Amanda Todd - 15 year old commits suicide

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Originally Posted By: Shannow
Originally Posted By: Drew99GT
Here is how you deal with a bully, especially if you must defend yourself from physical assault.

The liberal [censored] of society is why bullying is rampant. Kids should be taught that when someone messes with you, you have to defend yourself, because it only gets worse as you grow older.

In spite of this kid being videoed by his friends punching another in the face, and taunting him, the "do-gooders" were all over the "lack of restraint of the big 16 year old versus the skinny 12 year old", and that the skinny kid could have been killed...

I would not have hit the kid..In fact, I have walked away from such confrontations. No need to feed the trolls.
So I just saw the whole video.

My impressions:

#1. Sad to read all the slides.

#2. The boy who led her on, and his GF seem to be more culpable of the crime of her death than the person who threatened, and posted her boobs online. This is just by how she expressed herself, and the sequence of events.

#3. Her mind seems like that of a moth. Knowing that fire will kill her, yet she is attracted into it. She seems to be attracted to people who can harm her. Not saying that such a mindset is her fault. Just pointing it out.

#4. Nowhere is this slideshow blames anybody for her death. I am not sure if this can even be used to press charges on anybody for her death based upon this.
Sorry but I don't believe that you don't believe in bullying at all. You yourself said that you would go after a woman. You yourself admitted that when you got older you went after others that you felt bullied you. But you were worse and snuck around like a snake. I almost believe that you found that being a silent bully was kind of satisfying. But of course you'd never want to admit that you was for buyying. If you did you'd have to go back and reflect on the bullying you did in secret.
Originally Posted By: Autobahn88
I guess the hacking group annonymous found the man responsible for posting her picture online.

Amanda's tormentor found.

An adult, not a kid, adults should know better shouldn't they? The article says the 32-year-old man has also made postings to child pornography sites. I hope if it is in fact the person mentioned in the article that they put the perv away for life. Let him be an example of what can happen when adults conduct themselves like morons, and children die as a result. Rant off.
Originally Posted By: chiks
Originally Posted By: Shannow
Originally Posted By: Drew99GT
Here is how you deal with a bully, especially if you must defend yourself from physical assault.

The liberal [censored] of society is why bullying is rampant. Kids should be taught that when someone messes with you, you have to defend yourself, because it only gets worse as you grow older.

In spite of this kid being videoed by his friends punching another in the face, and taunting him, the "do-gooders" were all over the "lack of restraint of the big 16 year old versus the skinny 12 year old", and that the skinny kid could have been killed...

I would not have hit the kid..In fact, I have walked away from such confrontations. No need to feed the trolls.

There are situations you can't walk away from. IMO the little twit would have chased the bigger kid, hitting him more. I bet next time Jr. thinks twice before picking on someone twice his size.
Originally Posted By: demarpaint
Originally Posted By: Autobahn88
I guess the hacking group annonymous found the man responsible for posting her picture online.

Amanda's tormentor found.

An adult, not a kid, adults should know better shouldn't they? The article says the 32-year-old man has also made postings to child pornography sites. I hope if it is in fact the person mentioned in the article that they put the perv away for life. Let him be an example of what can happen when adults conduct themselves like morons, and children die as a result. Rant off.

Pretty disgusting isn't it? (assuming it is true and this is the guy behind her exploitation). He's received threats of physical violence from outraged citizens. Is this surprising? What kind of bottom feeding monster does this to a child?
Originally Posted By: Autobahn88
I guess the hacking group annonymous found the man responsible for posting her picture online.

Amanda's tormentor found.

A group of Hackers (computer terrorists)?

There is someone you can trust.
Originally Posted By: chiks

Bullies go after people who are in their sight, and harass them for no apparent reason other than to show off how powerful they are in front of the school/friends. Not chase them all over the world.

Bullies go after people that they envy, and they only attack if they think they can get away with it (bullies are cowards). Bullies usually attack people they see, but do to the internet, the people they "see" are those online. There is also something called cyber bullying. It can be done from anywhere.
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Originally Posted By: 65cuda
Sorry but I don't believe that you don't believe in bullying at all. You yourself said that you would go after a woman. You yourself admitted that when you got older you went after others that you felt bullied you. But you were worse and snuck around like a snake. I almost believe that you found that being a silent bully was kind of satisfying. But of course you'd never want to admit that you was for buyying. If you did you'd have to go back and reflect on the bullying you did in secret.

He is a bully. I can tell by what he writes. He is very manipulative in his writing. He could even be a sociopath. They make up 6% of the population, and BITOG must have a few.
Originally Posted By: chiks

#3. Her mind seems like that of a moth. Knowing that fire will kill her, yet she is attracted into it. She seems to be attracted to people who can harm her. Not saying that such a mindset is her fault. Just pointing it out.

It is called trauma bonding. I think all mammals do it: Monkey and dogs do it. It is something like Stockholm syndrome. Trauma bonding is a broader definition. Stockholm syndrome falls within the trauma bonding definition.
Originally Posted By: Loobed
Originally Posted By: Autobahn88
I guess the hacking group annonymous found the man responsible for posting her picture online.

Amanda's tormentor found.

A group of Hackers (computer terrorists)?

There is someone you can trust.

I trust Anonymous. Do you believe they provided incorrect information?
Originally Posted By: uc50ic4more
Originally Posted By: Loobed
Originally Posted By: Autobahn88
I guess the hacking group annonymous found the man responsible for posting her picture online.

Amanda's tormentor found.

A group of Hackers (computer terrorists)?

There is someone you can trust.

I trust Anonymous. Do you believe they provided incorrect information?

They have no reason to lie, and it is not that hard to find a person, especially if he is not really hiding.
to Anon
Originally Posted By: demarpaint
I made more than one trip up to the school for my son defending himself, with witnesses present. I explained to the Principal that my son was taught to defend himself if attacked, and if he was attacked again he would defend himself again, suspension or not. He was suspended for a few days twice for defending himself, and he had my blessings both times. Both times the bully got the short end of the stick. Sorry for drifting OT, that video brought back memories.

I agree with this. I find it far more important that my child seeks my blessing on their actions than any other entity, save for God. To me, that is a positive sign that your parenting has succeeded.
My wife is a psychologist and she's currently working on a project about bullying. We've been discussing the nature, different reasons it happens, etc. But, I like to play devil's advocate in these situations and come to the idea that how the people being bullied respond to the situation can be constructive in nature.

We all are going to face people, situations, and trials that are going to test our character and resolve. To try to enter into a societal utopia where bullying doesn't exist is truly not the answer, because we can only resolve what we control. Instead, it is better to focus on the response to the adversity.

That response may be based upon reason, logic, emotion, belief, or a host of other influences.

Not everyone, obviously judging by this case, can resolve themselves to overcome those outside pressures. Those people need a support system in place to assist. I think this is one of the basic reasons I like to stand up for those that feel they cannot.
Originally Posted By: 65cuda
Sorry but I don't believe that you don't believe in bullying at all. You yourself said that you would go after a woman. You yourself admitted that when you got older you went after others that you felt bullied you. But you were worse and snuck around like a snake. I almost believe that you found that being a silent bully was kind of satisfying. But of course you'd never want to admit that you was for buyying. If you did you'd have to go back and reflect on the bullying you did in secret.

If that is called bullying, i am all for it. how about that?
Originally Posted By: chiks
My common sense tells me this was not bullying. She was targeted for revenge.
Bullies go after people who are in their sight, and harass them for no apparent reason other than to show off how powerful they are in front of the school/friends. Not chase them all over the world.

It may be revenge rather than bully, but the line was finer than you think.

I was bullied in middle school, because of some stupidity of me leaving bad impression on others. However, when kids gang up on a person that may be a bully (in the name of justice because human nature loves to punish a "bad guy"), they would make up all sorts of excuses to justify their actions.

And they do hunt him / her down all over the world.

I was that target, until this target becomes someone else later. I'm ashamed to say that as a way out I end up going from being bullied to a bully and I would make up all sorts of justification, but in reality it is really just me trying to vent out my anger by blaming someone else. Even good kids, when hiding in a mob, can do some seriously bad stuff.

The target who replaced me was a mentally challenged kid with bad attitude and artificial grade boost by teachers. We took that as a "corruption" and justice by punishing him for pulling up the grading curve. He was tormented beyond imagination with crank calls, cockroaches in school supplies, jokes, etc. Not because he did anything seriously bad to others (unless you consider borrowing white out and finishing it before return, or accidentally step on someone's book, or yelling at your friend seriously bad), but because he was a common target and people can hide behind the mob.
Originally Posted By: demarpaint
Originally Posted By: chiks
Originally Posted By: Shannow
Originally Posted By: Drew99GT
Here is how you deal with a bully, especially if you must defend yourself from physical assault.

The liberal [censored] of society is why bullying is rampant. Kids should be taught that when someone messes with you, you have to defend yourself, because it only gets worse as you grow older.

In spite of this kid being videoed by his friends punching another in the face, and taunting him, the "do-gooders" were all over the "lack of restraint of the big 16 year old versus the skinny 12 year old", and that the skinny kid could have been killed...

I would not have hit the kid..In fact, I have walked away from such confrontations. No need to feed the trolls.

There are situations you can't walk away from. IMO the little twit would have chased the bigger kid, hitting him more. I bet next time Jr. thinks twice before picking on someone twice his size.

You can ALWAYS walk away from any situation. You have to call it. If you get enraged or peer pressured, you might not.
Originally Posted By: Loobed
Originally Posted By: 65cuda
Sorry but I don't believe that you don't believe in bullying at all. You yourself said that you would go after a woman. You yourself admitted that when you got older you went after others that you felt bullied you. But you were worse and snuck around like a snake. I almost believe that you found that being a silent bully was kind of satisfying. But of course you'd never want to admit that you was for buyying. If you did you'd have to go back and reflect on the bullying you did in secret.

He is a bully. I can tell by what he writes. He is very manipulative in his writing. He could even be a sociopath. They make up 6% of the population, and BITOG must have a few.

in that case, even most US presidents fall in that same category. Good for me!
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