Pending UPS strike...

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Oct 5, 2005
While I live on a farm, my community is small-town and it's an "everybody knows everybody" type of living. I know my regular UPS driver well and we both have each other's numbers in our phone contact list. Since I live about 15 minutes from town, I'll gladly save him 30 minutes of delivery time if he can deliver to the area I'm working. ANYWAY, I get a call from him about a package that I'm receiving today and we talk a few minutes as he's getting his packages loaded and sorted on his truck. I jokingly ask him if he's got his picket sign all ready to use and if he's been working out so he's in shape to walk the picket line 12 hours a day. :LOL: (If nothing changes, UPS will go on strike on July 31st) He just laughs and says he just wishes he can keep working. He actually doesn't want AC in his truck as it would just shock his body as he gets in and out. (I could have mentioned that he could just keep the AC off at all times, but....)
Anyway, my post is a reminder get all items needed to be shipped before the end of the month. It will probably all be sorted out by then, but who knows? I do know that I need some custom pistons made by a company in California, but that's going to have to wait until this is all sorted out.....
Just ordered some weight brackets that will come UPS. UPS does a fine job getting parcels to my door on or before the estimated time and without damage.

Probably my favorite courier.
They do this every time their contract is up. Strike for a few days to remind the country how important they are and how much they are needed.Small companies really suffer because they have no alternative. Fed Ex limits what it will take if you are not a a regular customer.

I used to work for a pharma company and got pkgs just about every day. UPS man had my garage code written in his truck. He was a great guy and knew his business customers very well. He started a reading program in the schools he delivered to. He would get donated items from the businesses and give them as prizes for reading books. I became so big it made the front page of the Wash Post. Shortly after it made the news, a petty small minded supervisor took him off that route. People were furious. Don't know what happened but he did get the route back. He was an asset to the community.
I can see the concern but any news item large enough to scare the public is a news item. Every aspect in life is pending until it happens and in the media nothing is ever right with the world.

My wife works for a global company and ships all around the world. Latest update today is all major issues have been cleared, some minor points exist for part time employees and expect it to be in hand and voted on by early next week. (I cant divulge that source)
Granted nothing is guaranteed though, until a vote but use reasoning on the remaining issue and ask one self do you really think it will happen because of that?

Think about it, all the media hype and no hype on how everything has been settled except for part timers pay. They will strike over that? ummm ... I say not a chance. But have no fear, the media will string you along so they can collect advertising on you. :)

"A key sticking point in the talks is pay increases for experienced part-time workers who are making roughly the same or even less than new hires because starting wages jumped due to the labor shortage in the last few years."
Source TODAY on MSN

If you are an individual and concerned USPS or FedEx is an easy option
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I used to manage a warehouse for a software company, we shipped domestic and international. I lost sleep over times like these. Much like when a freak ice storm would be in the forecast or directly hit Memphis (FedEx) or Louisville (UPS)...

Leading up to a proposed strike date, I'd always get that predicatable phone call from the sales rep of the other company, telling me that they'd be watching my package count leading up to the strike date, and they'd always threaten to throttle me back if my package count went up too high (although it never happened).

Typically, we shipped 50%/50% UPS/FedEx on domestic, and nearly 100% FedEx on International (unless the customer requested otherwise). FedEx could get the packages to our International customers quicker and with less hassle than with UPS. That 50/50 domestic figure would always shift as soon as I would start hearing about labor issues with one or the other.

Good times... LOL.
If you are an individual and concerned USPS or FedEx is an easy option
I may not be the sharpest needle in the pin cushion, but I do know one thing: If UPS instantly shuts down, other carriers such as USPS, FedEx, DHL and others will be overwhelmed. I remember that fact decades ago when one of the major shippers (UPS, maybe?) went in strike for a few days and I couldn’t get anything delivered. I believe a major strike today would be given executive order to go back to work. We’ll see.
Leading up to a proposed strike date, I'd always get that predicatable phone call from the sales rep of the other company, telling me that they'd be watching my package count leading up to the strike date, and they'd always threaten to throttle me back if my package count went up too high (although it never happened).
I tell my reps that I do my best to share volume between them and that I need to have options. When I tell them that in normal times, they always say "oh yeah, I get it, that's fair". If they threatened me like they do with you, I'd tell them our relationship is coming to an end.
I may not be the sharpest needle in the pin cushion, but I do know one thing: If UPS instantly shuts down, other carriers such as USPS, FedEx, DHL and others will be overwhelmed. I remember that fact decades ago when one of the major shippers (UPS, maybe?) went in strike for a few days and I couldn’t get anything delivered. I believe a major strike today would be given executive order to go back to work. We’ll see.
You are correct! My wife's company has already been told that Fed Ex will not be taking on any new accounts of business. So they would be stuck.
The purpose of my post is, they already sent out information that all major issues are settled except for part timers pay and benefits and why it's called "minor" issues.
I don't see this hurting Amazon at all. They successfully got the USPS to do exactly what they needed them to do....even to start delivering on Sunday... LOL.

Only about 10-15% of what I get from Amazon is delivered by UPS.
I don't see this hurting Amazon at all. They successfully got the USPS to do exactly what they needed them to do....even to start delivering on Sunday... LOL.

Only about 10-15% of what I get from Amazon is delivered by UPS.
Plus their own drivers and contractors.
I would prefer no strike as we are a UPS shop. Our team has enough issues to deal with and not being able to ship would just add to them. We rarely have enough for LTL, but occasionally do. This is an office btw not a warehouse.
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