Are you saying you’re passing on the oil solely because they’re trying to help the environment?

No, my previous post was deleted. It looks like Any discussion of the efficacy of carbon credits in actually mitigating carbon emissions is not allowed.
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Earth is a carbon based planet. How can...Everything we manufacture is from Earth. IDK, confused!
Lets try some junior HS science. I guess many people slept through that "boring" "how life and the planet work" :)
To be honest here, I think I was looking out the window through much of History class!

Carbon. Depends on the compound or "chemical" form the carbon is in. You breath in O2 and breath out CO2.
Now, Carbon Dioxide is one carbon atom and 2 oxygen atoms bonded together. For life in air to exist and continue continue, plants use the carbon in the CO2 during the day to grow and then "release" O2. Lucky us!
Continue to allow humans - who have overpropogated on this planet - and to Decimate growing forests - we are toast.

Now Carbon can be reacted into in harmful forms and vice-versa. Its always "there", its just hanging out with a bad crowd or some times with helpful buddies.

A good example of how "hanging out with friends" can "tame a nasty element
is your ordinary ocean sourced or common Table salt.
Salt is NaCl. A Sodium atom bonded to a Chlorine atom.
Sodium is a soft silvery metal that is unstable, and can heat up and catch fire if place in water or just room air.
Chlorine is green gas that highly toxic to humans.
Now you put them together and - like magic - you get that safe, edible, tasty everyday Table Salt: NaCl

So you can see how that it is important to the planet for elements to be in a good balance and that they
hang out with good friends - as the Planet has gotten to a "good" place and stabilised over hundred of thousands of years.

But you throw a big bunch of Humans in the mix, disrupting the balance of nature with our chemical synthesis and disregard for natural balance - you might understand how the fragile ecosystem could get thrown in a tizzy.

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Almost all the increases in CO2 and and greenhouse gasses, since the Industrial Era began around two centuries ago, have been due to human activity. There are twice the number of Humans the USofA since I was born.
This is Insane over-propagation.
Almost all the increases in CO2 and and greenhouse gasses, since the Industrial Era began around two centuries ago, have been due to human activity. There are twice the number of Humans the USofA since I was born.
This is Insane over-propagation.

Well, before this gets 🔒, what would you suggest as a solution?
Maybe Redline and Amsoil are carbon neutral as better oil doesnt burn off and longer oci:unsure:
I'm dubious on the claims of "better" but whether my car burns it or you drain it, send to the recycler, and it gets burned in a 100 rpm diesel on a container ship really doesn't make much net difference.
Well, before this gets 🔒, what would you suggest as a solution?
Locked for what?
Maybe don't buy and drive 3 ton gas guzzling vehicles when gas prices go down.

The very Selfish Me, me, ME! generation.

That's is an easy one.

Natural lighting during the Day (vs. fluorescent) in factories. I even see this in my local walmart.

Better brun control of domestic and industrial oil burner boilers.

The list an go on - I am not well versed in effluent mitigation, catalysts and scrubbers and processes.

And, don't we have a big asteroid coming next week?

I Might sit out on the lawn with a nice Tuscan red and some cheddar and crackers and watch the show! :)
Well, I'm not going to be the first one but I sure want to try that PUP SP in my Ram ;)

I’m sure it’s a good oil but the question that has been asked many times will be asked again. What makes it better than Platinum?

On top of that, I have yet to see this oil on the shelves. It’s the white albino deer of motor oil. I know, buy it online.
I have read many a threads about PP vs PUP and have not found the answer either. Amazon has it but I generally prefer to go to the store and pick it up, unless it’s some boutique brand like the RL I’m using now.