Sitting on death row awaiting Execution...?

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I agree that the court system is not perfect and I don't think anyone is suggesting that it is. I also know that people have been let off of death row and out of prison because of DNA evidence. Most of these cases are ones that happened back when DNA evidence was not widely used and in it's infancy stage. I think as time goes on you are going to see less mistakes being made in convicting people that end up on death row. DNA testing and usage are pretty standard procedures these days.

The percentage of wrongful convictions compared to the actual people sitting on death rows around the country is quite small. Is it acceptable to have wrongly convicted people sitting on death row or even executed, no it is not, but no system is 100% fail proof and to say we can't or shouldn't execute people because the system is not 100% accurate is wrong in my opinion. There are people out there that need to be executed so that they cannot cause pain and suffering anymore. Locking up these guys for life does not gaurentee that.

We don't make cars 100% safe and people are dying by the thousands every year. We don't make surgeries and health care 100% safe and people are dying all of the time because of that. No one can gaurantee you 100% that some thug is not going to kill you on the street the next time you leave your house.

You don't trust the court system but do you trust your doctor 100% that he isn't going to kill you the next time you have a surgery?

My point is that there is nothing gaurenteed in this life and nothing is 100% fail proof.

People seem to think it is acceptable to have a certain amount of deaths in the examples I gave above but not in the arena of executions. That doesn't make much sense to me.

Originally Posted By: wtd
People seem to think it is acceptable to have a certain amount of deaths in the examples I gave above but not in the arena of executions. That doesn't make much sense to me.


The people who think that because there are uncontrollable risks in living, that it's a reasonable argument for "stuff happens" in executing citizens don't make much sense to me either.

Hopefully the target in all cases is zero, and no person is ever "collaterol dame=age" of the system
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