A couple of points:
The Auto-RX will increase consumption while you're using it: that's what happened to me. You need to have a couple bottles on hand, and just keep topping up with a 50/50 mix of Auto-RX and oil, in order to keep a good ratio of Auto-RX working in the engine. The consumption will level back after the FULL application. I hasten to point out that it isn't unusual for these engines to double their oil consumption when switching oil brands/weights: you really need to give them a couple of changes with the new oil before you get a good picture of where the consumption stands.
As someone pointed out, the piston soak is worth your time. Use Berryman's B-12 for this: Marvel Mystery Oil won't do much of anything for it, although some would disagree. Your mileage may vary, as they say. For even better results, plan on doing a few soaks over a month or so.
Run something like Neutra in the gas tank. Start with a couple of full-bottle applications for a couple of fill-ups, then go down to a few ounces per fill-up. This will keep things significantly clean, and also contribute to cutting down on oil consumption. Your spark plugs will thank you.
Consider moving to a heavier oil. I've had the best luck with Delvac 5w-40 so far, although I'm now trying out Redline. (My consumption is up with the Redline, but it's the first fill.)
You can take off the valve cover if you want, but I am 99.9% sure this will be a complete waste of time and a source of great aggravation. You won't be able to "take a look at the seals" without pulling them out, and a standard valve spring compressor will barely work with the Saturn springs -- I had to use an oversized washer and lots of praying in order to use my standard-issue AutoZone compressor. I replaced my valve seals at 100,000 miles to help cure the oil burning, and the old seals were indistinguishable from the new ones, and it didn't do a **** thing to help the consumption. And did I mention that the Saturn valve cover gasket is simply liquid RTV? You can get a preformed bead from the dealer, but it will still need supplemental liquid RTV, and you will spend all of four hours cleaning the block and the valve cover of the old gasket material. And if there is the SLIGHTEST trace of either oil or ANY old gasket material, you will have leaks. In my opinion, it is well worth it to try everything else mentioned first, as the valve seals are most likely not the culprit.
After all is said and done, I was able to move my consumption from approximately two quarts every 3000 miles, to one quart -- and it has stayed at this level for many thousands of miles.
[ December 01, 2003, 01:05 PM: Message edited by: kev99sl ]