I started my interest in PCMO with Amsoil Signature 3-4 years ago. Signature is excellent oil and given the right application I 100% believe in it's up to 25k mile claims. However, past couple of years regular off the shelf oils have advanced greatly to the point where Signature doesn't really hold as much of an edge over them. Example the large popularity and supply of many Euro spec oils. Mobil EP/ ESP, Pennzoil PP/UP/ Euro's, and Valvoline EP/ R&P just to name a few. What turned me away from Amsoil in general is the fact that most new vehicles now are either DI or Turbo DI. Which basically limits you greatly as far as OCI. From the typical 15-20k expected OCI with Signature with average driving conditions down to 3-7k with DI or Turbo DI. Even if your application doesn't have DI you can still do long OCI with any of the brands mentioned and others. Pretty much in the ideal engine/ driving environment most of the top shelf wally world oils can live up to the 15k-20k claims. All comes down to your vehicle, geographical environment, and annual mileage. As much of a fan of Amoil I used to be I cant justify spending $44-50 a gallon when I can get excellent oil that's either equal to or very similar in performance for $25-30/ 5 quart jug at wally world. Amsoil great but their lower tier offerings is not much of an offering. Signature is where they really shine. Now if you want to try Amsoil by all means do it. I'm not bashing against them. However over time you will probably arrive to the conclusion most of the somewhat former users of Amsoil reached. Just my 02 Cents.