What are you eating right now?

This weekend we are putting on lunches during the cattle team penning at our place. One of the days will be pulled pork and a little pulled beef.

My buddy at the local butcher just trimmed up four pork butts. Tomorrow I will season them up. Thinking course salt brine overnight with garlic powder and pepper.

Last night of living large.

Olives and peppers, flaming cheese, and whole red snapper. Clean eating.
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Where did you eat this red snapper? No red snapper is anywhere to be found but in the Gulf of Mexico and some southern states. Every fish sold as red snapper here is trumped-up rock cod. Those filets look like rock cod to me but I'm not a fish expert. I only know how to ID sharky.
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Today, I tried my hand at baking a cake for my daughter's birthday. For the last few years milk products give her hives and wheat causes gastric pain so it was my first try at dairy and wheat free cake. Let's just say I won't be posting any pictures, lol.

Margarine makes for a somewhat different butter cream frosting. It didn't want to stick nearly as well. Also, I used Bob's Red Mill flour substitute and it wasn't exactly a light and airy crumb. It was more muffin like than cake.

Maybe I'll try again in another 5 years or so, lol
Having a leftover hamburger with Swiss cheese heated up over the still
Smoldering coals of the fire. Packed up and ready to head home today from
Camping. Then to either live music on mountain or cider fest
Over the last three weeks, I have been losing 12 pounds on my steady intake of the usual foodstuff, including one weekly misstep. I now weigh in at 199 pounds, a weight at least 10 pounds below my average weight over the last 10 years. Since age is catching up with me, and I'll be 50 in two years, I am going to shift from performance orientation toward longevity. Taking a few pounds off takes stress off the cardiovascular system and kidneys, and has metabolic advantages. I have no plan that's set in stone but I expect to reduce my weight slowly over the coming decade and beyond. I know I do well at 180 pounds which is what I weighed at 18. Maybe I can wear my old clothes again when I'm 80. But would I want to?

My lunch is chicken, riced cauliflower, bell peppers, and spinach. Also the leftover miso soup with tofu and seaweed from last night.
