When will "He has a smart phone, he is financially irresponsible" be over?

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Originally Posted by Garak
It's not about fear. It's about managing risk, and, more than fear, about absolutely despising a certain business model. A product has to do something that I want to have done, before I'll even consider it. For instance, I've never seen the need in yelling at a crappy little speaker in an effort to hear the weather or a song I like. That's not fear. That's disdain. The risks are only the icing on the cake.

Give me an open source cell phone where I have control over how I compute, and we'll talk. Neither Apple nor Google get to decide how I use technology or media.

Good luck with your open source cell phone.

All power corrupts, but we need the electricity.
It'll either happen or it won't. I don't have any overriding need to carry a device so friends, family, employees, and business associates can annoy me. As I mentioned, give me an open source cell phone, then we'll talk. I'd consider it. I still may not buy it in the first place.
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