Death Rates Rising for Middle-Aged White Americans

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Originally Posted By: GiveMeAVowel
We are being overrun with alien invaders....

Reptilians or greys?

Good post, you are correct in that nobody will look out for your best interest than yourself. Its important to avoid bad influences in life.
Originally Posted By: jmsjags
I think Bernie Sanders hit the nail on the head when he spoke about a lack of opportunity and the gloomy outlook on the future that many White Americans have...

LCD amongst whites with a gloomy outlook?
Who in his right mind suffers from "lack of opportunity" in our great country?

"effort equals results" - Roger Penske

Since I had nothing to do with my race/ethnicity/DNA I just try to be a good person and make the most of my time here.
When my time is up, I'll just check out of this party...with no regrets. Best wishes to you and yours.
Originally Posted By: splinter
Originally Posted By: jmsjags
I think Bernie Sanders hit the nail on the head when he spoke about a lack of opportunity and the gloomy outlook on the future that many White Americans have...

LCD amongst whites with a gloomy outlook?
Who in his right mind suffers from "lack of opportunity" in our great country?

Well, what is the American Dream, to go to college and get a stimulating job as an engineer? Do that, get college debt, then have "something change" and either send the work to India for the majority of hours of "fleshing out" or bring some H1-B visas in.

Or pursue medicine and have some paradigm shift make it pay poorly or be more stressful than any one person should bear.

To be a midlevel professional making upper middle class wages is to have a bulls eye on your head. We can't all work for the DoD, for example. (First example of something we shouldn't offshore.) Shoot, when I was a kid, working for NASA was good incentive to stick around with the STEM classes. But then we gutted NASA for money. The issue there, IMO, is it's a pretty big jump in tech from a moon landing to a Mars one. Hard to keep Congress' attention, and money.
Originally Posted By: eljefino
Well, what is the American Dream...?

Valid points all, good sir. I concur.

Grateful our son is studying STEM engineering at UCLA. He's smart like his mother.
Ironic that "hit the nail on the head" is what I do for a living. Difficult to outsource those skills so 'we' imported 'cheap' labor...and its omnipresent poverty.
Not coincidentally I use my STEM knowledge and experience every day.

My dreams most certainly don't include BHO or GWB or anyone who promises to improve my lot in life.
Or keep me healthy.
That's up to me. And hard work. And sacrifice. And luck.

Here's my dream that I'm trying to make reality:
“To laugh often and love much; to win the respect of intelligent persons and the affection of children;
to earn the approbation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty.

“To find the best in others; to give one’s self; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child,
a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to have played and laughed with enthusiasm and sung with exaltation;
to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived—this is to have succeeded.”
-Ralph Emerson
Originally Posted By: BMWTurboDzl
Easy access to opiates via employer paid health care. People become addicted and that's the end.

I don't understand this statement. We all have "access" to a lot of things that we can abuse, via whatever channels.

So are you saying it's the employer paid healthcare plans are the problem?

Also, opiates are strictly controlled, only a Dr. (in your scenario) can allow access. How is that easy? Are the Dr's to blame?

Taking opiates does not guarantee addiction by the user. Is the patient to blame?
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Middle aged white people are supposed to pay the bills generated by the government.

They're supposed to do this while sucking on burning cigarettes, drinking excessive amounts of alcohol, eating and drinking food laced with fake sugar, being employed at a job, maybe two jobs with no time for outside physical activity, taking prescription drugs for every conceivable symptom and keeping their mouths shut while watching the country they helped to build slide down the toilet as they are being called every foul name they've ever heard.
Originally Posted By: OneEyeJack
Middle aged white people are supposed to pay the bills generated by the government.

They're supposed to do this while sucking on burning cigarettes, drinking excessive amounts of alcohol, eating and drinking food laced with fake sugar, being employed at a job, maybe two jobs with no time for outside physical activity, taking prescription drugs for every conceivable symptom and keeping their mouths shut while watching the country they helped to build slide down the toilet as they are being called every foul name they've ever heard.

By George, I think you've got it!
Originally Posted By: BTW
Originally Posted By: BMWTurboDzl
Easy access to opiates via employer paid health care. People become addicted and that's the end.

I don't understand this statement. We all have "access" to a lot of things that we can abuse, via whatever channels.

So are you saying it's the employer paid healthcare plans are the problem?

Also, opiates are strictly controlled, only a Dr. (in your scenario) can allow access. How is that easy? Are the Dr's to blame?

Taking opiates does not guarantee addiction by the user. Is the patient to blame?

Ever hear of pain clinics? MD were prescribing opiates like candy and patients became addicted. Having health care coverage exposed more middle class whites to getting prescribed these opiates.
Now as addicts they went to pain clinics for 'prescriptions'. Oxytocin for example has created a huge heroin epidemic because the government cracked down pain scrips made Oxy very expensive.
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Originally Posted By: OneEyeJack
Middle aged white people are supposed to pay the bills generated by the government.

They're supposed to do this while sucking on burning cigarettes, drinking excessive amounts of alcohol, eating and drinking food laced with fake sugar, being employed at a job, maybe two jobs with no time for outside physical activity, taking prescription drugs for every conceivable symptom and keeping their mouths shut while watching the country they helped to build slide down the toilet as they are being called every foul name they've ever heard.

Not a more concise explanation of the modern American, middle-age white male could possibly be described than the above.

Well done!
Originally Posted By: andrewg
Originally Posted By: OneEyeJack
Middle aged white people are supposed to pay the bills generated by the government.

They're supposed to do this while sucking on burning cigarettes, drinking excessive amounts of alcohol, eating and drinking food laced with fake sugar, being employed at a job, maybe two jobs with no time for outside physical activity, taking prescription drugs for every conceivable symptom and keeping their mouths shut while watching the country they helped to build slide down the toilet as they are being called every foul name they've ever heard.

Not a more concise explanation of the modern American, middle-age white male could possibly be described than the above.

Well done!

May use that if I ever run for a higher office.
Oh. Wait. It would be used against me.
Originally Posted By: Mr Nice
60 Minutes did a segment called 'Heroin in the Heartland' this past Sunday.

Drugs will cause the downfall of even middle class American cities.

I think it's more the way we deal with drug and alcohol issues than the actual substances. Developed Europe drinks a lot more than we do but West Europeans have roughly half or third the rates of alcoholism, heart disease, diabetes, etc.
In the U.S., compulsion is a culture. You can never have enough, do enough, make enough, spend enough, or be good enough.
Originally Posted By: DBMaster
In the U.S., compulsion is a culture. You can never have enough, do enough, make enough, spend enough, or be good enough.

With all due respect to Mr. DBMaster and others participating in the thread, that’s entirely incorrect for me and my family.

Regarding my situation as it relates to middle-aged white men’s health and this thread’s ostensive topic, I have do have enough
(i.e., three shirts; one to wear, one to clean and one spare), do enough (e.g., my days and nights are full of rewarding and fulfilling activities and friends),
do make enough (i.e., never have to ‘work’ again and yet am still able to take care of my family), do spend enough
(e.g., give thousands of dollars each and every year to those less fortunate after paying my compulsory “fair share”) and legitimately try to be “good enough.”
Perhaps it’s not too presumptuous to share that some people do, in fact, like and respect me.

So grateful I’m healthy enough to enjoy a brief visit to BITOG today, too.

“In the United States today, we have more than our share of the nattering nabobs of negativism.
They have formed their own 4-H Club — the ‘hopeless, hysterical hypochondriacs of history.'”
–Spiro Agnew, September 11, 1970
Originally Posted By: BMWTurboDzl
Originally Posted By: BTW
Originally Posted By: BMWTurboDzl
Easy access to opiates via employer paid health care. People become addicted and that's the end.

I don't understand this statement. We all have "access" to a lot of things that we can abuse, via whatever channels.

So are you saying it's the employer paid healthcare plans are the problem?

Also, opiates are strictly controlled, only a Dr. (in your scenario) can allow access. How is that easy? Are the Dr's to blame?

Taking opiates does not guarantee addiction by the user. Is the patient to blame?

Ever hear of pain clinics? MD were prescribing opiates like candy and patients became addicted. Having health care coverage exposed more middle class whites to getting prescribed these opiates.
Now as addicts they went to pain clinics for 'prescriptions'. Oxytocin for example has created a huge heroin epidemic because the government cracked down pain scrips made Oxy very expensive.

I still don't see your connection with the problem to employer health care programs being the culprit. So throw the Dr.s that are abusing the system in jail...
"I still don't see your connection with the problem to employer health care programs being the culprit. So throw the Dr.s that are abusing the system in jail..."

All you need is the right pill. So what's the problem?
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