What are you eating right now?

Just had a bowl of fruit.

EDIT: Pecorino. Grik olivies. Two GF burger patties with grnd nuts and cheeses, etc mixed into grnd bif served with Sunday sauce made with GF stew beef and pork, frozen HG tomotoes, 3 kinds of oregano, etc. Cold broc and cauli marinaded in Elderberry balsamic and EVOO. Acqua frizzante sin minerale.
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Just done cooking. Homemade chicken and thick pasta scraps since we made pasta this morning. Nothing beats homemade
I'd love some homemade maltagliati right now. Did you notice how I turned that gourmet? (y)

I settled for the dried stuff for lunch at the outlaws today. We had misto with peas, potatoes and sausage meat in a broth based soup.
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Or rather marjoram is subtle but complex while oregano is one note and crude.

I have 5 kinds of oregano, they all smell and taste different

Mexican: Not as strong as one might think, decent flavor - mellow really

Bulk who knows USA kind: Kinda boring, probably not fresh, low flavor and aroma, but does have more of a basil aroma than other oregano. Just kinda Blah.

Wild Calabrian: Holy she-etty powerfully strong, lemony, weedy wild aroma - just take the lid off the jar and can smell a few meters away. Flavor itself is quite good and sweet, and again not as strong as aroma

Cultivated Campanian: This truly is the king of oregano. Just nice earthy, healthy smell. Light lemon. Flavor is more than one would expect with mellow aroma. Really good.

Generic Bulk Marjoram: Smells a bit like real oregano, lighter sweet like smell. A bit of whatever they use for scent in some laundry detergents. Tastes is light, use too much a soapy flavor develops for most super tasters.
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Calzone. Unfortunately had to send it back they mistook onions for pineapple. I can’t stand onions so back it went. Waitress admitted she wrote down wrong thing. No big deal accidents happen, now I will have to rush it down though as parents are chowing away lol. Supposed to be pepperoni, mushrooms and pineapple. Came out pepperoni, mushrooms and onions 🤮.