour days to the last years being four ten hour days. Thank goodness the place I worked at all those years was 10 minutes from my house. I used that work money to pay off two houses. Put two sons thru 12 years of private schools. Then paid for both of them to go to college. At same time some of that went on I was also paying for the wife to go back to college. Plus I was able to take them all on two or three vacation all across the USA ever year. So.... yeah. Some people need to work if they want to accomplish anything or if they want to support their loved ones to a decent life. I am in no way near rich at all. But the wife and I have always paid the bills and we are debt free. The corporation I worked for did take great care of me with benefits when I was forced into early retirement. Our two sons have found decent jobs and are doing very similar to the way they were raised. Working, paying off houses, putting kids thru good schools and traveling to visit us or taking their own cross country vacations like we did with the money they work for each day.
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What if when you retire your body is so worn out you're not able to enjoy life?
It is tough. That is kind of the life I am living these days. I did every type of BODY BREAKING job from pipeline building thru swamps to tug boats, barges and river work. Then construction work. Chemical plant operator. Chemical plant mechanic to part time / on the side auto repair mechanic for my family and the wife's family plus friends. To working in brother in laws small engine / welding shop on days off from the plant. Retired due to pretty much destroyed spine from neck to tail. Neck fusion and inoperable lower spine issues. I live on shots and medicines to manage that stuff. So in addition to no more work. I also lost being able to do all the hunting and fishing and car collecting and restoring hobbies. I still would NOT do it any different. I worked my tail off for family and to be able to enjoy the hobbies
I had. Many days were hell on earth but those times fade and I mostly remember the good ones. I am sad the shape I am in but glad I did what I did for my wife and two sons.
A good piece of advice I received as a younger man was to always live below your means. A lot of people are slaves to their stuff. Most of us increase in our earning potential yet so many are still living paycheck to paycheck because their lifestyle increase always matches their earnings increase. Then when something comes up like a layoff or emergency expense etc they are panicking scrambling to make ends meet because their is insufficient savings and little financial wiggle room.
And yes, what's the point if ya can't enjoy your life a little.
I lived paycheck to paycheck for many years and didn't like it. My wife and I both like a lot of disposable income.
I lived paycheck to paycheck for many years and didn't like it. My wife and I both like a lot of disposable income.
having money makes life far more enjoyable than not.
There's also a sense of purpose and direction with having a job.
I certainly ain’t saving it lol. Women on the other hand yes…I spend a lot on them and get me lots of DVDs too lol. And pay my bills because that’s responsible haha.
Start saving some now. Does where you work have any retirement offerings? 401k? Even a small amount per month is better than nothing. It has more time to grow if you start now.
I recently retired from a job that required way too much of me. They would minimize, deflect or deny the workload. In the end, claimed my workload was high due to commuting time. Which, BTW, was exactly ZERO when I never left the office for weeks at a time. They even fired all of my helpers. 100%. Putting the load on me, and nobody else.

It's no surprise my replacement got all the things I'd been asking for, and then some.

Bottom line: Don't do it. From the very start, manage your time professionally. Otherwise you'll find yourself aged-out, having missed out on the best years of your life.

My only saving grace was that my jobs have been really fun. Matters not one bit in the end.