@Astro14 how far were you from the target? That's incredible shooting!
I was 10 yards. That’s about 120 rounds, I think. I went through several boxes of ammo.
This was just comparing accuracy and sight picture between the iron sights and the red dot. I think my iron sights hit just a hair left, it’s not enough that I’m gonna drift the rear site, but I am aware of it.
The red dot is more accurate, it tends to hit the bull. But it’s a very minor difference. If I were to drift the rear site just a hair, I think I would get equal accuracy out of both types.
On the next target, I did a bunch of timed drills.
The Glock 17 in the photo is not really a range toy, but it’s not an every day gun, either. I don’t carry it, or keep it at the ready.I bought it many years ago, just to have it. The Glock 17 is a classic, it revolutionized the world of handguns.
I also compete infrequently. A couple of times a year, when my schedule allows. The Glock 17 is my go to. I competed with my Glock 21 once, but in this particular group, there are no points given for higher caliber, so having a lower capacity magazine, and more recoil, with no score compensation, wasn’t doing me any favors. I competed once with my H&K USPS compact in .40. Same result. I shot OK, but I’m at a disadvantage both in magazine capacity and recoil.
So, this Glock is the go to for that purpose. Last competition I was in, I was one of the very few running iron sights, so the impetus for putting a red dot on the Glock 17 was to see how I like it and then, potentially competing with that set up.