How do truckers handle vehicles that pull out in front of them?

You need to work on your reading comprehension. Nowhere did the OP say he wanted to drive fast while towing his boat. He simply wants some RESPECT from the other drivers on the road, like you. You obviously have never towed anything behind a vehicle, much less something that weighs 2-4 tons. You have no idea of the pucker factor that everyday people who ARE skilled at towing have while casually towing a heavy load on the roads today.

The pulling out in front of people today with no regard is an epidemic..... that needs to stop. The OP was simply stating that he DOES LEAVE extra room for himself to STOP SAFELY, yet there's more brainless individuals out there than those with who constantly fill that gap he leaves for himself.
That's exactly what I was trying to say, couldn't have worded it better myself ;) Thank you.
Have to follow your smith system techniques and hope for the best.

At work, our hazmat tanker yankers wind up with a "following too close" picture snapshot being immediately forwarded to their manager, even when someone darts in front of them. The tractors have cameras in basically all directions, including one aimed at the driver.

All the newer tractors are automatic trans, have emergency braking, lane assist, etc..etc.
omg that's outrageous. I'd be like better check them side cameras before accusing me of following too close bossman :rolleyes:
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Yeah those were the good old days. Half the stuff I own was bought when I lived at home and had no bills. Now everything I make just pays for me to keep living and can't hardly buy anything fun nowadays.
It’s funny it seems when we get old it’s the same thing again. We have basically no bills other than living expenses, and money comes in faster than it goes out. But we’re not rich. And we’re not young. Maybe that’s why we love and see our younger selves in our kids 🙂
Oh they do. They're unionized, paid very well and in short supply. Goes with the territory these days.
Yeah Walmart easily well over $100k. But there are so many jobs now where the pay is very high. Doesn’t mean the jobs are easy of course.
Yeah Walmart easily well over $100k. But there are so many jobs now where the pay is very high. Doesn’t mean the jobs are easy of course.
For sure on that. $100K is the lighter end for our drivers, but like you say, a short day for them would be 10-12hrs and the schedules are all over the place. Our products are rolling 24/7/365.
For sure on that. $100K is the lighter end for our drivers, but like you say, a short day for them would be 10-12hrs and the schedules are all over the place. Our products are rolling 24/7/365.

Good job if some really wants to work.
You see people doing stupid things in fast traffic all or the time.
It's a wonder, as well as a credit to the truck drivers, that more cars don't end up getting run over by commercial trucks. A large SUV isn't much of an impediment to an eighteen wheeler either.
I also see truckers doing stupid things, like why are you tailgating me when there's are cars right in front of me preventing me from going any faster?
What do you call a car or cars you manage to put between you and a tailgating truck?
The padding.
I don't drive a truck but it annoys me when somebody speeds up to cut off a truck to make an exit 2 seconds faster versus waiting behind the truck.

Staying behind a truck frequently causes chips in one's windshield so I always pass 'em as fast as I can... exit or not.
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I think it's funny when the truckers put big decals on the back of their truck saying "NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR WINDSHIELDS"

I know lawyers that can make them pay!
I got a class 1license 50yrs ago. I never drove on the road much. I was the night yard driver. I came in at 4pm and was relieved by the day guy at It was a pre-stressed concrete outfit with huge contract. I lasted 2months before I quit and went back to framing houses
I think it's funny when the truckers put big decals on the back of their truck saying "NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR WINDSHIELDS"

I know lawyers that can make them pay!
Kind of dumb that they put those. Better to not have anything and give the illusion that their is no way that truck could possibly throw a rock lol