Ford V10motor locked up

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Take a look here:

It is a bit out of date, but the text of the message goes like this (quoted):

The 6.8L V10 engines in question were installed in vehicles made from 03 March 2003 through 22 April 2003. Ford will replace the engines free until 31 May 2004.

The defective engines have an improper finish on the crankshafts front and rear thrust wall surfaces. This will cause the engine to experience a drive belt misalignment and a belt squeal, low end engine noise due to excessive crank endplay and seized or spun crankshaft bearings.

Originally posted by Hootbro:
Ford is not exclusive in how they are dealing with this but i am sure for every 1 person who has a legit warranty claim, 10 false ones are probably brought in for owners neglect but the owners play stupid hoping to roll the dice because they still have a note on the vehicle.

Sadly for the Covingtons, I agree completely. Had their RV had a Dodge or GM chassis or powertrain, I believe both of those manufacturers would have essentially duplicated Ford's position. In any event, Ford doesn't get brownie points where it really counts for any corporation (the bottom line) by settling quickly. Their lawyers are on retainer or salary regardless. The company continues to make money. This case, and its presumed, but unproved, internet notoriety, isn't a corporation buster, either. (It never fails to amaze me of the self-important arrogance of members on obscure niche forums as their musings apply to the general population. Need proof? Despite the conventional wisdom on BITOG about its products' quality, Fram is still the sales leader in aftermarket motor oil filters. I'm not saying that 5,000+ BITOG people are wrong - merely pointing out that they carry far less weight than they may believe in how effective they are at influencing people's perceptions.) Meanwhile the Covingtons' RV note continues to acrue interest. (while their RV very likely sits unprotected out in the weather at the mercy of an enterprise whose typically stated obligations are that they don't have any regarding theft, vandalism, or "Acts of God") Remember the movie, The Perfect Storm, in which a series of meteorlogical events at sea came together in a confluence of total disaster? Unfortunately, the Covington's situation reads more and more like The Perfect Screw-Up. Make no mistake, BITOGers - we helped.
I read about that and previously asked the wquestion..that if it happended then...why not to my motor? Ours was built in November of '01. I find it hard to believe that they improved the motor for '03 and it turned out to be so differnt from the '01 that this couldn't have happened to mine. this is the EXACT dignosis that I have on my RV. Maybe this is why I can't get anything in writing from anyone!
Wow.... this is getting to be childish.. Ford needs to step up and do the correct thing. I would call your local news station and give that dealer and that "customer" rep some bad publicity! That will make them scream.
I agree with Jeep its time to get aggressive, AGGRESSIVE!!!!! You are getting stomped on by these liars! Kick it up a notch and start putting some pressure on them or you will lose!
OK...On a suggetion from one of my online friends, I wrote a letter to roger Penske who is the owner of the Untied auto Group, who is the owner of Landers Ford. I immediately got a call from the VP of the United auto Group. he started by saying that he would tow my RV anywhere that soemone would fix it. I told him since my warranty was voided, nobody would touch it. After about an hour of hageling back and forth he finally said "How about Ford pays part, Landers pays part and you pay part" Let me see....How about you go 50/50 with Ford???? He said that he would get back with me. Last night, he said that Ford absolutely refused to help in anyway. he is will for Landers to absorb the 9K cost of the engine if I pay $2000. thoughts? I have 3 oil analysis that prove that the oil DID NOT cause the problem!
I'm sure I'll take some heat from Amkeer for this (big deal...), but if you can get that beast back on the road again for $2,000.00 out of pocket, GO FOR IT. You'll pay that much and more in legal expenses with no assurance you'll prevail in court. Ford is playing hardball and stonewalling because it's obviously pretty sure of its position*. Ford will pound HARD in court over those 7,000 accumulated miles on your last oil fill. The jury will not be composed of BITOG members extolling the virtues of extended oil change intervals. It'll consist of Joe and Jane Sixpacks who've been taught, and still largely adhere to, the mantra of 3,000 mile oil changes as promoted on Jiffy Lube bilboards and their like. You and your three oil analyses are looking at an uphill battle. At best, your chances with a jury are a crapshoot. For two-grand, it's time to seriously consider cutting your losses and moving on - in your RV. IMHO.

*This is the same company supplying death traps to police agencies throughout the country and has yet to supply a meaningful fix for the ruptured gas tank issue - even with national media attention by all five news networks, AP, and UPI. You seriously believe they give a rat's behind about your paltry little problem or the notoriety it's generated on a limited-interest niche website?

[ November 19, 2004, 12:54 PM: Message edited by: Ray H ]
Take the deal and get this thing behind you. You've already spent $2000 worth of grief. The therapy bill alone for lesser individuals would double that figure.

Just don't take anything said in THIS deal for granted ..make sure everything is cast in stone before the bill comes due and it evolves from $2000 ..into $3000. You don't want to have to fight again in this matter.

Originally posted by XS650:
...focus on what you want to accomplish and do the best you can at that...

Very well spoken!
A jury award in a civil case isn't always an all-or-nothing decision. Where partial liability is determined against both parties and, depending on instructions to the jury, an award could be delivered in which both parties would split the cost of the motor and labor. At that point, the current offer of $2,000.00 starts looking pretty good when compared to $5,500.00. For $2,000.00, the RV can be back on the road well before Christmas. With delaying motions, Ford could drag this case out for a year, two, maybe more before anyone even sets foot in a courtroom.

Take the deal. Even if you went to trial and were found to be 30% at fault you're still better off with their deal because of the attorney fee savings along not to mention the time, hassle and aggravation.

You can always badmouth Ford afterwards and given the well known V-10 problems you should spread the word and often but they are truly offering you a very amicable resolution.

If they had offered me something even remotely similar I would've have jumped on it in a heartbeat.
I would take the deal too. You'll get the $2000 back in saved time, headaches and fees. As someone else said, you can at least still talk about Ford as you wish.

Maybe you could start a website detailing your experience with Ford. The gift that keeps on giving.
So what is wrong with Ford? Is this another sad example of Grandpa creating a compnay for the gradkids to run in the ground? I know in my heart that they know there is a problem with these motors. how many V10 comercials have you seen lately?
Take the offer. For $2,000 you are getting off cheap. To pursue this legally would cost you more in legal fees and you still could end up with nothing. Ford is being a real bas**rd
. Part of their program to save money and pi$$ off their customers
. But you did admit that the oil change interval was longer than the "required" OCI to keep the warranty in effect. EVEN though the oil didn't appear to be the cause of the engine failure. They got you on, a "good" for them "bad" for you, technicality.

Just make sure they put in a Ford reman motor and not one out of a junk yard. The Ford reman's have a 2 or 3 year warranty. Maybe you can get them to do free oil changes at least during the warranty. That way you'll be safe since they changed the oil.

Look at he bright side. You can spend easily spend $2,000 today on even "minor" repairs. It looks like you did real well considering the circumstances.

All the best,

Originally posted by Cathy Covington:
So what is wrong with Ford? Is this another sad example of Grandpa creating a compnay for the gradkids to run in the ground? I know in my heart that they know there is a problem with these motors. how many V10 comercials have you seen lately?

"Grandpa" created a company that would make him wealthy and his stockholders happy. It worked. Ford now builds cars and trucks by the same name in North America. It builds Fords, Jaguars, and Land Rovers in the U.K. It builds Volvos in Sweden. You may or may not have gotten a lemon, but the "modular" series of V-engines, which includes the V-10, has been a success story for the company. As to, "So what is wrong with Ford?", the answer is nothing that isn't equally wrong with GM and DaimlerChrysler.

You were the victim of some rotten luck. You're not being picked on. Penske's at least trying to do the right thing.

Originally posted by Cathy Covington:
So what is wrong with Ford?

Cathy, focus on what you want to accomplish and do the best you can at that. You only distract yourself by getting worked up by what type of organization Ford is.

It sounds like you have an offer to get you going for $2000. Take it and run, just be sure it's a good quality rebuilt or new engine.

You got a better deal than anyone had to give you.
I would take the dealerships offer and have it fixed at no more than $2,000.00. I would then turn around and sue Ford in small claims court to recoup the $2000 outlay. Small claims filing will cost you less than $400 and you stand a good chance of winning the case. Do not mention your intentions with the dealer.
Let me chime in and agree to their offer. One thing I would add is ask for a letter agreeing and stating the terms of their offer to fix your vehicle for $2000 out of your pocket. Anyone can say anything over the phone, get it in writing. Second I can say one thing about Ford, ever since they took over Volvo, Volvo's customer service has been slipping. That isn't from me they have been great but the service writers and Techs at my dealership have been saying it for years.
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