New Extended Drain Interval Mobil Oils

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If a person really does change his/her oil only once or twice a year, does price really matter?

No it wouldn't...Mobil has a better synthetic oil on the market and I don't think the average consumer will jump the wagon on 15,000 OCI what mobil states. Takes time for the consumer too feel 15,000 OCI is acceptable..just human nature...but it's a trend on longer OCI and if Mobil is the market's will happen!!!!

Originally posted by Jay:
I'm predicting that the new M1 long drain oils will flop. I don't know anybody that uses Mobil 1 for it's extended drain capability. In fact, most of the Mobil 1 users that I know still change at 3,000 to 5,000 mile intervals even though their owners manual recommends longer intervals.
Mobil 1's customers are really picky about their vehicles. They use better oil than they probably need, and change it much more often than they need to.

Nice to meet ya - now you know me! I've been taking M1 0-40 to 15k miles for years now. Of course, my 7 quart sump is quite different from the average vehicle. Anyways, I also think the consuming public won't appreciate any XD oil that comes out. It's not in the economic interest of the "Quickie Lubes" to ever promote such an oil. And frankly, most people don't care, as long as cheap 88 cent oil is available.


Originally posted by Jay:
I'm predicting that the new M1 long drain oils will flop. I don't know anybody that uses Mobil 1 for it's extended drain capability. In fact, most of the Mobil 1 users that I know still change at 3,000 to 5,000 mile intervals even though their owners manual recommends longer intervals.

Mobil 1's customers are really picky about their vehicles. They use better oil than they probably need, and change it much more often than they need to.

I have been running Mobil 1 5w30 in my Mini Vans with 10,000 OCIs since 1993.
Mobil's oils already meet the long drain specs, so I'm confused by this. The biggest shock to me is that a large oil company is going to actually promote long drains. Interesting.
When I was in Germany in the mid 70's, I was taking M1 5w30 way pass the 15,000 mile mark. That car lasted me forever. Now I can't seem to dare go past 7500 miles.

I think this is Mobil's response because they found out via industrial espionage, inside scoop, deduction, that Amsoil is going to start using Mo.

Mobil would be smart to only put the M1R and M-Extended Drain oils into the auto parts channel [and not in discount stores].

What would be their reasoning ? Why make it harder for their loyal consumer base ?

I think Schaeffer, for example, needs more accessibility.

Originally posted by GeorgeCLS:
Regarding formulations for the new Mobil extended drain interval oils. Yes, the new oils are completely new formulations with significantly increased additization to enable the ODI extensions. This is not marketing hype.
In the case of the Mobil 1 15,000 mile oil, it is closer to Mobil 1R formulation, utilizing the new base oil component formulation along with significantly increased detergency and anti-wear.
These are definitely *NOT* re-badged current products..

Geeze , the Mobil oil was already in the big add pack league .

I had to count Red Pegasus's jumping over fences to go to sleep last night while wondering what oil to use in my Mothers new 05 Montego
I will most definatley give this new oil a try .

I hope it hits shelves before April .
This could easily be the Saab Turbo 0W 30 oil or the M1 0w 40. These two have the GM long life approval which is good for 15,000-18,000 miles.

I don't see why this would be a new formulation when these oils are already out on the market and been proven.
I'm sure this is just marketing hype.
My 2 cents
Could the basis of these new Mobil Extended Drain oils actually just be the...high quality "standard" European Mobil blended formulas available there for so long? Like a "GC-ized" Mobil?

[ January 11, 2005, 02:09 PM: Message edited by: vwoom ]

Originally posted by CosmicFlash:
I don't see why this would be a new formulation when these oils are already out on the market and been proven. I'm sure this is just marketing hype.
My 2 cents

I agree. Every grade of Mobil 1 currently sold in the US is rated either A5 or A3, both of which are ACEA extended drain specs in Europe.
I don't understand it but I was told today by a Mobil tech that their are enhancements to the formula. He was hesistant on answering any question and asked me what business do I work for. I told him I don't but was told about these oils from a XOM distributor. He said they are having a meeting next week about price point etc. It's NOT the same formula. If anything it's a A3 rated oil I would guess. Remember, it's been 2 or more years now since SS was introduced. Wouldn't surprise me if it's quite a bit different. I agree though that the current Mobil 1 already meets long drain specs. Maybe the GF-4 they will compromise on and offer this as a hipo alternative? Lets wait and see.
I predict that it will use more of their"Super-Syn" stock then the current "SS" oils and will have 30% more calcium,moly and boron and equal or less zink then current "SS" has!
Re: "I don't see why this would be a new formulation when these oils are already out on the market and been proven. I'm sure this is just marketing hype." This is like deja vu all over again when I shared that Mobil 1 would no longer have an ester component..

Gentlemen (and ladies), I can assure you that the formulations for the new Mobil Clean & Mobil 1 oils are as I stated originally; these are completely new formulations which are designed to waaaay exceed normal standards. Mobil *must* do this to cover the gamut of operational variations which exist in the real world.. For the third time, this is NOT marketing hype and a simple re-label of current products; these are new formulations, new products...
These same comments surfaced with Mobil 1R which we have since seen via VOA is a very different formulation and not marketing hype.. Mobil 1 is and always has been ExxonMobil's flagship product and it will remain the technological leader for the company..
What I am sharing is, as always, NOT second hand information....
We'll probably know in the next few weeks. George, have you received any info as to when they are rolling these oils out?
George knows what he is talking about and delivers very good info.

My comments about what Mobil tech said were to confirm what George was saying and that YES they are a new formulation. George is correct.

These same comments surfaced with Mobil 1R which we have since seen via VOA is a very different formulation and not marketing hype.


The only thing I've seen in M1R via VOA is a different additive package

The "typical properties" listed on it's PDS Racing 0w-30 would suggest it has exactly the same base oil composition as the standard 0w-30.
Please enlighten me!
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