"Not worth the bullet to kill"

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May 18, 2004
Washington DC area
I just got a call from some independent marketing firm asking about my recent contact with the "Toyota Customer Experience." At first I said just put down the absolute minimum possible score for each question. That didn't fly and after the opening questions (the guy was following a script) he said OK so in order to help Toyota improve their customer satisfaction I am going to ask you some more questions.

I stopped him right there and said, wait, what, the purpose of this interview is to help Toyota? The man kept his composure and said yes, it's to help Toyota and all their future customers.

I quickly explained to him that I harbor such enmity towards Toyota that I will never be a customer of theirs in the future. Since at best continued conversation would amount to me subsidizing people who hold views dissimilar to mine, I terminated the conversation.

I guess if I really wanted to get them, I could have given everybody glowing reviews, especially the service writers. But I am not a hurter; simply a help-withholder.

I wonder if there's a real moral difference
Well, if it makes you feel any better, when Comcast calls offering to sell me an upgraded service so I then have the options to pay them even more money for programming that contains commercials (including infomercials and home shopping networks) and want to also rent me a box to add even more costs, I tell them that I can't wait for a viable alternative that works for my needs so I can kick them to the curb. The training doesn't prepare them for it. I would hate to be a telemarketer for Comcast.
You guys heard of FIOS? They're the potential viable alternative.

My city has basically created a huge barrier to entry for FiOS which means we're like an island of lesser served citizens.

I seem to remember the regional HQ of Comcast being right up the street from my house.

Not that that has anything to do with it.

I love my city and it's really one of the few governments where my interactions have left me thinking that the culture at town hall really is focused towards how to best serve the citizens.

Sometimes, I get on a rant and complain about how shutting down half the streets downtown and hosting a giant free rock concert is not my idea of how to spend my taxes, but you win some, you lose some, and in the end, you die.
The Toyota Customer Experience is above average prices, high repair costs and the 'feeling' you own a Toyota. I enjoyed that 'feeling' so much, I traded the bloody thing in for our Saturn Vue.
You guys heard of FIOS?

I'm on the list to be informed when it makes it to my area of town and will be kicking Comcast to the curb when it does. I hope that the upper management sits on their honeybucket fat arses and wonders why as their market share shrinks.
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