How to vote 50 times in the next election!

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Balanced at least if not more by all the voters in Florida illegally removed from the electoral roll. They are all as bad as each other Keith and you know that as well as I do.
Sprintman-You don't have a clue as to who was or was not removed from the Florida polls; legally or otherwise. You would serve yourself well to not simply parrot the rantings of disingenuous fringe groups who put their own interest before that of the very people they claim to represent.
Note the headline - CNN no less!

Florida recount study: Bush still wins

The democrats get real upset when felons can't vote. Must be one of their stronger demographics
Sorry ant i watched an excellent U.S made documentary on Florida.
They admitted in the end people were removed illegally but said phuck who cares were in the White house. Do some research before you post.
Excellent, or biased piece of nonsense from one of our anti Bush networks?

Al Gore simply was not able to steal enough votes to win election day or afterwards.

Originally posted by sprintman:
He had a million more votes than Bush overall and I don't see that getting questioned by either side.

There is nothing to question, the electoral votes are what decides the election.
Keith, read this from your link,
"One Florida official promised that the case of Norman Siegel, 84, a registered Republican in both Pinellas Park, Fla., and Briarwood, Queens, who voted twice in four presidential elections, will be referred to a state's attorney for criminal prosecution".

Also Keith, it was not the ballots counted or not counted but the qualified, registered voters who were removed from the voter roles under the guise of "felons".
All the Kings Lawyers and all the Kings men couldn't put Humpty Dumpty Gore together again (in Florida)

Sprintman-your source please

Originally posted by needtoknow:
Keith, read this from your link,
"One Florida official promised that the case of Norman Siegel, 84, a registered Republican in both Pinellas Park, Fla., and Briarwood, Queens, who voted twice in four presidential elections, will be referred to a state's attorney for criminal prosecution".

Also Keith, it was not the ballots counted or not counted but the qualified, registered voters who were removed from the voter roles under the guise of "felons".

Yup, those evil republicans removing REGISTERED REPUBLICANS from the voter lists. That's why Al Gore Jr. lost
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