Pet Peeve: My Car Does Not Burn A DROP Of Oil.

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Originally Posted By: stchman
In the automotive world, motors are electric and engines are internal combustion.

One definition of motor is:
giving, imparting, or producing motion or action.

So the term motorcycle, motor car, motor boat, are correct. Motorcycles and cars are more than just an engine, they have many other systems on board.

Why is it called motor oil, probably a phrase left over from about 100 years ago.

People say "it should be called General Engines or Ford Engine Company", no, those two companies make more than just engines.

If engine and motor are interchangeable then I guess I can say:

starter engine
windshield wiper engine
power window engine
blower engine

So motor and engine aren't so interchangeable after all.

I have yet to see a motor tear down manual, they all seem to talk about tearing down engines.

What about a hybrid car, when one says motor, which motor are they talking about because a Prius has an electric motor and a gasoline engine.

Just when you think analretentiveness can't get any higher..

Were talking about common use of terms in the hobby. Maybe if some of you did a little more than just changing oil.
My girlfriend's ranger(sig) had seen a steady diet of supertech conventional before we got together.

Her dad had her convinced to use 10w30 in the winter and 10w40 in the summer. I took over maintenance and started using motorcraft 5w30 year round.

Just the other day he asked me if I was still having to add a quart a month. I told him it doesn't use any oil. He was stunned.

Now I'm not saying motorcraft is a magic elixir because it's not. There is still a rear main seal leak. I've been doing 6 month oil chaneed and there is no noticeable drop on the dipstick.

BUT! The first time I changed the oil on thus truck I did get two o rings off the oil pump. The one from the filter I took off and one apparently left from the previous change. So I'm betting that's where the oil was going.
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This may or may not be related. I used Supertech synthetic 10W-30 in my 89 Accord for a couple of years. I found I had to add a quart about every 1,000 miles and in the morning I used to see a puff of blue smoke from the tailpipe on cold start. I know that the A20A3 engine was known to leak a little oil past the valve guides. The car had need of make-up oil for its whole life, but not this much. I switched to Rotella T6 5W-40 and eliminated the smoke as well as reducing make-up oil to less than a quart every 2,500 miles. This was on an engine with over 300,000 miles on it.
Originally Posted By: turtlevette
Originally Posted By: stchman
In the automotive world, motors are electric and engines are internal combustion.

One definition of motor is:
giving, imparting, or producing motion or action.

So the term motorcycle, motor car, motor boat, are correct. Motorcycles and cars are more than just an engine, they have many other systems on board.

Why is it called motor oil, probably a phrase left over from about 100 years ago.

People say "it should be called General Engines or Ford Engine Company", no, those two companies make more than just engines.

If engine and motor are interchangeable then I guess I can say:

starter engine
windshield wiper engine
power window engine
blower engine

So motor and engine aren't so interchangeable after all.

I have yet to see a motor tear down manual, they all seem to talk about tearing down engines.

What about a hybrid car, when one says motor, which motor are they talking about because a Prius has an electric motor and a gasoline engine.

Just when you think analretentiveness can't get any higher..

Were talking about common use of terms in the hobby. Maybe if some of you did a little more than just changing oil.

Please explain?
Yes but some car's burn so little that it never shows up on the dipstick.

I am not talking about fuel dilution making up for the oil consumption and people just not being clued in. If it was fuel dilution it would show up on the UOA since I change my oil cold.

My car use's oil that can be seen on the dipstick if I use Pennzoil Platinum and only that oil. Also when ever I run Redline oil the first OCI with it I will get 1/4 to 1/2 quart of consumption. Baring those two oils though I can run any major name brand oil in any viscosity from 0W30-15W40 in synthetic or dino oil and not see any loss over an OCI.

My experience is this:

Toyota old engine designs 1/2-2 quart per 3000-5000 mile OCI all engines feel into this ballpark.

Toyota modern engine designs are different!! Some designs use so little oil as to be indiscernible on a dipstick over the course of an OCI. Some designs on the other hand are hit and miss and yo might get one that uses no oil that can be not be discerned or you might get one that is an oil burner and that is troubling. My 2004 SAZ-FE sipps suck a small amount I can not see any change on my dipstick at all. Some peoples 2AZ-FE engines drink oil like mad.

Then you have GM engines most " more like all but giving them the benefit of the doubt" eat or leak oil like mad. Every GM vehicle that I have owned or my wife or family has owned has used a lot of oil compared to any Toyota I have owned. All of them haved weeped oil, power steering fluid, atf etc.....The Fords and Dodges I have owned have not been any better.

I know my car has to be burning some oil but if it can not be seen on the dipstick during the OCI and at the end of the OCI interval it can not be measured.

I know that fuel is leaking through the plastic fuel tank on my car so much so that California requires metal fuel tanks. That said I have never been able to measure or observe any fuel being lost through the plastic tank. Just because I know it is happening does not change anything.

My wife used to drive .02 miles to work and the same home. She made one 28 mile round trip once a week to teach Sunday School. Her Buick would use 3/4 quart a month. She now drives 12 miles each way to work at 55mph with 3 stop signs. She is driving a Saturn Aura w/3.5L. It is 1/2 way down the dipstick every 2-3 weeks.

So some brands really drink the oil and some sip it.

Perception is key too. If you are used to a brand that uses a lot of oil and weeps fluids constantly and then switch to a brand that is the opposite......It would "appear" as if the vehicle used Zero oil!
Originally Posted By: JFK

My wife used to drive .02 miles to work and the same home. She made one 28 mile round trip once a week to teach Sunday School. Her Buick would use 3/4 quart a month. She now drives 12 miles each way to work at 55mph with 3 stop signs. She is driving a Saturn Aura w/3.5L. It is 1/2 way down the dipstick every 2-3 weeks.

You do realize .02 mile is 105.6 ft?? It's farther to my garage in back yard...
Originally Posted By: stchman
Originally Posted By: Oldmoparguy1
2013 Dodge 3.6 Pentastar V6. 9886 miles. Put in 6 qts. M1 0w-20 last Nov. 2 weeks ago, I changed it and filled the empty 5+1 qt bottles up to the full line . Same thing last oc. Oil went in light amber color, came out medium amber. Truly and amazing motor.

So the filter media gave up all the oil as well?
Apparently. Actually, the filter is a cartridge mounted on the top of the engine. I loosen the cap, jack up the car, drop the oil, while it's draining I do the rest of the maintenance. 45 minutes or so, drop the car, replace the filter, add new oil and fill out the maintenance log.

I would expect that there is some small amount of residual oil left in the engine, just seems reasonable. Normal OCI is OLM/1 year/10k miles.

If it used a quart of oil per oc I wouldn't think anything of it.
The "my way is right because I base my argument on a technicality" anal retentativness of this thread makes my opinion of BITOG go down by massive amounts.

The only thing that comes to mind reading these comments are either a dweeb with massive glasses and a lisp saying "Well technically speaking...", or some out of touch old guy waving his can and yelling "back in my day it was called a..."

But hey, let's keep the argument going. You say it is wrong to say it doesn't burn a DROP of oil? I say the it neither fell, nor was it a round glob, and it was of immeasurable quantity, so technically going past the rings doesn't count as a DROP either.
Originally Posted By: Snoman002

But hey, let's keep the argument going. You say it is wrong to say it doesn't burn a DROP of oil? I say the it neither fell, nor was it a round glob, and it was of immeasurable quantity, so technically going past the rings doesn't count as a DROP either.

I can't tell from that whether you agree or disagree with the person you are responding to. I suggest you take a class in writing from your local community college.
Originally Posted By: turtlevette
Originally Posted By: Triton_330
Originally Posted By: turtlevette
Originally Posted By: raytseng

Now when people start saying "motor" ALL THE TIME when they mean engine, that's something to actually be peeved over.

Yep, I tell people I'm an enginehead. All the time.

Well that's funny, because I've never heard of motorhead anyway.

I call myself a gearhead, seeing as that's the typical term used.

Just my 2 pennies.

~ Triton

Yea, whatever. I think I hear your mama calling you.

How typical of you, turtlevette, to resort to childish blows.

I was being serious, you know, so do pardon my naivete for never having heard of motorhead or enginehead before.

But nonetheless, I'm sorry to say, "gearhead" is indeed the most commonly used term, so... just saying.*

*At least, where I'm from, anyway.


Secondly, while I may be younger, I'm not a teenager.

Furthermore, even if I was, let me give you some personal history of myself that I doubt you could match.

For 5 summers, I worked for my city. I worked on the street department. The majority of the time we were shoveling asphalt patch out the back of a Ford F-350 with a Koenig dump bed that could hold up to around 8 to 10 tons of patch. We typically managed to unload 2 beds of patch in the morning, and 1 more in the afternoon. About half the time, due to bleeding roads, after we got our last load of patch down, we had to spread sand. By hand, with shovels... Just like we spread patch by hand.

So don't get ahead of yourself. I know I may not be as well versed in understanding lubrication as you or the other well known folks here, but that doesn't mean I'm going to allow you to disrespect me after all I did was explain some difference in terminology, possibly due to dialect and/or culture differences.

5 summers, ~3 loads per day, and ~8 tons per load.

So, estimate 2 and a half months per summer to equal 75 days.

(75 days) * (3 loads * 8 tons) = 1800 tons per summer.

5 summers * 1800 tons = 9000 tons total.

2000 pounds per ton * 9000 tons = 1,800,000 pounds total.

With myself, one other shoveler, and someone else to rake it out.

That doesn't include the sand we threw. Doesn't include the debris we picked up after bad storms. Doesn't include a lot of other things...


And you think because I'm young, I can be easily dismissed?

Lol. I don't think so, bud.

Not at all.

~ Triton


I graduated high school with a 4.05 GPA.
I will be a junior in college this fall (Computer Science major). Currently I have a 3.75 GPA.

I'm not trying to "out-do" you. I'm trying to show you why you should respect other people, no matter their age. Because likely, when you were 20 going on 21 like I am, your history wasn't as much of a feat.

And concerning my parents - I come from a household where the number one rule is respecting others when respect is given. But when others disrespect me, you can be sure I've got the okay to prove myself.

And, I think I've done that and more.
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That's impressive. Didn't the guys razz you in that job? I could tell you a lot of stories about starting out in power plant construction. People your generation get indignant easily, I've noticed.
Originally Posted By: turtlevette
That's impressive. Didn't the guys razz you in that job? I could tell you a lot of stories about starting out in power plant construction. People your generation get indignant easily, I've noticed.

Oh contrare. I've shown no annoyance or anger towards you. Neither was I bragging. Having to do that work wasn't fun and it surely isn't something to brag about when I knew people my age were getting paid as much as I was in air conditioned jobs.

Honestly, I'm very different from most of the people in my generation (Gen Y). The majority of friends and other people I know that are my age had parents who were Gen X kids. But I have older parents; Baby Boomer parents born in the early 50s. I've been raised in a very traditional country home, with very traditional Christian values.

But this is besides the point, Turtle.

The point is that if you want others to respect you... If you want others to see you as being on the same level as the other well known, well versed, experienced members here (and you as well as they know who I'm speaking of here)...

Then you should be respectful yourself.

I mean, come on man, you can't expect to be respected when you're making childish jokes about someone's mother, or when you're calling people names.

I want to be able to respect you as much as I do Clevy, Garak, Mola, Caterham, Overkill, (so on and so forth), and Shannow, who seems to be your arch nemesis here...

But you have to earn it. And to be blunt, for you to have to be hearing this from a "nobody" member like me, says something.

I care about you, and everyone here. I care about this website; these forums - because it is a passion, it is more than a hobby. It is something I care about very much.

So please, let's make the atmosphere one that homes respect.

~ Triton


I'm sure you can do it if you put your heart into it.
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There is hope for this country yet

Triton... You are a really cool young fella. Glad you are on here. Your insight, good nature, and wisdom is very impressive.
Originally Posted By: dernp
My Tundra doesn't use any oil that I can tell but burns a shat load of fuel.

Yup. I would be happy if my Tacoma burned ten times the oil, if it would only use half the fuel. Even then, I doubt I would need to add oil, between 5k OCIs.
Same here. My Civic is around 205,000 and since I switched it to synthetic around 130,000 it stopped leaking or consuming any oil at all. I run 5,000-7,000 OCIs and not a drop is missing.

Same story with the Focus. No consumption/leaking at all.
I think OP needs to chill a bit.

While, "not a drop" is a needlessly precise statement which is always going to be technically incorrect, it's pretty clearly harmless hyperbole for "no perceived consumption."
My 03'Ford Focus (2.3 Duratec).....does not use a drop of oil. It has 133K on it.....and I use Mobil 1 0-20 AFE, with an OCI between 8K to 9K.
My 03'Ford Focus (2.3 Duratec).....does not use a drop of oil. It has 133K on it.....and I use Mobil 1 0-20 AFE, with an OCI between 8K to 9K.
It's true that any engine must burn through some oil.
That's simple mechanical reality.
To claim otherwise betrays an ignorance of how an engine works and the role oil plays.
Most of the engines I've run over the past forty years have used little enough oil that adds were never required and that even checking oil level was of no concern.
These engines were still consuming small amounts of oil, as any engine must.
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