Empty front license plate holder

Mar 21, 2004
Near the beach in Delaware
I have lived in two plate states for my entire life. Now in DE my truck is registered and DE only provides a single license plate. What do I put on the front? Amazon has flag license plates of many flavors along with many other license plates for a wide variety of what one might want.

This one is kind of nice for a big dog owner.

I have no plates on anything except my truck. On the truck i have this.


I put a Route 66 plate from a gift shop in the front plate holder. It looks like an Arizona license plate. So we were entering Lee's Ferry launch ramp, which is part of the Glen Canyon National Recreation area. As one park official checked my Golden Eagle pass the other one recorded my license plate number, off the front plate. I didn't bother to straighten her out.
I’d remove the bracket and plug the holes. I don’t run a front plate on the Corvette or my wife’s Suburban and nobody seems to care. I think it looks much better without a plate.
Celebrate the fact that you live in a more progressive state that doesn't require a front plate.....take the bracket off and enjoy the nice, clean, uncluttered lines.
Not progressive but dumb lawmakers. Their actions made it more difficult for law enforcement to I.D. a moving vehicle and to ID the idiots who drive by a stopped school bus. It cost the tax payers so that school districts made to make changes to the camera on the school busses.Makes no sense to me, removing the front plate.
Not progressive but dumb lawmakers. Their actions made it more difficult for law enforcement to I.D. a moving vehicle and to ID the idiots who drive by a stopped school bus. It cost the tax payers so that school districts made to make changes to the camera on the school busses.Makes no sense to me, removing the front plate.
Why penalize the rest of the law abiding public that doesn't drive past stopped school buses just because you want to make it easier to catch them? A front dash cam would probably catch them too as they drive past.
Why penalize the rest of the law abiding public that doesn't drive past stopped school buses just because you want to make it easier to catch them? A front dash cam would probably catch them too as they drive past.
There is never one way to satisfy everyone. I would want it easier to catch someone especially if someone runs over a kid. Yes a dash cam can be used but that costs $$$ to outfit every bus. You, me and everyone else pays for it.
And manufacturers charge up to $40 for a front plate holder, what the hey! I have pristine never used front plate holder for a 2016 Kia Soul if anyone wants it. Installation calls for sheet metal screws into the grill. I used fender washers and captive hardware to fasten the front NJ plate to the grille and avoid holes in the grille. Car is registered in SC now..
Nicely done. I put a set of painted plugs
I actually bought black, Christmas tree plugs and painted them with the touch-up paint I bought for the car. I know there's a company or two out that sell pre-painted ones but they're kinda expensive for what they are.