Any difference between Bosch and supertech?

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Originally posted by Steelers:
Use the ST filter and spend the extra money on better oil!

Yep. (I get the feeling that even a psychiatrist who completed his residency in the bottom third of his class could clean up just dealing with BITOGers' obsessive-compulsive disorders - so much money to be made, and I'm so late in life to go back to school...)

Originally posted by pbm:
My experience (at AZ) is that the OLDER Bosch's have nitrile adbv's and the more recent ones have red silicone adbv's. The older ones have the regular spring type (better) bypass and the newer ones have the (inferior) clicker type. So the question is--Would you prefer a better bypass valve or a better (silicone) adbv?

Not necessarily. On the Bosch Premium 3422, the older ones (made in '04) had clicker type bypass while the newer ones (made in '05+) have spring type bypass.

I've noticed the red adbv in the more recent Bosch Premium filters have more of a chalky look (similar to the black adbv in older Bosch Premium filters) rather than the smooth/shiny adbv's in filters I know for sure are silicone. I've read on BITOG that nitrile adbv's can be made in different colors, most often in red to mimic the look of silicone adbv's. And not to rely just on color to determine adbv material. So I wonder if the red adbv's in the Bosch Premium are actually silicone.
The red silicone valves are indeed silicone. This applies to all filters made in the good old USA. Can't say for some import filter.

The chalky appearance is because of a dry lubricant used in the manufacturing process. The shiny ones have internal lube. Both of them are ok.

You're right silicone can be made any color but orange is basically "the" color. I don't think anyone uses black. Why would they? Everyone would think it is nitrile!
Oops, one more thing.

It's tough to make nitrile any other color than black. Carbon black is used to yield many of the desireable characteristics and it's almost impossible to color.
Pantera 74L - learn to qualify that with "cheaply"
Yes, XS, I've seen them too when I worked briefly in the making of hmmm tin suspended in sulphuric acid.

..but...but they would have been only 5 cent gloves if they were au-natural~
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