Sitting on death row awaiting Execution...?

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Oct 30, 2010
Here's a link to my local news channel's web page.

Execution set for man on death row for 31 years

Someone please explain to me how this works and why we've been paying to have this man fed and sheltered day in and day out for 31 years while he waits for this execution day to come... 31 YEARS LATER!!!

If he's sentenced to death, why not get it over with that same day? Maybe give him a few days to make his piece with God, write friends and family, etc.

I don't get it...

Our country wasted so much money (not counting the fact that his cell could have been used by many another inmates) on this scum for 31 years
That always bothered me too. Tried convicted, appeal still guilty, game over, why wait?
Agreed, you'd think it would be cheaper to hire more judges and get the appeals process... well I mean if it was cut in half that would be 15 years less at a price of about 30 grand a year.
Originally Posted By: bepperb
Agreed, you'd think it would be cheaper to hire more judges and get the appeals process... well I mean if it was cut in half that would be 15 years less at a price of about 30 grand a year.

15 years is still WAY too long to be sitting there waiting for the inevitable to eventually happen.

I say a year seems way too long to keep letting the scum breath.
Originally Posted By: CivicFan
I am fundamentally against capital punishment.

Do explain in greater detail...
Originally Posted By: Artem
If he's sentenced to death, why not get it over with that same day? Maybe give him a few days to make his piece with God, write friends and family, etc.

31 years does seem excessive, but everyone is entitled to due process. Here in Texas, hardly a liberal bastion, death penalty convictions are automatically appealed by law.

If "we the people" are to be in the business of killing people, we better be sure we get it right. You can't take it back.
I'm sorry but lethal injection is pointless, there is no fear. Bring back hanging or the electric chair, even the firing squad. Make people think that if you take the life of another in an unjustified circumstance there will be no peaceful death for you either. I've talked to many death row inmates and convicted murderers. They know that the worst thing they will get is the needle in the arm.

Plus rope, a few seconds of electric power or a few bullits are alot cheaper than paying 30k+ a year to keep them in prison.

Just my opinion.
Originally Posted By: Artem

If he's sentenced to death, why not get it over with that same day? Maybe give him a few days to make his piece with God, write friends and family, etc.

Because killing a person who may be innocent is a bad thing.

But, then again, I too am not in favor of the death penalty.
Originally Posted By: HollowEyes
Originally Posted By: Artem

If he's sentenced to death, why not get it over with that same day? Maybe give him a few days to make his piece with God, write friends and family, etc.

Because killing a person who may be innocent is a bad thing.

But, then again, I too am not in favor of the death penalty.

Oh come on, if he's convicted and PROVEN to be guilty without a doubt, why wait to punish them?

If the trial was a 50/50 type nonsense / waste of government time and money, then sure, let them rot in jail while we figure out if we got the fact right or not.
Originally Posted By: Artem
Originally Posted By: HollowEyes
Originally Posted By: Artem

If he's sentenced to death, why not get it over with that same day? Maybe give him a few days to make his piece with God, write friends and family, etc.

Because killing a person who may be innocent is a bad thing.

But, then again, I too am not in favor of the death penalty.

Oh come on, if he's convicted and PROVEN to be guilty without a doubt, why wait to punish them?

If the trial was a 50/50 type nonsense / waste of government time and money, then sure, let them rot in jail while we figure out if we got the fact right or not.

"Proven" is not always the actuality. A single innocent execution is one too many. However, in my opinion, any execution is one too many.
Originally Posted By: Trav

Sorry but in this regard America portrays itself as a uncivilized blood thirsty nation not interested in justice but vengance.
IMO One person falsely executed is one too many!

So why have any trials or punishments at all since there is always a statistical chance someone innocent might be convicted?

Just capture them tell them not to do it again and then release them. Then again..not a bad idea. That way the family of the murdered family can perform their own justice and then promise not to do it again.

The "Do-Gooders" have killed this country.
There is a reason why our legal system is set up the way it is. We rather have 1,000 guilty people set free than convict one innocent person. How much does an lethal injection execution cost? I believe it cost a lot more to execute someone than house them in prison for 31 years.
Originally Posted By: Al
Originally Posted By: Trav

Sorry but in this regard America portrays itself as a uncivilized blood thirsty nation not interested in justice but vengance.
IMO One person falsely executed is one too many!

So why have any trials or punishments at all since there is always a statistical chance someone innocent might be convicted?

Just capture them tell them not to do it again and then release them. Then again..not a bad idea. That way the family of the murdered family can perform their own justice and then promise not to do it again.

The "Do-Gooders" have killed this country.

Hopefully, you wouldn't mind to be tried and convicted to death wrongfully and be executed. Even though you would be innocent, you would be all for it, wouldn't you?

Or does it only apply to the others?
Originally Posted By: CivicFan
I am fundamentally against capital punishment.

I am fundamentally against murder.
Originally Posted By: bigmike
Originally Posted By: CivicFan
I am fundamentally against capital punishment.

I am fundamentally against murder.

Same thing from my perspective.
Hey i'm all for stiff justice. Even if someone is sent to prison for life and later found innocent they can be released and compensated in some way.
But lets face it dead is dead and there is no fixing that.

I don't mean to offend anyone this is just my point of view, i am no do-gooder or anything close to it.
But lets face it some people wouldn't be happy unless the hanging rope was carried in the back of the police car.
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