You're reminding me of a missed dental appointment a few years ago where the office both wanted to charge me and make me reschedule.
The issue was-and I'm sort of making up times but this is the gist of it-the appointment was on my reminder card as 9:30. They sent me a text the week before and the day before that it was 9:30. There was a phone call saying 9:30 somewhere or another in there too. Day of the appointment rolls around, and they're calling me at 9:10 telling me I missed my 9:00 appointment.
I was...quite unhappy...especially as I've never missed an appointment with a doctor/dentist/etc and on the very rare occasion I've run late(i.e. traffic I couldn't have possibly predicted) I call ahead to let the office know. I argued with the office quite a bit over this one, especially as I'd taken off work and in fact arrived at the office about 15 minutes before the 9:30 time they had confirmed the day before. They finally relented and worked me in after they conceded both the reminder card and the multiple texts said 9:30, although somewhere or another in there was an implied accusation that I'd fabricated all of that.
I'd been unhappy with that office for a few small reasons(not the least of which that I've faithfully had my teeth cleaned twice a year my entire life, but had gone a little over a year from 2020-2021 as I'd relocated during the summer of 2020, my previous dentist had cancelled my scheduled cleaning due to COVID shut-downs, and finding a new dentist had been low on my list of priorities but they spent a lot of time shaming me for the ~15 months since my last cleaning), but that whole incident made me look for another dentist that I've been very happy with. They seemed rather taken aback when at check-out that day, they wanted to schedule my next appointment and I said that given their seeming inability to keep track of schedules and instead blame me their mistake, I thought it best that I look for another office...