Ford V10motor locked up

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I did get my offer from UAG in writing. They will fix the RV for $2000 and the motor will have a 3 year 36,000 mile warranty...and I already know what that is worth! Just for fun...I called Ford...AGAIN...and asked them if they could pick up the 2K. I asked them if they could gaurantee that what happened to the '03 motors didn't happen to mine...since it was the same thing. they denied any knowledge of a recall. I promptly went to, printed off the recall and faxed that along with all of my documentation...myy oil analysis and stuff. He is reviewing my case...but I AM NOT HOLDING MY BREATH!!!!!!!!!!

Originally posted by JAYCEE:
Her truck was under warranty.

She does not owe $2000 and she should not pay $2000.

If she has no justification for a chargeback, then she has no justification for a lawsuit.

Lawsuits cost money.

Chargebacks are free.

Everything costs something, even justice. During the years of my civilian practice (before I got recalled), I explained to many clients that an early compromise settlement would cost them something, smaller settlement, paying some for a repair, etc. It's up to each individual to make a choice for themselves about whether the price is right or not. If Ms. Covington can accept the cost here ($2,000 plus the hassle she's experienced), and feels that it is better for her than the fight-it-out alternative, then who are any of us to second guess her.

Now, for an optimistic look forward. Cathy, I sincerely hope things work out for you with the new engine. Stay here and perhaps use Terry Dyson's terrific service, together with reasonable UOAs, to formulate a plan which will not only avoid another such mess, but in fact, will ensure that you enjoy many years of good service from your V-10. I was gonna say "good and economical service" but my fingers cramped at the idea of putting "economical" in the same sentence with "V-10" without the word "not" nearby.
let this be a lesson to all of you who do extended drains and think the manufactuer of youre automobile will pick up the tab if youre engine blows.
if you think youre expensive synthetic oil companys will pick up the tab youre in for a shock.
It is sad that there has to be such a hassle to get something fix in the auto industry.
I own an 86 F250 4x4. The last new Ford I bought was a 95 Mustang GT. I had a couple of things I wasn't real happy about, I called Ford and I have talked to walls that where more concerned. These were minor things and my dealer was a friend of mine and he took care of these few things and had to work the paper work to get paid.
That will most likely be the last new Ford we will ever buy. If we all would remember these cases as I have, Ford would be force to change. We have bought four new trucks since that Mustang and none were new Fords. The other day I was driving by the Ford dealer and there sat an 05 Mustang GT, I love that car, but Ford had a chance to satisfy me 10 years ago and just shined me on,so as much as I want that car there is no way I will buy it. If Wal-mart treated it's customers like Ford they would be out of business by now. I must say, I have not met the same attitude with General Motors.

Originally posted by oilcan:
...... I must say, I have not met the same attitude with General Motors.

Unlike GM, Ford has not had market loss to the other American manufacturers. GM has been slowly bleeding customers for whatever reasons and is now trying to get it back with fresher models and better customer service. Ford on the other hand has a attitude and could care less when it comes to service.

Originally posted by Hootbro:


Originally posted by oilcan:
...... I must say, I have not met the same attitude with General Motors.

Unlike GM, Ford has not had market loss to the other American manufacturers. GM has been slowly bleeding customers for whatever reasons and is now trying to get it back with fresher models and better customer service. Ford on the other hand has a attitude and could care less when it comes to service.

This is the reason why Chrysler is recording major gains. They are still not the best in service but I think it was me being a 17 year old (at the time) asking them to do recalls and not taking me seriously.
THE RV IS FIXED!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I am just trying to scrape up the $2000 I have to pay! FORD NEVER HELPED ME! this wa all Roger Penske and the United auto Group. I have to say, that I don't know where ford is coming from. Now they are trying to sell Crown Victorias to the Arkansas Police that are the same car that anyone can buy. (articles at and at So they've ripped off a schhol teacher, the police...who's next????? Are firetrucks made by Ford?????

this has really been a Murphy's Law year for us! Here's hoping that 2005 is better for us all!

Originally posted by Cathy Covington:
Now they are trying to sell Crown Victorias to the Arkansas Police that are the same car that anyone can buy. (articles at and at So they've ripped off a schhol teacher, the police...who's next????? Are firetrucks made by Ford?????

Police cars aren't really that special. Most of the "features" appear as delete items, basic interiors, and wiring provisions. The engines they use, the brakes and suspensions are either the SAME as the base civilian model, or is at least available as a package to the civilian model. What Arkansas needs is some Caprices to replace those CVPIs!

Oh yeah, and I've been following this thread - congrats on being able to use your RV again. I was hoping Ford would step up.
Glad you got it fixed and weren't stuck with the whole bill. The dealer seems to be decent or thought this was cheaper than a lawsuit considering their handling and losing the crankcase oil and not allowing you to have it tested independently. Ford unfortunately doesn't care about it's customer's. They are more interested in producing "green" vehicles and maximizing profits on paper for the current quarter. As they say .."penny wise and dollar foolish...". This time don't give Ford an "out". Have the oil changed "by the book" faithfully and documented. If you haven't had the tranny fluid changed and you're around 30,000 miles on the odometer I would have it changed totally. Especially since this is a motorhome. Look at it as "cheap" insurance. New tranny's go for around $2,500+++. A tranny fluid exchange, not a chemical flush, goes for around $110 at the Ford dealer I use in NJ, an expensive state
. Good luck and happy motoring

Let me repeat again...FORD DID NOT STEP UP! they did not do a thing to help. Roger Penske and the United Auto Group covered the 7K!

What oil do you suggest? I have received numerous e-mails about what to use.

do I get a prize for the longest thread????? Maybe 2K???????
I know most of you on this site are men so I would like to offer you a few tips on Christmas...this is more in my area. I know from working retail for 14 years that today and tomorrow are the days that the men all walk in...all big eyed and panicked!

1. do not bu appliances unless they have been asked for. it makes us think that is all we are good for. If we ask...we REALLY want it. then it is OK to buy.

2. do pick up things like body lotion, shower gel, etc. things that will pamper your important person. You can't go wrong with a basket of Warm Vanilla Sugar products from Bath and Body Works.

3. Warm Fuzzy slippers...not Scooby Doo or Homer Simpson...something nice.

4. Coupons to cook and CLEAN UP supper once a week. IF YOU GIVE IT...DO IT!

5. DO NOT but cubic zirconia! If you can't afford the diamond see options 2,3 and 4!

6. A basket full of favorite things...gum or mints, candles,ink pens...things we use everyday.
Hope these suggestions help!

Have a Merry Christmas!
Excellent advise, Cathy. I can back you up on #1. I made that mistake once, buying her a bunch of baking supplies. She wasn't mad, since she actually did ask for most of what I bought, but it kinda' bummed her out, since that's the kind of stuff I inadvertently focused on (instead of the other items on her list).

I'm glad you got your motorhome back on the road. I hope the rest of the vehicle's life is as problem-free as possible. I imagine you're having serious thoughts of selling it, though.

Oh, and guys, check your woman's beauty product stash before buying that kind of stuff. My wife has a TON she never uses (she's a wash-and-go type of woman, God bless her!), so I don't buy it any more. Most of what she gets from other people gets re-gifted.

5. DO NOT but cubic zirconia! If you can't afford the diamond see options 2,3 and 4!

ok that's just sad that women think diamonds are so great. being so materialistic is sad. if they only knew that it's just a rock that's made more expensive b/c DeBeers (the diamond conglomerate) hoards them in their safes and puts on expensive ad campaigns to drive up interest.

it's a great business tactic, but it shows who has been doing their homework and who hasn't.
Trust me here...women don't care about the history of the diamond...they just want the rock...AND NOT THE FAKE ONE! It is not is showing that you care enough to give the real thing. I you want a fake pie or cake next time she decides to cook for you????????

You can do what you want,but being a woman, I was just trying to help people that helped me so much from a feild that I am much more familiar with! HA!
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