Happiest Nations in the World

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But Gary, surely you can understand that taking people's wealth and spending it on welfare and medicine is so vastly different from waging an unsuccessful (and illegal) war, where the people who make "War things" make heaps of money.

One is apparently "constitutional", while the others aren't.
Well, without going to much further into this end of things, let's just say that most "promotions" along all sectors that are funded by "sacrifice" usually benefit those on the promotion end. The only ones being asked (or not asked) to sacrifice aren't seeing the benefits that the promoters do.

Whenever I see something promoted as "in our best interest" I soon realize that "our" doesn't mean "all of us".
Originally Posted By: Shannow
But Gary, surely you can understand that taking people's wealth and spending it on welfare and medicine is so vastly different from waging an unsuccessful (and illegal) war, where the people who make "War things" make heaps of money.

One is apparently "constitutional", while the others aren't.

We have a way to amend our Constitution if people want "free" welfare and medicine.

But no, they will simply get an (unelected) court to deem that the Founders really meant that those things are in the Constitution, even though it wasn't enumerated and the 10th Amendment specifically prevents such things.
Again, I want to see the clauses and articles that specify that the founding fathers wanted private subjugation of the population instead of state or official ruling class subjugation.

Everything you post smells and oozes "lordship" to those with wealth over those without. It appears to go further in the aiding of those with wealth to do this easier.

Deny it. Please tell me that you really don't support this notion.

It's a very disturbing thought.
Originally Posted By: MarkC
On somewhat side note, if our constitution is such a perfect document, why the need for the various amendments already in place?

The Founders realized that there would be a need to change the Constitution as time went along. They never said it was perfect from the start.
Heck, I was expecting you to say that you've been trying to return it to purity by repealing the first 10 amendments.

(yes, I'm really just kidding
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