What happened to the low gas prices?

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Originally Posted By: grampi
It just blows my mind that so many of you either believe the oil industry is this squeaky clean enterprise that never does anything crooked and/or you know they're crooked and you just don't care. I guess I should stop caring too...

Originally Posted By: turtlevette
To say "they make too much money" down plays and ignores the unethical and criminal element in the industry. Remember that curly headed CEO of BP complaining that he had to give up time on his yaht because of the accident. A sociopath. Running a major corporation.

If there is no national security concern, why does the government store hundreds of millions of barrels of the stuff in empty Louisiana salt mines?

Oil companies are not doing charity works, they are in business to make some profit for their share holders. They aren't squeaky clean enterprises but they didn't violate any law of the country and of any state. They didn't intentionally manipulate the supply & demand to raise oil and/or gasoline price to make extra profit, at least that was the conclusions of all investigations they had to endure the last 15-20 years.

One of the reasons that we are paying fair price for gasoline at the pump is competition, there are more than few bands consumers can choose from.

If you look at natural gas, power, water ... companies you will see that most locations don't have any choice, only 1 company to provide power, water ... Whatever they want to charge they have it, most customers don't have any choice.

One example: we have shortage of water in So Cal, we cut back water usage to minimum (about 25-30 gallons per person per day, compares with average of around 100-150 gallon ), but our water bill is keep going up. The water company claimed that the revenue was lower because we conserved more than we should, so they raise price to keep the same profit.

Same for cable TV, cable company monopolizes 1 city/town and you will never get any reasonable price of their services, but if there is a second provider their price will drop within days.
700M Barrels is like 35 days of US oil consumption, must be planning on a very short war.(*)

But wait, when they ARE used "strategically", then grampi's problems are going to be even greater, as they won't just be "too expensive", they will be "non existent" to non essential activities, and as a retired vet, I doubt that his needs will be catered for.

To claim that oil prices NOW are an issue of national security is a joke, and a diversion.

(*)And planning on it being even shorter, as they are selling it down.
Originally Posted By: Shannow

To claim that oil prices NOW are an issue of national security is a joke, and a diversion.

Yup....agreed. The U.S. Gov plans for all kinds of things that threaten our security they ignore the two biggest problems..illegal immigration and also a national debt that is the biggest Ponzi Scheme on the planet. The whole planet will be one big Banana Republic eventually.
Originally Posted By: turtlevette
If you people enjoy being lemmings. Have at it.

Please worry for me as I enjoy life.
Originally Posted By: grampi
I never said there was gouging...what the industry does isn't legally considered gouging, which is how they get away with what they do. They manipulate the market to maximize profits...the results are the same, but done the way they do it it's also legal...unethical, but legal...what I don't understand is why guys like you, AL, and HTSS_TR are always so quick to defend the industry. Are you guys paid for this?

You already know that Exxon-Mobil is the largest oil company in the world, the first quarter of 2016 they had $1.81B profit from $48.71B revenue, 4.7% profit margin.

First quarter of 2015 they had $4.94B profit with $67.62B revenue, 7.3% profit margin.

If you think 5% and 7% profit margin is excessive, then how much an oil company should make ? 2% or 3% or less ?

Originally Posted By: HTSS_TR

If you think 5% and 7% profit margin is excessive, then how much an oil company should make ? 2% or 3% or less ?

Here comes the answer. "Those figures are manipulated" Just thought I would beat him to it.

Other possible answer: "Considering the huge sales $'s that represents a huge amou of money.
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Originally Posted By: Al
Originally Posted By: grampi
It just blows my mind that so many of you either believe the oil industry is this squeaky clean enterprise that never does anything crooked and/or you know they're crooked and you just don't care. I guess I should stop caring too...

No onever said that gramps. Some mentioned that all industries are motivated by [bPROFIT[/b]. Don't you get that???? That's what FREE WORLD countries do.

Now you were in the military so I assume you don't believe Marx and Engels but I could be wrong.
I hear fuel is very cheap in Russia..maybe you should check it out??

As far as National Security..I will do more than my share (as was done in WWII) I will and can cut my driving to 1/4 of what I am doing now so you can continue to drive to Walmart and keep the Chinese in business.

That'll also leave you more time for writing those love letters to all of those big oil execs who, in your world anyway, spend all of their free time handing out lollipops to orphans...
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Originally Posted By: HTSS_TR
Originally Posted By: grampi
It just blows my mind that so many of you either believe the oil industry is this squeaky clean enterprise that never does anything crooked and/or you know they're crooked and you just don't care. I guess I should stop caring too...

Originally Posted By: turtlevette
To say "they make too much money" down plays and ignores the unethical and criminal element in the industry. Remember that curly headed CEO of BP complaining that he had to give up time on his yaht because of the accident. A sociopath. Running a major corporation.

If there is no national security concern, why does the government store hundreds of millions of barrels of the stuff in empty Louisiana salt mines?

Oil companies are not doing charity works, they are in business to make some profit for their share holders. They aren't squeaky clean enterprises but they didn't violate any law of the country and of any state. They didn't intentionally manipulate the supply & demand to raise oil and/or gasoline price to make extra profit, at least that was the conclusions of all investigations they had to endure the last 15-20 years.

One of the reasons that we are paying fair price for gasoline at the pump is competition, there are more than few bands consumers can choose from.

If you look at natural gas, power, water ... companies you will see that most locations don't have any choice, only 1 company to provide power, water ... Whatever they want to charge they have it, most customers don't have any choice.

One example: we have shortage of water in So Cal, we cut back water usage to minimum (about 25-30 gallons per person per day, compares with average of around 100-150 gallon ), but our water bill is keep going up. The water company claimed that the revenue was lower because we conserved more than we should, so they raise price to keep the same profit.

Same for cable TV, cable company monopolizes 1 city/town and you will never get any reasonable price of their services, but if there is a second provider their price will drop within days.

There is no competition in the gas/diesel market...they operate in a cartel market, hence the reason you can't find gas being sold for 50% less at one station as compared to others...
Originally Posted By: grampi

There is no competition in the gas/diesel market...they operate in a cartel market, hence the reason you can't find gas being sold for 50% less at one station as compared to others...

Who would do that, I mean, seriously.
Originally Posted By: grampi
There is no competition in the gas/diesel market...they operate in a cartel market, hence the reason you can't find gas being sold for 50% less at one station as compared to others...

Tell me anything that you have bought in the last week that was 50% cheaper than it was at a neighbouring store.

OMFG...the cartels are everywhere.

I explained earlier that you could save 50% in fuel costs on domestic NG...why haven't you put a pump in your house and converted yet ?

Oh, yeah, you want it available at every second corner too.
Originally Posted By: Shannow
Originally Posted By: grampi
There is no competition in the gas/diesel market...they operate in a cartel market, hence the reason you can't find gas being sold for 50% less at one station as compared to others...

Tell me anything that you have bought in the last week that was 50% cheaper than it was at a neighbouring store.

OMFG...the cartels are everywhere.

I explained earlier that you could save 50% in fuel costs on domestic NG...why haven't you put a pump in your house and converted yet ?

Oh, yeah, you want it available at every second corner too.

Motor oil is $2.67 a qt at Wlamart...anywhere else it's $5 a qt...and considering I drive through 3 states on a regular basis, how am I supposed get NG if it's not available at stations like gas is?
Originally Posted By: eljefino
Originally Posted By: grampi

There is no competition in the gas/diesel market...they operate in a cartel market, hence the reason you can't find gas being sold for 50% less at one station as compared to others...

Who would do that, I mean, seriously.

With the gasoline market it can't be done since prices are strictly controlled...because it's part of a cartel market...
Sounds like an opportunity. If you think you can supply NG at fair rates and if few to none are in the market, there is your chance to change the market.

Build those NG stations and charge what you believe to be a fair price for your product.

There you go, something you can control and do the way you think it should be done.

Originally Posted By: grampi
Originally Posted By: Shannow
Originally Posted By: grampi
There is no competition in the gas/diesel market...they operate in a cartel market, hence the reason you can't find gas being sold for 50% less at one station as compared to others...

Tell me anything that you have bought in the last week that was 50% cheaper than it was at a neighbouring store.

OMFG...the cartels are everywhere.

I explained earlier that you could save 50% in fuel costs on domestic NG...why haven't you put a pump in your house and converted yet ?

Oh, yeah, you want it available at every second corner too.

Motor oil is $2.67 a qt at Wlamart...anywhere else it's $5 a qt...and considering I drive through 3 states on a regular basis, how am I supposed get NG if it's not available at stations like gas is?
Originally Posted By: javacontour
Sounds like an opportunity. If you think you can supply NG at fair rates and if few to none are in the market, there is your chance to change the market.

Build those NG stations and charge what you believe to be a fair price for your product.

There you go, something you can control and do the way you think it should be done.

Originally Posted By: grampi
Originally Posted By: Shannow
Originally Posted By: grampi
There is no competition in the gas/diesel market...they operate in a cartel market, hence the reason you can't find gas being sold for 50% less at one station as compared to others...

Tell me anything that you have bought in the last week that was 50% cheaper than it was at a neighbouring store.

OMFG...the cartels are everywhere.

I explained earlier that you could save 50% in fuel costs on domestic NG...why haven't you put a pump in your house and converted yet ?

Oh, yeah, you want it available at every second corner too.

Motor oil is $2.67 a qt at Wlamart...anywhere else it's $5 a qt...and considering I drive through 3 states on a regular basis, how am I supposed get NG if it's not available at stations like gas is?

The cartels should fear grampi - CNG was over $2 posted price at the fueling station at the Ball factory where I just moved from. He should be able to pull off half price or less easily by his rhetoric ignoring the world of what's involved in capital intensive enterprises.


Kind of like the leadership in Venezuela. They bad mouth the US and say that Citgo is a bad business for them, but they haven't sold Citgo yet for some reason and lost a big outlet for their heavy crude oil when the Hovensa refinery on St. Croix USVI shut down a few years back. They need Citgo too much to sell it to someone who would buy it, and based on what happened with Unocal, it's unlikely Citgo would be sold to Sinopec or CNOOC or CNPC.
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Originally Posted By: grampi
Originally Posted By: eljefino
Originally Posted By: grampi

There is no competition in the gas/diesel market...they operate in a cartel market, hence the reason you can't find gas being sold for 50% less at one station as compared to others...

Who would do that, I mean, seriously.

With the gasoline market it can't be done since prices are strictly controlled...because it's part of a cartel market...

Agreed, those guys wearing the aluminum hats for protection have the exact price of gasoline controlled in every station in the nation down to the penny. If the price went up by 3 cents at your local station, it was because one of those guys pulled the 3 cent lever for that particular station.
Originally Posted By: SeaJay
Originally Posted By: grampi
Originally Posted By: eljefino
Originally Posted By: grampi

There is no competition in the gas/diesel market...they operate in a cartel market, hence the reason you can't find gas being sold for 50% less at one station as compared to others...

Who would do that, I mean, seriously.

With the gasoline market it can't be done since prices are strictly controlled...because it's part of a cartel market...

Agreed, those guys wearing the aluminum hats for protection have the exact price of gasoline controlled in every station in the nation down to the penny. If the price went up by 3 cents at your local station, it was because one of those guys pulled the 3 cent lever for that particular station.

That's pretty much the case...
Originally Posted By: grampi
Originally Posted By: HTSS_TR

If OPEC can control supply they would love to keep it low to get higher price for their crude oil, but they didn't have control of the supply side that why crude oil went from $100+ a barrel to less than $30 few months ago and it is back up a little to about $50.

You keep overlooking, or ignoring the fact that OPEC purposely flooded the market with supply to drive down prices attempting to bankrupt U.S. companies. I don't know why you refuse to acknowledge this...maybe because it punches a hole in your argument?

My theory has been for the last two years that Saudi Arabia has flooded the market with crude oil because USA wants to hit Russia to its knees.

Let me explain.

Russia's economy relies highly on the income got from selling crude oil. It's been said that their economy is in balance if the crude oil price is around $50-$100/barrel.

Russia invaded Krim at March of 2014. Soon after that Saudi Arabia started to pump maximum amount of oil to the market, no matter how low the price went. It did hurt Saudi's income and still does. The crude oil price is way too low for the country's budget, and they are struggling with a huge deficit even as we speak. But the low oil price hurts Russia's economy even more. Russia is currently eating their reserve fund at a fast pace, and the fund will run out of money probably in the year 2017.

So, my theory has been for the past two years that:
1) Russia invaded Krim and has a frozen conflict ongoing with Ukraine
2) USA/NATO can't act against Russia directly, but can do Russia's life miserable indirectly by lowering the crude oil price to a record low levels => So, USA asked a favour from its good friend Saudi Arabia that it will pump as much oil to the market as it can
3) So far this scheme has been successful and within a year from now Russia will be in bankruptcy, and the Ukranian crisis will come to an end

If I'm wrong or right with my theory remains to be seen.

Anyway I have been delighted with the fact that these record low crude oil prices have boosted the world economy a bit, and thus have eased this long recession/low growth period we have faced for the last seven years at least in some parts of Europe.

Also, personally I have been very glad to pay much less for the gasoline than a couple of years ago. The savings for me have been about 50 € per month. What? Free money from Saudi Arabia to me? Yes please!

I cannot understand how anyone can complain about these prices we see right now (unless he is a "grampi old man"). This discount will end some day, and the prices will rise back to the normal/sustainable levels.

Is the gasoline still dirt cheap? Nope!
Is it still cheap? You bet!
Are we going to drive cars no matter what the gasoline price will be? Of course.
Originally Posted By: finmile

Is the gasoline still dirt cheap? Nope!
Is it still cheap? You bet!
Are we going to drive cars no matter what the gasoline price will be? Of course.

Can you do some more of that? Where you answer your own questions.
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