Ruger RXM. 250 rounds. First impressions

Sorry, I'm an unknowing heathen regarding such matters. I assume that any Glock patents have expired at this time, so it's fair game for companies like Ruger to openly copy the design? And from the reviews I've seen, the RXM is as good as the original, but cheaper?

I've been wanting a home defense firearm for some time, and this Ruger has jumped to the top of the list.
How much is a budget important for you? the stoeger str-9 is frequently available around $250 and decent.
You kinda went off on a glock rant there.. Which thread isnt about an actual glock.
So for this thread:
you dont want to use glock parts.
you actually want to use ruger/magpul mags. in. a. ruger. ;)
I also wouldnt try glock aftermarket or oem parts in it.
unless you like to experiment and tweak.

That being said glock mags mostly work.
FWIW, I tried a couple borrowed Glock factory 9mm mags (a G19 and a G17) this last time around and both functioned perfectly. The Magpul mags that came with the gun are regular Magpul GL9s so for all intents and purposes, interchangeable. Ruger and Magpul are very specific about the grip angle being so close to Glock (20.5 vs. 22) and it's importance for function. This, I'm sure, is why Magpul has no plans to change the grip angle for any future RXM frames they produce. I'm sure this is also why the aftermarket will have to be very specific as to any different frame grip angles produced unless they either specify exactly which mags will work or supply them with the frames. I can only imagine the liability can of worms if they didn't.

With regard to other parts interchangeability, Ruger even states in the manual that the upper parts, ie; slide and all attached, are directly interchangeable with Glock or other manufacturers of parts that fit the G19. While this may be true, I personally won't be mixing and matching unless absolutely necessary. And only then, after very careful measurements are taken and I trust the gun functions 100% with those parts.
IIRC it was mainly the older mags and if you just slapped them in fast or canted they had issues.

There are a couple youtube videos out now about it.
IIRC it was mainly the older mags and if you just slapped them in fast or canted they had issues.

There are a couple youtube videos out now about it.
Another incompatibility was and still is with the bolt hold open relief cut in the follower of the mag. The grip angle changes where that cut lives in the gun, thus affecting that some Glock clones.

The fix is to dremel out the relief cut to suit, but can be easily overdone like most anything you can do with a dremel.
A quick video of it by Lenny MaGill.

I think Ruger is taking some of his bread and butter. He kinda looked nervous. If that RXM has aluminum or steel sights.. Its already better than those plastic polymer sights from Gaston. Im having high hopes for the RXM. Does it get a carry case and not a cardboard box now??!?!
I think Ruger is taking some of his bread and butter. He kinda looked nervous. If that RXM has aluminum or steel sights.. Its already better than those plastic polymer sights from Gaston. Im having high hopes for the RXM. Does it get a carry case and not a cardboard box now??!?!

I doubt that MaGill is worried. Both Glock and his business model pertaining to them, are both well established. If anything he'll start carrying them, and start offering aftermarket parts for them.
Seems the slide stop on the RXM, in some cases, is loosey goosey to the point that Glock OEM mags are causing issues. Change out slide stop assy with a Glock OEM and it works. Doesn't seem like everyone is having the issues, but some definitely are.
Seems the slide stop on the RXM, in some cases, is loosey goosey to the point that Glock OEM mags are causing issues. Change out slide stop assy with a Glock OEM and it works. Doesn't seem like everyone is having the issues, but some definitely are.
No issue when I used Glock mags in mine recently. Both held the slide open after the final shot. None stopped the slide before, nor kept me from using the slide stop to release the slide on a mag change.
No issue when I used Glock mags in mine recently. Both held the slide open after the final shot. None stopped the slide before, nor kept me from using the slide stop to release the slide on a mag change.
Yeah, seems most people aren't having the issue, but there appears to be some. Hopefully Ruger fixes it in newer batches.
Myself and three friends ordered four RXMs from the LGS--we pick them up tomorrow. I'm looking forward to getting my hands on it and some range time. I already own / carry a G27, and have wanted a G19 set up for optics. Based on online reviews, I expect this gun to run well out of the box. Stay tuned.
Rather than buy a whole new Glock for an optic set up, I bought a Brownell’s slide and barrel. Thoughts on that, here:

Thread 'Red Dot on a G19 - Brownell’s RMR slide'

I did the same thing with a G17 recently. Put a Leupold Deltapoint Pro on it. I like the Deltapoint the best. It’s big but sight acquisition is simpler.

Had it out yesterday.

Myself and three friends ordered four RXMs from the LGS--we pick them up tomorrow. I'm looking forward to getting my hands on it and some range time. I already own / carry a G27, and have wanted a G19 set up for optics. Based on online reviews, I expect this gun to run well out of the box. Stay tuned.
Looking forward to hearing from you on how you all like it. I am literally ready to buy one. ON the fence about it....
Seems the slide stop on the RXM, in some cases, is loosey goosey to the point that Glock OEM mags are causing issues. Change out slide stop assy with a Glock OEM and it works. Doesn't seem like everyone is having the issues, but some definitely are.
Rather than buy a whole new Glock for an optic set up, I bought a Brownell’s slide and barrel. Thoughts on that, here:

Thread 'Red Dot on a G19 - Brownell’s RMR slide'

I did the same thing with a G17 recently. Put a Leupold Deltapoint Pro on it. I like the Deltapoint the best. It’s big but sight acquisition is simpler.

Had it out yesterday.

View attachment 257876
you suck:cry:
@Astro14 how far were you from the target? That's incredible shooting!
I was 10 yards. That’s about 120 rounds, I think. I went through several boxes of ammo.

This was just comparing accuracy and sight picture between the iron sights and the red dot. I think my iron sights hit just a hair left, it’s not enough that I’m gonna drift the rear site, but I am aware of it.

The red dot is more accurate, it tends to hit the bull. But it’s a very minor difference. If I were to drift the rear site just a hair, I think I would get equal accuracy out of both types.

On the next target, I did a bunch of timed drills.

The Glock 17 in the photo is not really a range toy, but it’s not an every day gun, either. I don’t carry it, or keep it at the ready.I bought it many years ago, just to have it. The Glock 17 is a classic, it revolutionized the world of handguns.

I also compete infrequently. A couple of times a year, when my schedule allows. The Glock 17 is my go to. I competed with my Glock 21 once, but in this particular group, there are no points given for higher caliber, so having a lower capacity magazine, and more recoil, with no score compensation, wasn’t doing me any favors. I competed once with my H&K USPS compact in .40. Same result. I shot OK, but I’m at a disadvantage both in magazine capacity and recoil.

So, this Glock is the go to for that purpose. Last competition I was in, I was one of the very few running iron sights, so the impetus for putting a red dot on the Glock 17 was to see how I like it and then, potentially competing with that set up.
Have you ever seen glock sights break? I have not seen any issues with the stock polymer sights.
I have never had a sight break, but I once had a front sight come loose. It was the factory Glock installed sight, so it was really surprised.

I am very careful to use a drop of blue Loctite, and torque it to spec whenever I install new sights.