How many of you have taught the women in your life how to change the oil?

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Ha! There's about a snowflake's chance in Hitler's corner of he11 of getting my wife to touch a "dirty" part of any car. . .
I taught my daughter. She got so involved that she took a JC class in auto repair. That class has helped her, twice, to avoid an a rip off at the repair shop. The first was a charge for a valve adjustment on a car with hyd lifters and the second was for a clutch adjustment on a car with an automatic transmission.
I have taught a number of women how to shange the oil, successfully.
"Go on ladies day.", to the oil change joints.
Why press the issue?
She's got and I have Bitog. She does change the oil in her frying pan on a short OCI, however. Canola 5W30 I believe.
About 10 years ago when my daughter was in school and had her own car, I insisted she learn a few basics lion oil change and tire change. She protested she wasn't an women's libber. I don't know that she ever changed the oil herself. She did change a tire once.

Likely knows more than many guys.
I cannot even get my wife to fill up her van with gas; but I have two daughters who I have taught how to fill up the gas and change the oil and filters. They don't mind getting their fingernails dirty! They even tell me when oil is on sale!

Originally posted by davidfarming:
I cannot even get my wife to fill up her van with gas;

I feel bad for you bro. I know who are like that. luckily, my wife isn't one. I tell her all the time about checking oil, but she doesn't because she knows I will do it.
I taught a young, attractive grad school classmate how to change oil once. Once.

Wife was not impressed.
Miss Linda doesn't even drive, so learning how to change oil would be pointless.

She at least understands the necessity for oil changes, but not why I like to do it. She has watched and handed me tools and oil bottles. The whole process still makes her nervous, though. I think she expects the car to come to life without warning and bite my arm off!

-- Paul W.
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