Schaeffer's Supreme 7000 10W-30 OK For Winter?

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Originally posted by 94 formula:
well if 0w or 5w oils get to the engine faster why dont you use tehm year round?

What I don't like about the 0w30 and 5w30 is that they use more VI improvers, so they can thin out more easily and they also score a bit less favorable numbers on the NOACK test. A 10w30 is much better suited to longer drain intervals, which I'm going to be doing.

Originally posted by Airborne Ranger:
is schaeffer hell I can't spell it, anyway is it ash based or what!?

What is it you want to use the schaeffers oil in? trying to figure out why the ash content is so important to you which is an unusual request.
More good info for you guys: this morning it was only 2 degrees F up here, and my car started up no problem. The engine made no strange noises at all and ran very smoothly right from the word go. I only idled it for maybe 15-20 seconds (just long enough to quickly clear off the windshield with the snow brush) and then pulled away.

Winter is getting an early and very cold start up here, I don't think we ever got this cold for the entire season last winter.
Hey, why don't you Florida guys share some of that warmth! Give us 30 or 40 of your degrees, we could use some up here!
YOU NUTS!??, You've been snort'n too much of that white stuff on the ground. Ya brain must be have'n one of them brain freezes... No way, it's too dang cold down here as it is, aint giving up the sun over here, b sides, What would I get to look at if all of a sudden them good looking northern women that thinks 70 it aint cold down here were to start getting cold?

[ December 03, 2002, 09:17 AM: Message edited by: BOBISTHEOILGUY ]
3°F here this morning, looks like there just may be something to Bob's preaching about Schaeffer's products!

Hey Patman, too bad Bob is so selfish with his Florida sunshine and our northern women....
He could at least post some pictures of the warmth (and the women) so we can at least remember what they look like (my wife already has here flannel "jammis" out, looks like a long, cold winter ahead)....

Originally posted by Scott in WI:
3°F here this morning, looks like there just may be something to Bob's preaching about Schaeffer's products!

Hey Patman, too bad Bob is so selfish with his Florida sunshine and our northern women....
He could at least post some pictures of the warmth (and the women) so we can at least remember what they look like (my wife already has here flannel "jammis" out, looks like a long, cold winter ahead)....

BTW, Thing I noticed is that it's the good looking ones that lay out at the beach too...Thanks!
Has anyone using the Schaeffers oil seen any kind of noticable increase/decrease in mileage when switching over from the other brands?

[ December 03, 2002, 10:57 AM: Message edited by: BOBISTHEOILGUY ]
Hey Bob,

I have about 1500 miles on my first fill of Schaeffer's Supreme 7000 10W-30. Mileage so far has been about the same as with Mobil1 10W-30, which had been run in the car since it had 500 miles on odometer (turned 74,000 miles on my way to work today). With the drop in temp here over the past couple of weeks, it's hard to tell....

I'm typically not given to "seat-of-the-pants" analysis (my degree is in Mechanical Engineering), but the car just "seems" to run/feel better than it did with Mobil1. And yes, I know you and Terry have made that statement on this board and in emails to me before. Man, I hate to admit being wrong (it's almost as bad as stopping to ask for directions)....


I've used Mobil 1 10W30 for years and just swithched to Schaeffer's 7000 10W30 about a 1000 miles ago. (Thanks to Bob and David) There seems to be no change in vehicle performance or gas mileage. I'm saving money, but I really like the fact that the "formula" used by Schaeffer's doesn't have to change every month.

Happy motoring
Bob, I didn't see any MPG difference in my Firebird when switching from Maxlife to Schaeffer. I'm still getting between 18-19MPG as I always have been.
Throughout the nearly 4,000 miles I had Supreme 7000 10W30 in my Civic, my ignition timing was out of adjustment and my mileage was off a full 10-12%

The timing has been corrected, but it's drain time for that first batch of Schaeffer blend. I won't have enough miles by then to draw any conclusions about changes in mileage.

What's going in my car next is Supreme 7000 5W30 and I'm gonna use that pint of #132 as well.

--- Bror Jace
Just as an update, it was -10F here on Monday morning and my car started up just fine with 10w30 Supreme in it.
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