I worked 8+ years in an automotive testing facility and we had a book on how everything can affect efficiency i.e. tires, wind drag, oil, etc. When I read about a certain oil (or additive) yielding 2-3 or more mpg, I wag my head and chuckle. Impossible.
In some ways, I have been disappointed with R&P. However, on my first run in the spring until after my second fill with it this fall, I do believe I saw MPG increase in my Volvo. Of course, I was also coming from thicker Euro oils.
2-3 would be a lot though. Even with my gasoline log I keep, it's hard for me to say just how much it helped. Some quick comparisons form the same week in different years, looks like 1-2mpg. Again, that's coming from a 40 weight. However, there's so many factors, that even I can't say with certainty it helped.