What do you do for a living?

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. What I need to do is invent/build a set of handcuffs that will still operate in the harsh police world of spilled coffee and doughnut frosting

I hear what you guys are sayin about some folks police driving. I teach driver training at the academy on a routine guest instructor basis. You would be amazed at how a Crown Vic can violate so many of the laws of physics.
I work for the Kansas Department of Transportation as an Equipment Operator. Have not had a raise in 4 years, governer gives the Highway Patrol a raise every year but, no one else gets one. Highway Patrol is her personal body guards, guess that explains it. I'm looking in to truck driving since I have a class A CDL.

Originally posted by wavinwayne:
What type of oil & filters do you guys use in your patrol cars? What is your OCI?

WW we use Americas Choice (recycled) 5W30 and whatever filter gets the bid. Right now we are using Wix. OCI is 5K. We have been using this oil for a long time and it seems to work just fine.
that is a Music Man axis super sport with a translucent red premium maple top. it was originally designed for EVH and sold as an EVH for a few years in the early 90's.
more info is here
if you like guitars check out our new steve morse special edition.
we have more premium guitars in the works made out of several exotic woods.

Originally posted by Shannow:
Last_Z, could you please tell us southern folk just what that green covering that the military have installed over your dirt is ?

We've similar mounds down here at the rifle range, and without exception, they've been covered in a straw coloured material for years. (we had to hunt the kangaroos out from behind the targets last weekend).

The green stuff looks so much nicer.


The mounds are ammunition bunkers. The covering is actual grass. It is essentially a concrete structure with dirt and grass on top. Once upon a time, they safeguarded nuclear weapons. I've been in them to load up on pallets of ammo for training.....forget nuclear radiation.....watch out for the scorpions, snakes, and spiders!
Certified Pharmacy tech(wife, too).
used to be full time. now part time, and going to college. applying for pharm.school soon. (wife already there, will finish in ca. 3yrs)

Originally posted by tom slick:
I forgot to mention I am the facility manager at ernie ball / music man where we make these

we are best known for guitar strings

What kind of guitar is that?
are those single coil pickups?
Environmental program manager that is NOT the "tree-hugging-save-the-planet" type. Lord knows there are enough of them out there to stereotype me.
I am the supervisor for both a water and wastewater SCADA system and a non-emergency call center for a city north of Dallas, TX.
Contractor of sorts, but now I pretty much just do estimates and the occasional window cleaning job that comes my way. Gets me out of the office and I get paid to work on my tan.

I had a part-time gig teaching econ and business courses at two local colleges but enrollment is down so they haven't needed me lately. Have one degree in economics and an MBA too but you'd never know to look at me.
I'm a network engineer for a company that develops software for city and county governments. I don't make your taxes higher, I just help build the systems that keep track of how much they are and if you've paid them!

Originally posted by michaelc80:
I'm a network engineer for a company that develops software for city and county governments. I don't make your taxes higher, I just help build the systems that keep track of how much they are and if you've paid them!

Would that be AS400, HTE, or ARCView?
Some more pictures of the incident above. I'm the guy with the top off.


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