Originally posted by Ray H:
A friend of mine bought a '94 Accord, new. On my advice he changed the factory fill oil out at 500 miles, then again at 2,500 miles.
The 94 Accord didn't have steel cylinder sleeves or special break-in oil designed to seat the steel sleeves. There was also no recommendation not to change it out early.
Regardless how much moly is installed at the factory (could either be in the oil or in the assembly lube - no one outside of Honda has any idea which and Honda isn't talking), only so much can be taken up in the sliding surface asperities (microscopic "hills and valleys" on machined bearing surfaces). The rest can only slosh around in the oil as excess.
Moly is an expensive additive, and from the recent reports they've cut back from 1,000ppm to 500ppm in the break-in oil. That's still 2.5 times the moly you'll find in the OTC Honda oil.
If you're comfortable with the notion of running the same (probably dino) oil and all the initial wear metals too small to be trapped by the oil filter, and subsequently large enough to be trapped, but NOT, after the oil filter is clogged to bypass, for 10,000 miles in a new engine, fine.
I cut open my oil filter after running 5,000mi on the factory-fill oil in my 2002 Acura RSX and there was very little visible metal. The filter looked fine. It certainly wasn't clogged to bypass.