My b.i.l. suddenly passed.

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Jun 5, 2003
Apple Valley, California
Very unexpected. He had an aneurysm after coming home from work. When he was younger he was pretty wild. He changed and became a good guy after he married my wife's sister. He raised 4 children that were not his plus his him and my wife's sister had a son together.

If you watch this video and go to 12:30 you can see his television premier! He is the big guy in a blue shirt that left his helmet unstrapped.
Sorry for your loss. My brother in law died suddenly about 7-1/2 years ago. Family still misses him to this day.
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Sure can be a deep shocker.

When my sister died in June it was sudden but not entirely unexpected.
It took family members only a minute or two to go through the usual emotion flare-up reaction.

My good pal has a 6" run of distended aorta which absolutely will explode some day and kill him.
It'll be sad when he goes too.

Originally Posted by AZjeff
So sorry for your loss.

How did that deal at the dunes work out?

I don't know the whole thing but I'm sure they kept him in a cell at the jail until the following Monday.
Sounds like a good man to help raise her 4 children from other marriage. A lot of guys would not want to do that

Sorry for your family's loss
Chris, is this the dad of your niece who you were showing how to do oil changes and drive a manual? R.I.P.
I'm sorry, it's really awful when these things happen. The aftermath is a rough mix of uncomfortable emotions. I just lost my oldest and very best friend. Hemorrhagic stroke due possibly to untreated high blood pressure (we really don't know) . His wife really did try to change his ways, but he was a touch overweight and avoided the doctor. None of us saw this coming as he looked really healthy, ate well avoiding tempting things, and frequented the gym.

One thing is clear to me, we can only do so much to target the things that might get us and without extensive testing, probably won't know what will get us first.

Off to get a brain scan......
Originally Posted by Chris142
Originally Posted by SatinSilver
Chris, is this the dad of your niece who you were showing how to do oil changes and drive a manual? R.I.P.


Sorry for the short answer.I was in a hurry. The girl we spend time with is my wife's cousins kid.She went to oregon with my wife to meet that side of the family she does not know.
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