First Time Gun Owner - Question

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Originally Posted By: AZjeff
Originally Posted By: Ws6
Everyone has an opinion on HD weapons. I prefer an M4. Why? I can suppress it (ever shot a weapon in a confined space...).

Valid choice but you just added what, $800 minimum to the price of the rifle? And put yourself in another category with the BATF Form 4 app.....

My hearing is worth it is the short answer.
The long answer is that we pay for what we are passionate about, and I've had so many background checks and other junk that I just don't really care if the BATFE knows I have an expensive metal tube with baffles in it.
Originally Posted By: shiny
Gun-proofing children is a lot like teaching them how to behave around swimming pools and not to play with matches.

My late husband was a teacher, and also a firearms safety instructor. If anyone's interested, this is how he gun-proofed his son:

When the boy was very small he didn't know there were guns in the house. When he was seven and getting curious about guns, his dad explained that guns were not toys, but very dangerous tools, like his shop tools. He took his son to the firing range, put a canteloupe on a rail, and again explained that guns were very, very dangerous and not toys.

Without putting hearing protection on his son (just this one time), he shot the canteloupe once with his .45. It was so loud, the canteloupe exploded so spectacularly, the boy was absolutely shocked. It was like nothing he had seen on TV. Then my husband asked him if he now understood that guns are not toys. The kid could only nod his head with his mouth hanging open, "Yes, Papa."

After that, the boy understood that if he ever wanted to see his dad's guns he only had to ask and his dad would get them out for him. He had to memorize the Four Rules of Firearm Safety, learned how to clean the weapons, and got taken to the range for lessons.

When watching TV together, they played a game to see who could count the most violations of the Four Rules of Firearm Safety. "He didn't check to see if the gun was loaded when he picked it up!" "She had her finger on the trigger when she wasn't ready to fire!" This reinforced the rules to him.

The Four Rules of Firearm Safety:

1. Treat every gun as a loaded gun, every time you pick it up. Even if you just put it down for only a moment, check it again when you pick it up. Make it a habit.

2. Never point your gun at anything you don't wish to totally destroy. Don't sweep the muzzle around the room or gesture with a gun in your hand.

3. Never put your finger on the trigger until you're aimed at your intended target and ready to fire.

4. Always be aware of your target background. If you miss or the round penetrates your target, what's behind that wall?


That is probably the best post that I have seen around this subject.
Originally Posted By: Doog
Originally Posted By: Ws6

Just curious...what are your passions? 4200sq ft house and discount bin shotgun. I'm assuming cars? Pix would liven the thread!

That said, you listed a best-case scenario, not a worst-case scenario. IMO, if someone is breaking into your home and needs shooting, "best case" has already left the room and Mr. Murphy has replaced him.

Let's presume the dog is at the vet, the ADT system wasn't set because...who commits crime in your neighborhood, anyway, right? and you're jamming out to something on YouTube or whatever. Your wife/kid/you opened a window the other morning to get some crisp air, and did not lock it after closing it.

Perfect storm, I know, but I like having something handy, because a B&E/Home invasion isn't something I want to view as "best case scenario".


Rule #1 I never put pictures of my home on the internet unless it's for sale. Sensible for sure. I meant the F430 or whatever though.
#2. The alarm is always set at night. The dog is always there. It's his job. Dogs are fickle. I love them, but they are fickle.
#3. My Mav 88 is fine. I designed and built my home because I am a tradesman and could do it for 50 cents on a dollar 20 years ago. Awesome! My grandparents did similar. 3200 sq ft, $100k-ish.
#4 I live in a really nice executive neighborhood but don't buy luxury cars or guns or anything. I do spend a lot of money on my kids education and invest in real estate and securities versus objects that depreciate. Nothing wrong with that!
#5. I buy less expensive guns because I can buy more of them for my firearms budget. My choice.
#6. I change my own oil and work on my own cars, motorcycles, boats etc.
That's one thing I left behind in college. Logistics (living in an apartment), etc. have temporarily made it impractical, anyway.
It's just me.....I am an educated guy but was once a blue collar guy and never want to lose the joy of working with my hands.

BTw, I get to go socialize with all kinds of doctors and lawyers and educators etc but really have more fun having a beer with the local guys at the neighborhood corner bar. Real character in people comes in many sizes and shapes and has little to do with income.

Originally Posted By: hatt
Get a .22 rifle. A locked up shotgun is going to do little for your protection. May as well have something cheap to learn on.

I took my rifle course a few weeks back. It was great info on the different types of rifles and how to maintain them. We spent a good 1.5 hours on the range trying a variety of 22 rifles action types. I'm now leaning toward a 22 semi-auto for range shooting and teaching my oldest in a year.

Thanks for all the info! My eye is on a Ruger 10/22 Carbine with the stainless steel barrel.
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Originally Posted By: Doog
Originally Posted By: Ws6

Just curious...what are your passions? 4200sq ft house and discount bin shotgun. I'm assuming cars? Pix would liven the thread!

That said, you listed a best-case scenario, not a worst-case scenario. IMO, if someone is breaking into your home and needs shooting, "best case" has already left the room and Mr. Murphy has replaced him.

Let's presume the dog is at the vet, the ADT system wasn't set because...who commits crime in your neighborhood, anyway, right? and you're jamming out to something on YouTube or whatever. Your wife/kid/you opened a window the other morning to get some crisp air, and did not lock it after closing it.

Perfect storm, I know, but I like having something handy, because a B&E/Home invasion isn't something I want to view as "best case scenario".


Rule #1 I never put pictures of my home on the internet unless it's for sale.
#2. The alarm is always set at night. The dog is always there. It's his job.
#3. My Mav 88 is fine. I designed and built my home because I am a tradesman and could do it for 50 cents on a dollar 20 years ago.
#4 I live in a really nice executive neighborhood but don't buy luxury cars or guns or anything. I do spend a lot of money on my kids education and invest in real estate and securities versus objects that depreciate.
#5. I buy less expensive guns because I can buy more of them for my firearms budget. My choice.
#6. I change my own oil and work on my own cars, motorcycles, boats etc.

It's just me.....I am an educated guy but was once a blue collar guy and never want to lose the joy of working with my hands.

BTw, I get to go socialize with all kinds of doctors and lawyers and educators etc but really have more fun having a beer with the local guys at the neighborhood corner bar. Real character in people comes in many sizes and shapes and has little to do with income.

+111 Doog!
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